Is there a way to derank certain magazines on user side? Something between full blocking and full allowing a magazine? to /kbin – 0 points –

Some instances and groups are very chatty (*gestures to /lemmyshitposts), so much so that they dominate the All page.

I knew that there would be a point that browsing /all would no longer be a pleasant or feasible experience, but I quite liked having a pulse on what everyone in the #threadiverse (that federates to, anyway) are thinking. But right now it seems @memes is dominating everything.

I don't want to fully block them from showing up in my feed, but i don't want to let them full send either. Would it be feasible to add a feature in future releases to be able to adjust the algorhythm on the user-side that would allow for mutes, or deranking it in your feed, instead of outright blocking it?


It would be nice to be able to have a "Favorite communities" feed where we can go to see a set of communities we're subscribed to but like better than other subscriptions. Favorites leads to threads we've upvoted (on Kbin), though, so we'd need another name.

But that way you can be subscribed to the busy community, but still see the less busy communities on a feed.

It's not just memes but also unrelated content to the magazine. There are spammers out there, hunting for quantity.

The short answer is probably: you can't. You say you don't want to block the mag, but how would you make the difference between useful posts and spam from the same mag? You can't, it's just too much content to sort out.

The only reason why we did not defederate was a lack of content. Once is filled with enough users federation won't be necessary anymore and it will be seen as a way to introduce cheap content to prime newborn instances.

Can you tell the difference between, beesomething and lemmyworld or the cohort of attempts at lemmysomehing? No. There isn't much difference. The idea was that instances would specialize into a theme but it did not happen. People want the mass. They want to be where the buzz happens.

Yes, in theory you can use any instance as a point of entry but in reality people want to join the biggest party. So the only difference between instances is mostly moderation. And somehow the initial link that people saw in their original community to find their new instance. Like many of us did with /r/redditmigration

This is all about sane default settings. If your instance allows everything and let you chose what you don't want to see then you are trapped into a whack-a-mole game against a million moles. You will lose your mind blocking stuff constantly.


  • we defederate spammy instances, like you mentioned
  • we block a mag, and other mags from the same instance will popup anyway.

People won't have the patience to block the meme spammers. In short: the blacklist system we are using no cannot handle the increasing load of meh content, we have to use the whitelist method.

In the end it will come to a federation made of instances with the same moderation policy. It will work because this policy will enforce the best content possible and will attract the people looking for quality content. So the people complaining about "defederation being a fascist practice" will stay on the old global federation, nothing will be forced upon them, while other people looking for quality will silently leave for instances with better federation standards. The most motivated people will bootstrap the concept, probably people passionate with hardware or another hobby. won't be on their federation list. Too bad for them but it's their fault for creating an account on a spammy instance.

This state where everyone federates with everyone (except criminals) comes to an end. We will have many different federations, not a single one.

I'm not so sure that people want to join the biggest party. I follow a lot of similarly named/themed magazines/communities because I don't want to miss interesting or informative content. The content i like might not get that much engagement (upvotes or boosts). I guess this is similar to what I followed on Reddit.

Right now has the categories Subscribed and All (this is what I see on mobile). Maybe we need a Favorites category as well for the mags/comms we like the most.

I like to check out memes but there has been a flood of them. So I don't subscribe to those mags/comms because I know I will find them easily on the All queue regardless.

ETA: I love that there is no algorithm showing me more of what I've already engaged with or more of what it thinks I want. I like being exposed to new stuff that I didn't know I wanted to read about.

I was just getting ready to post something like this as well. We need a way to put a 'slow-mode' on certain communities. I don't want to block them entirely because I enjoy them too, but at this point /all is literally all shitposts and memes. Even scrolling way down (infinite scroll) it's all memes all the way down.

I want to be able to discover other communities and engage and grow them, but we just can't see any of them with all the memes.

I've been sorting by new and active for this, but agree with your sentiment

In Mastodon (I guess I use the official app, if there is one) there is a way, in my settings, to slow down the deluge of posts in the Federated Tineline feed. Maybe this would work for kbin?