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Chinese reselling is the most profitable business model. Etsy is a public company and must choose the most profitable business model. The idea that a publicly traded company will have it's primary business model being selling handcrafted goods is asinine.

Not attacking anyone that didn't see this coming, I'm just commenting on how stupid it is that every company feels the need to go public in our culture of greed regardless of their mission and place in the market.

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Companies don't spin-off new competition. That would get everyone of the executives and the board fired. They kill competition. That's why it's mergers and acquisitions. Not spin-offs that meet the needs of consumers.

If they had released later it would have been worse. Sega's downfall was the Saturn which was just garbage compared to the N64 and PS1. Dreamcast was their last ditch effort to release a truly next-gen system before the big boys rocked up with all their cash.

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Nah, they failed because of the Saturn which is one of the worst console flops in history. Dreamcast was just a last ditch effort to regain relevancy and beat the other guys to the punch. Too late once the PS1 was successful.

Also, Genesis was more appealing to adults. That's why it competed with the SNES so well. American adults at the time (prime aged boomers) were much more won over by Genesis's more mature marketing and appeal to American values versus Nintendo which was decidedly marketed to children.

It will be felt most by those least responsible.

We had a strong candidate in 2016 and the DNC literally committed fraud to deny him a nomination.

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That's a lot of money we're spending because of Netanyahu's crazed bloodlust.

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It should be noted that this shift has happened in the last 30 years or so. Before that civil servants were the norm and contractors the exception. Civil service used to be a very good job that had some of the best benefits you could find, including some of the last remaining pension programs. You could live a very decent middle class life being a civil servant. Contractors are no cheaper for the government but it does move the liability from them to a 3rd party private employer. And now all the money goes to the business men who get the contracts and pay their employees a pittance with nearly no benefits.

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We're very isolated and feel powerless. You can do all that but there's no guarantee you will see any change. In fact, you're more likely to become even more jaded when you find out your local council is dominated by business and religious interests.

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Yes but our current society vests power in the corporation doing the killing. It's a problem as old as civilization, but one we still haven't solved. The problem is that these institutions and the technology they wield has never been greater.

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Hamas did not bomb an embassy on foreign soil. Hamas has not been committing war crimes for the last 6 months.

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I was straight like you once. Then I took a dick to the ass.

Everyday Palestinians? What genius propagandist came up with that one? Israel doesn't seem to make the distinction.

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Why are you keeping track of the age of your Chipotle account?

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Don't forget our rapey Supreme Court Justices that serve for life and take bribes with no consequence!

Trump is a total crackpot...

"secretly eavesdropping" Good story.

I don't see how this isn't a fraud on the same level as Enron. There is no way that MPT was an arm's length third party when literally everyone of Steward's hospitals was entering into leaseback agreements with them. The system is fucking broken and it's goddamn shameful. They are doing this with vital services which will cause communities untold suffering and has already resulted in loss of human life if you read up on their mismanagement of the hospitals.

Sad thing is the economy outside of the inflation is really strong. Most Americans just don't see any benefit from a strong economy anymore.

This is more straight up fascism.

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Yeah I don't think this is a "free" country anymore.

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Not gaming related.

If you have friends to talk to about city planning, you probably won't kill yourself. We live in the age of loneliness. People are isolated and feel doomed and hopeless.

He's been alright. I'm a strident leftist. The cynical part of me says his second term will be significantly less alright once he's not working for re-election. But he won't be worse than Trump.

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She was by definition mentally ill. Nothing about this makes sense and she committed suicide and murdered her husband... You don't have to be a professional to understand this.

Diagnosis and identifying mental illness are 2 different things. Mental illness is a very low threshold and this person was clearly delusional and it lead to their death. That's a mental illness... de facto. And you can't fake suicide... she's dead.

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We already had leaded smog for decades when it was a gasoline additive. It correlates with a lot of the heightened violence in the 80s and could possibly explain boomerism.

When every company is a democracy you might have a point, but until then you're talking about eliminating the one oversight management has.

The insurance policy would cover a fire but not disease?

They are being financed by China and India. Their long time prospects are pretty terrible because they will rack up massive debts to those countries. But I suspect they will be able to continue the war longer than Ukraine can stay politically favored in the West. If Trump is elected, it's over for Ukraine.

Well she's dead. So yes, literally.

omg he admit it

Trump will never have the political capital to do anything with Alaska. It's just not on the table, even for him, regardless of the lemmings he has following him. He will have political capital to withdraw from Ukraine and cede that to Russia however and that's all Putin could ask for.

Putin is just trying to create a distraction as always.

The thing is, when you allow the single opposing party in our system to run against a literal Nazi party, no one wins. Except the wealthy of course.

*before they can own shares

There won't be another total eclipse in the contiguous US until 2044. Still no reason to kill someone.

None of those things are the responsibility of the President.

Guns don't kill people. Autonomous robot dogs do.

I dunno. Maybe the hood got some infrastructure. Probably not but they came closer than any time since the 70s.

My credit card offers 0% interest on terms 3-12 months with any purchase over $75. You also often get offers like this at checkout for most online purchases these days. I would hope that's where most of this is coming from.

They're a "good deal."

The catch is budgeting for this. It's very easy to have these little purchases snowball on you if you do it for literally everything like is being pushed by creditors. If you don't take the full amount of the purchases out of your budget, and then spend that extra cash, then all of a sudden next month when you've got a $200 payment due on groceries and your Amazon purchase, you're short. Then you can't pay your credit card in full, and have to roll over the balance and start paying interest. That's the game they're playing here.

Do this over several months and the payments can really add up quickly. If you don't have an actual budget process, you can get yourself in a bind really quickly.