Live updates: Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun to – 255 points –
Live updates: Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun

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Hamas did not bomb an embassy on foreign soil. Hamas has not been committing war crimes for the last 6 months.


Israel did bomb an embassy on foreign soil. Israel has been committing war crimes for the last 6 months.

I agree.

I'm confused with the statement that Hamas has not been committing war crimes though: clarification about the last 6 months seems to be added for manipulative reasons.

Blindly shooting rockets at the civilian population in Israel for years, raping and murdering civilians on october 7th and using their own civilian population as human shields are few that come to mind.

IDF drops bombs on the homes of any man, killing entire families at once. "Human shields" do not exist, there is no point. The IDF has shown they will happily shoot through the civilians anyways.

I'm sorry, was there an error in something I just said?

Well most of it is unsubstantiated lies propagated by Israel, so yes. It is probable that Hamas has fired rockets into civilian areas, but I don’t think there’s any evidence on the rest of it.

Dont confuse antisemites with facts. Jews are not human and thus hamas cannot commit war crimes on them.

Hamas has been launching missiles at apartments in Israel, for years.

Okay, well Israel glassed half the strip and killed 33,000 people. They went past self defense or even basic revenge about 32,000 people ago. Any other half-assed attempt to justify a genocide?

Biden has been on Netanyahu's ass since the beginning but Israel keeps digging the hole deeper. Israel will discover, too late, that they doomed themselves - Biden tried and tried to tell them. Netanyahu, Putin and Trump are all cut from the same cloth. They are all losers waiting for the curtain to close on them.

Biden kisses Bibi's ass you mean. Biden could have stopped this at any time by withholding weapons and money.


According to the 1948 international genocide convention, genocide constitutes “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.”

There were around 250,000 people in Gaza in 1948. There are now more than 2 million.

Holy shit, wow, it's the exact same thing Nazis say about the Holocaust, just with different parties involved.

Wow really? I must be a nazi then and you can just dismiss everything I said. Good catch!


BTW you're free to amend your argument so that you don't sound like a Nazi sounds when denying the Holocaust. Maybe try some facts or logic instead of pretending population growth since 1948 has anything to do with whether or not actions are genocidal in 2024. Up to you.

There were 16 million Jews in Europe before the Holocaust. History tends to focus on how many were lost.

I'm not waiting until after Israel succeeds at this before I call it what it is.

And Iran is sending dozens of drones and missiles because 16 Iranians were killed.

Nobody is interested in limiting themselves to self defense.

On an embassy. And Iran's targeting non civilian infrastructure. Which Israel hadn't had the decency to do. Man, wherever you live has an education system that failed you completely.

So? Human lives in embassies are not more precious than whoever Iran is trying to kill right now.

Have whoever is reading the words on your computer to you google why that's not acceptable.

An embassy is no more unacceptable a target than any other civilian building. And civilian buildings have been targeted for years by both sides.

You didn't do what I asked. I'd like to have a word with whoever is reading my comments aloud to you.

I did. But whenever I google what you write, the results are just blog posts by anti-semites.

What is the literate person helping you searching up? "Articles about why it's a bad thing to bomb embassies written by antisemites"?

"Why it's a bad thing when Jews kill people, and why you shouldn't pay attention when Jews are killed".

Yet again the antisemitic trope that Israel represents Judaism.

Stop being antisemitic.

I hope they will be able to get every israeli army bastard and while leadership. I know they unfortunately won't, due to all high-tech defense systems given to Israel by the US. israel is just a nazi state.

Do you think the IDF wasn't murdering Palestinians before Oct 2023?

Whataboutism doesn't change the fact that Hamas has been targeting Israeli civilian population with rockets for years. Two things can be true at the same time.

The IDF was. Now do Hamas. The answer is that they were, too.

Did hamas limit the food, water, and electric going into Israel too? Was Hamas making settlements inside Israel? Was Hamas controlling the border and movement of Israelis? Was Hamas controlling the outcome of Israels elections?

Hamas bad, but Israel made Hamas.

Did hamas limit the food, water, and electric going into Israel too?

They would if they could. Instead they took the aid meant for their population and used it to build tunnels and rockets effectively resulting in the same thing except they're doing it to their own population.

Not before they were created as a response to Israeli occupation in '87... Israel forced Palestinians into gaza and the west Bank in the late 40s. So around 50 years of trying to deal with occupation without Hamas. That's a long time to be subjugated and not have some sort of extremist group gain power. So if we do the math... yeah israel and the colonial powers that helped create it have been the bad guy far more often than Hamas. By raw body count alone Israel comes out looking like a monster.

Moron. Hamas commit war crimes as a matter of course. How can you be so intellectually dishonest in your arguments?!

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