Live updates: Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun to – 255 points –
Live updates: Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun

There is no way that murdering top Iranian officials in an Iranian embassy on Syrian soil was ever going to be anything but a gauntlet thrown down. If it was almost any other country than Israel the world would be outraged. Countries like the USA and Germany didn't pull support because of things like destroying hospitals and killing innocents, so bombing the embassy of a country as reviled as Iran inside Syria wasn't going to stop them.

Netanyahu knows his days in power are done very shortly after Israel leaves a condition of all-out war. Biden has told him that, his polls tell him that, and protestors tell him that. I think he's poking the local bears to escalate and stay in power by extending the conflict. Both Biden and Trump have promised support so Netanyahu is acting with the backing of the world's largest military no matter who wins. Pulling the USA and other Western countries into another war in the Middle East is his best bet of pushing that day of reckoning way down the road.

This was a completely blatant provocation in order to move the theater to Iran and keep the war footing going. If Iran were smart, they'd make a quick foray to quiet home pressure then just pull back and let Bibi wind down and face his corruption trial if he gets forced out of leveling Gaza because of international condemnation.

Israel, you can do better than this prick. Get your shit together or you're going to get left to your own devices and the rest of the world will just come in and pick up the pieces afterwards.

He must not have studied South American history too well...

I must admit my own ignorance about South American parallels, but I'm legitimately interested. I wouldn't ask you to do my research for me, but do you have a good starting point to recommend?


  • Iran has launched more than 100 drones toward Israel.
  • The Biden administration expects Iran will also launch dozens of cruise missiles and dozens of ballistic missiles.
  • It will be hours before the drones arrive.

The Biden administration expects Iran will also launch dozens of cruise missiles and dozens of ballistic missiles targeting Israeli government sites, not civilians or religious sites, a US official said.

TFW Iran is doing war stuff more humanely than Israel has been for the last seven months.

That's a pretty low bar to clear at this point.

What if Israeli government sites were located inside the homes of Israeli civilians? What if Israeli military sites were located underneath Israeli hospitals? Would that grant Israel immunity against Iran? Because your line of reasoning would be that the only way to prevent war is to put civilians in harms way, as Hamas has done repeatedly.

What if some people were giving food aid to Israel and they told Iran they were going to give aid…then their aid vans were bombed by Iran anyway?

Since we're 'what if'ing, what if we bombed the shit out of every Israeli embassy in every country?

Holy shit, the thread about this on .ml is absolutely disgusting. Masks are completely off.

And I see all the hexbear .world alts are out in force in this thread as well.

I never understood why people constantly bring up other instances in threads. Why even mention it? If there’s no external attention on it, then it can be quarantined there

Thanks for the commentary so we know nobody is normal

This entire war is a lesson that politicians who promote "security" over peace will end up with a less secure country than what they inherited.

Fuck Israel.

Donate to legal funds for those who get captured by police on April 15th or get your ass to a demonstration. This needs to stop.

My city isn't on there, so I will be looking for other ways to contribute.

Effective tactics but I'm not sure they have the strength to pull it off. Its extremely high risk so unless you have a critical mass of protestors only the most ardent supporters will show up and probably be outnumbered by cops.

But I'm arm chair generaling here. I want to believe. Hope they have a bailfund set up.

What can I do to help as an American?

Pressure your politicians to stop supporting Israel.

Israel attacked Iran, and now they are getting attacked back. There’s nothing to do to help.

If you think Israel attacked Iran unprovoked you really have no idea what is going on in the middle east right now.

Pressure your representative to divert all support funds from israel to poor Palestinians.


Pressure them, with money.

I thought this kind of situation was why the 2nd amendment exists.

1 more...

I worry we’re weeks or months away from nuclear war at this point :( Sad day for humanity that these wars keep getting bigger instead.

Who do you suppose would be the ones to launch them?

Israel is the only country in these conflicts with a viable nuclear arsenal, so probably them.

I am worried the U.S. is headed that way, but I hope not!

I hope they'll get what they deserve for everything they did in the last months. Genocidal state.

I hope their government does, however I do not support the inevitable impact this will have on their civilians.

Why? Fuck 'em I say. More ethnic Jews live in America, the rest of them could have just come here instead of insisting on that stupid chunk of contested desert. The settler types over there are the WORST.

It's not retaliatory unless Israel has (recently) attacked Iran, which they haven't. It should be considered revenge, not retaliation.

Presumably Israel will respond in force. I'd hate to be living in Tehran right now.

unless Israel has (recently) attacked Iran

Um, did you not see the part where they blew up a fucking Iranian consulate in Syria is which Iranian sovereign soil?!

If you don’t consider that an attack, what would your thought be if someone attacked a US or Russian consulate in another country.

Considering what the US did after Iran stormed their embassy in Tehran, this is all very ironic, but in the sad way

Didn't Israel attacked Iran's embassy in siria like 2 weeks ago?

It should be considered revenge, not retaliation.

Those are synonyms.

Isn't attacking an embassy effectively the same thing as attacking directly on that country's soil?

Tehran will be fine, but all of the power plants and other critical resources? if Israel can stuxnet the uranium enrichment system how difficult is it to take out basic infrastructure?