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Thanks, Israel for dragging world into a war just because your genocide.

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It's almost like Israel is committing genocide, I'm shocked.

Because she is a representative of a certain non European country committing crimes against humanity and genocide while she sings?

That doesn't say much, though, as people might suddenly die looking healthy from aneurysms, strokes and what not. An independent medical examination would be the only way to prove the cause of death. Which we know we'll never get.

2MW of energy 🤦‍♂️

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It's like those 35,000+ so far don't count. Let's start with dozens.

No one is being turned into a borg drone.


The market regulates itself vs the importance of (EU) regulations.

This is all because they failed to award Elmo with those billions. Quick, there is still time to save the company. /s

X is already worth less than half of buying price. And this is income loss, not net worth. Which will eventually lead to the later or if not to bankruptcy.

Every product should have a clear EOL path, most preferably a recyclable one. Indeed it should be on manufacturers shoulders to enable it and on legislation to require it.

Doing it right can actually prevent organ donations. Like having speed shown without the need to take eyes away from road.

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Well, nobody stood up for Assange or Snowden, rather the opposite, I'm not surprised of this outcome.
Edit: typo

TBH this is always the case when you interact with any social network or any website in general. Data can be always collected. GDPR helps somehow.

Hamas bombed Iranian embassy?

Germany enters the chat.

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TBH from article it seems that woman on photo (Forsén) decided that's enough of sharing her photo.

While F-16 might be abundant (probably not for Ukraine though), pilots are not and they don't grow on trees. It takes a lot of time to teach them.

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Nobody will be fine. Israel obviously wants to drag the world into a war and US is happily helping them and once nukes start flying it's the end for all of us.

Why would anybody still use X?

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Poor robots. Let's make wars virtual instead and no robots get harmed.

I really do hope that this crap is handled better in EU. At least theoretically it should be.

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Do apps requiring locked phones (Netflix, baking etc.) work?

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Wait, didn't UNRWA already got rid of those 12 or something? Without evidence no less?

I don't think Qualcomm can outperform Apple at CPU game out of the blue. They were always trailing behind and Apple has now three generations of M CPUs behind. It'd be nice, though.

Edit: fixed stupid typo - can't outperform -> can outperform

I'm not so sure since he's backed and enabled by US.

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AnTisEmiTiSM as well 🤷‍♂️

That's it for me. I'm not buying Nvidia products ever again.

Read the article, they talk about photos of journalists using it.

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Self hosted tiny tiny RSS for me with Android and iOS clients.

Opt in would be the only proper option

True, OTOH molds are expensive to set up and not flexible at all. Having a printer farm has it's advantages.

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Not to mention that MS completely changed their development tools and libraries more than once if I remember properly.

And they beat AMD in efficiency! I'm (not) surprised that people ignore this important aspect which matters in noise, heat and power usage.

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Trump was/is pro Israel as shit. Just remember Jerusalem embassy. It would be the same if not worse.

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Wait, wat? They collect sexual activity? 🤪

Yes, but those are bad guys as clearly seen on Foxnews.

There is placebo effect as well, so it might somehow help. But not the way they think and it shouldn't be a substitute for proper medicine.

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True, but that's not reliable source of energy though, specially during short and cloudy winter days when it's most needed. Look what happened in Germany and how they became on if the biggest European polluters. The key ingredient missing is energy storage. Once that's solved, solar panels would become much more useful.

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Either way its wrong.