Should I buy a Pixel or a Samsung? to – 133 points –

If I buy the best that either company has to offer (Pixel 8 pro or S23 Ultra)

Which one, in your opinion, would be the best Android experience and why? Would love to know your thoughts.


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Do apps requiring locked phones (Netflix, baking etc.) work?

Netflix you just can't get from Google Play, but people report having no problem installing from Aurora (basically a Google Play store frontend).

I'm not sure how it works on Graphene as I personally just rooted my phone but didn't take the plunge to Graphene, but there is a list of compatible banking apps here:

I just installed Netflix directly from Google play, maybe it has changed 🤷‍♂️

It has changed yupyup. Used to be that you couldn't do this, because play store and services wouldn't run on the OS. Now you can.

Check out Louis Rossmann's video on it. According to him banking apps and Google services work just fine.

Most do work, only apps that have stupid arbitrary Google SafetyNet requirements might have problems. It's entirely the fault of Google though.

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