2 Post – 647 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

did they just break "the land of the free"?

ohhh, i thought it's one of those English "grand uncle once removed" things that i barely understand, lol

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--exclude works reliable for me. can you give us an example of an --exclude and the file name that tar outputs when adding it?

it was a topic at school for me.

it's kinda the fire-and-forget of OSes. you just press the update/upgrade button when the unattended-upgrade didn't catch all and it just works for free and forever.

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brought to you by the department of redundancy department

Windows, macOS and a ton of other Linux distros do that as well.

First of all, windows and macOS are not for free. They cost extra money, sometimes hidden in the PC cost when pre-installed. When they do a major update, like Win10 to 11, you are at their mercy, if your license can be used to upgrade. Often it can, but sometimes your PC is not "Windows 11 ready" or so and then you get updates for your old system for a few more years until they drop you like a hot potato and throw you to the malware wolves.

Additionally, in Windows the automatic updates are just for the OS itself and some apps from its store. A few apps like Chrome and FF install their own extra update service on top. A lot of other programs check for updates individually or some not at all and often you have to download and run their installer for every update. Idk how it is in macOS tho. Haven't used it in years.

Yes, a ton of other Linux distros also have background unattended-upgrade or similar. However, the people who choose Ubuntu over those are usually looking for a quick solution that almost always just installs without problems. They usyally don't have time or patience for any complications, however small. So they choose the fire-and-forget Linux and additionally have greater chances to find a fix or help in the super rare case it doesn't work, because the bigger user base increases the likelyhood someone else is familiar or has infos regarding that exotic issue.

he died for our sins

I agree, but agile and scrum are not meant to be followed to the letter no matter what. So people are doing it right if they notice some part of the process should be changed to make it work for them.

Don't worry, US Americans. You're among friends.

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maybe koreader has an error and that causes the autologin session to end and you go to login.

another problem could be another login thingy started first and greetd can't use the tty. check inittab

we don't. well i don't. it's individual, but you loaded the question, so it's hard to answer it correctly

there's a base n joke somewhere in there

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i have a loooong list of things i'd expect in exchange. (freedom for uighurs, no harrassing neighbour regions/countries, stop cyberattacks, no supporting russia, etc. etc.)

You can always boot from a live medium, chroot into it and fix stuff, e.g. a live USB or CD/DVD. They can be created from Windows.

The point is everyone should be treated equally. It should not matter for this, if someone is a beggar, fraud or a former president (or in this case all of it). And this is not just a US thing. It's an ethics thing. It should be like that eveywhere.

well hitler was also briefly in jail and got out early before his second, successful coup attempt. so pls stay on your toes USA. be vigilant

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reminds me of the time someone said "Who is this 4chan?" on tv and it became a meme. good times

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it's still ignoring your manually set browser language preferences and is instead using your IP to guess your location and use the primary language of that country, because google is shite

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Bibi will switch off the defenses again, to create more outrage and extremism and stay in power.

"Nobody wants to work anymore"

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Gay Putin - the caricature he doesn't like

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that is the exact opposite of systemd: sysvinit

you can recognize it by the iconic makefile line in the output, which indicates the setting CONCURRENCY=makefile has been chosen.

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Their stupid ass logo looks too much like the old X11 logo. At least Xorg has a cirlcle thing. 😤

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the search in amazon is so bad that you sometimes need high to low: some searches get you so much cheap unrelated trash, you have to sort high to low, and page down so you find the actual cheapest match quicker.

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No, Ark Linux (not Arch) had Tetris in their installer, so we could play while we waited. It has been discontinued unfortunately.

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spiderman careful he's a hero meme

They put touchscreens on doorstops now? /s

I remember, many years ago before the first time he ran, I read he and his buddy lawyer giuliany were neck deep in shit and Stormy also had a solid case. I was like "that's it. now he goes to jail." but lo and behold, here we are and he's free and running again.

Maybe it's true what people say: Flying is like falling and missing the ground. (I think it's based on something Douglas Adams wrote.)

actually, it depends on who you ask. some will say it's the kids fault for being so shootable. some will blame it on trans kids or gay people or immigrants. some will blame the libs, some on capitalism, the devil, nonbelivers and others even the president. someone may end up being charged with a war crime, but it's gonna be entirely random.

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I remember when people hated on the newer ones having black main cast. I pointed out that it always had all colors, even green (prominent example: Yoda), blue and red. It's impossible to please all the haters. They'll always find something.

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Even though that's a good extra precaution, per person config data, such as keys, should be stored outside of the repo, eg. in the parent directory or better in the users home dir. There is zero reason to have it in the repo. Even if you use a VM/containers, you can add the config in an extra mount/share.

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would be cool if they locked him up there as well 😄

it's like stealing a kids candy and saving the world at the same time

yes, but it's important to know all details about each case, including nationality

"The design is very human"

In Win98 we were able to put the taskbar anywhere natively and even could split those quick launch toolbars out of it and put it on another side by itself. I can't believe MS is constantly removing features. I'm a Linux user for decades now, but I still also use Windows at work and it's always bothered me MS re-invents the wheel so often and every time the wheel looks a bit more like a rectangle.

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Their stock is still going strong tho. Defense contracts are a hell of a crutch.

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nah, the reason is: when you travel back in time, our galaxy, solar system and planet are in different absolute universal positions. so you end up alone in deep space and by the time the planet reaches your position the time you traveled back has passed, making it absolutely useless and life threatening.

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