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Joined 11 months ago

Leftists are famous for infighting and disunity.

Sounds like US automaker higher prices are the actual threat.

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I don't think people realize how far the NRA has gone to block ANY legislation that will reduce gun sales. We have bad gun laws not because of the lack of effort from government, but specifically how much effort the NRA has put in to stop it.

They went bankrupt funding progun policy.

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That's a list of a bunch of trucks compared to a midsized SUV, so you're kind of proving yourself wrong. Cars are split into weight classes, so a comparison that doesn't acknowledge that isn't very useful. A EV Sedan is on average much heavier than an ICE sedan.

No one's saying ICE vehicles are better for the environment than EVs

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Sounds like they've entered the, "find out," stage.

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as a completely cis dude,


Lol ok there bud /s

Mental health is a scapegoat for reasonable reactions to the absolutely horrible times we are living through.

"Raises new questions," no the fuck they did not. It raised the same question it raises every time; why are these clowns allowed to do this bullshit with 0 accountability?

Amazing to watch this man undo decades of pr firms and countless dollars spent by rich people to make themselves look good. Carnegie must be rolling in his grave. What a spectacle.

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It would be nice if we had more to celebrate than what amounts to sick burns.

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Sounds like he never lost his way and genocide was always the goal.

Isn't it he who has the power to end the strike?

SCOTUS overturned roe vs Wade, which normally doesn't happen in the American legal system (contradicting previos precedent and jurisprudence sort of opens a Pandora's box of "well does this system even work if you can do that").

Donald Trump was just convicted on all 34 counts in his NY court case and his followers are calling for the judges execution.

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I would argue it not the loss of Church's by themselves, but their loss without a good replacement. You can't go anywhere in America and gather without paying. There's no place to just...exist. Even Churches usually required dues.

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Privatization is the biggest scam of the 20th and 21st centuries. It has ruined every service it's touched and made them all more expensive. The exact opposite of what Neoliberal clowns keep telling us.

The "golden age of capitalism" was due to this. Wealthy people paid their fair share. That and some exploitation of the global south.

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I know you're not referring to hunting rifles, but it is very common to give those as gifts to teenagers when they are old enough to get a hunting license. In some places that's 12 years old.

My parents also made me take a course on gun safety tho....

And they wouldn't let me use it unless it was with them....

So this lady definitely still deserves her sentence. Also, no kid needs and AR or a pistol.

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It's an abnormaly written allegory for loneliness. Theres a lot going on in the book, but the terror starts when a journalist discovers that his new house is a fraction of an inch bigger on the inside than the outside. After that door leading to a pitch black room just shows up in their house.

It's a great book. Gave me nightmares.

You guys remember this country fought a war against itself, right?

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Why is the Jewish part highlighted? You can be Jewish and from Palestine, but right after that is written "Galilee (Formerly Palestine, now Northern Israel)" Which completely invalidates what this post is trying to say. Why act like someone alive thousands of years ago has some kind of stake in this war? I'm sure that if Jesus existed, he would probably disapprove of genocide, terrorism, and war all together.

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Good. Rage until you hurt yourself you undeveloped children.

Just say you don't watch sci fi movies. Sheesh so desperate to fit in. Why does everyone want to be a nerd now? Didn't boomers invent beating up nerds???

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No one's trying to ban guns you fucking twat.

Under the current laws on the books, federal funds can't even be used to be study gun violence. These are the laws people are talking about changing when we call for gun policy reform. When this country talks about gun reform and idiots like you who understand exactly nothing about the laws currently on the books have a conniption, these are the kinds of laws that end up not getting changed.

Guns make every environment they are a part of less safe. You only need a gun to defend yourself if you're a huge pussy, or you want the opportunity to accidently shoot your own family members. You don't need a gun in the city or the country to defend yourself.

Yeah it's easy to get mad at boomers. It's also easy to forget that medicare and social security are under attack. The divisionthat matters isn't between generations, it's between the rich and the poor.

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News: Horrible people make immoral decisions

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AI translated? Are we just calling everything AI now?

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This is out of touch. There is a huge number of factors that dictate what amount of money is enough to live a fulfilled live. A bachelor can live a fulfilled life on 30k a year and still save money, but a family of 5 can definitely be living paycheck to paycheck on 150k, especially if they live in an expensive area.

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Do cops even drive crown vics anymore? I don't even see crown vic taxis now.

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Do you think female birth control is 100% safe and comfortable for women? Hydrocele are nothing compared to some of the adverse side affects of female birth control. Hydrocele only form in the thing sheath surrounding the testical, are do to physical irritation (not injected fluid), and usually go away on their own. Also, I'd imagine people smart enough to develop male birth control considered that exceptionally common alement.


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If hunting was about honoring a fair fight, we wouldn't have lasted long as a species.

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Nebula will also sell lifetime subscriptions for $300 occasionally. When you compare it to netflix's standard price of $15.49/month, it pays for itself in less than 2 years.

People whipped up into a frenzy by bad faith media and demogaugs.

The easy answer is it's both; the hard answer is it's complicated and here's a 2 hour long podcast scratching the surface.

I mean most things can, it just isn't profitable...

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I grew up on the internet of the 90's and 00's. Lemmy is a far cry from that, but it's more like the original internet than reddit or facebook. So here I am. I miss the small, interest driven internet holes you and they're here more than on any other platform.

Yes. That's literally the platform. They say whatever they have to to cover their asses because all they really care about it being able to do whatever they want while forcing everyone else to do live by their rules.

They don't care when you point this out because that is their goal. They're shameless about it.

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SpaceX is his only successful project, and that's because it has a defense contract.

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