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How about the exact opposite? Cut funding to Israel to fund the IRS.

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How is it even possible that the choice between the coup attempting, fascist imbecile with nearly 100 felony charges against him, and the moderate, business-as-usual incumbent can even be in doubt?

Edit: forgot to mention his malignant narcissism

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What about anti-Israel protests, are those still allowed?

Going to prison for leaking the tax records that Trump said he absolutely would release if he ran for president?

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Somehow there are people who don't feel like Trump is insulting their intelligence with the whoppers he tells.

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$10M to get to second place in a winner take all contest? This is the kind of brain we need running the country. /s

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Sounds like he made his own conservatism, with hookers and blow?

What about the 2 million Palestinian hostages that Israel has already started killing?

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Muslims refusing to vote for Biden is like taking themselves hostage. You know if Trump gets elected he will try to deport them, inspire more hate crimes against them, and would be way worse for Palestinians.

Biden isn't the problem. The problem is that both parties support Israel.

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I used to hear people complain that Stein sat at a table with Putin and I assumed it was at a charity event or state dinner but it turns out she was a special guest for the 10th anniversary of the Russian state funded TV propaganda network RT in Moscow.

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The Trump Administration has launched a denaturalization operation—a project to strip a large
number of Americans of their citizenship. Denaturalization is a drastic measure that should only
be taken in the most extreme circumstances. But the administration is dramatically expanding
denaturalization, using questionable standards and proceedings. As with many other
components of its agenda, the Trump administration is discarding longstanding legal norms and
protections by adding U.S citizens to its list of targeted individuals, and thereby sending the
message that no one is safe in the United States of America.
These efforts to strip citizenship from Americans are systemic and chilling. They have made
U.S. citizens fearful that mistakes made years ago on their past applications could be used to
target them, take away their citizenship, and destroy their lives. The Trump administration’s
denaturalization efforts have made lawful permanent residents scared to pursue citizenship and
fully engage civically. What was once a celebratory moment recognizing an immigrant’s
integration into American life now comes with an undercurrent of fear and suspicion. The Trump
administration yet again uses draconian and constitutionally questionable tactics in pursuit of its
nationalist vision of who belongs in the United States.\_Trump\_Administrations\_Plan\_to\_Strip\_Citizenship\_from\_Thousands\_of\_Americans.pdf

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"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"

Why do they keep embarrassing themselves by failing vote, after vote, after vote? Don't they have a majority whip or someone who can go around and count the votes? Do they not understand how disorganized and stupid it makes them look?

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“Which generals?” Kelly asked.
“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded.
“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.

He mean he wanted generals like Nazis.

Honestly I don’t understand why anybody would vote GOP.

Fear, hatred and anger, mostly based on the lies they constantly consume.

Trump, and Republicans in general, love destroying anything Obama did or cares about.

Remember though that Trump often says things just because they make his crowds cheer. Also, although he had almost 5 years he never even managed to release an outline of a plan, though I do think they are preparing much more for a second term.

Republicans are afraid that LGBTQ characters will humanize LGBTQ people and children might learn to empathize with them, which would reduce bigotry against them.

He's not worried about them. He's worried that his idiot kids won't be able to lie convincingly and it will ruin his defense.

Isn't train infrastructure the railroad's responsibility?

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"the party of fiscal responsibility"

Because media sides with whoever owns them.

It's more of a suggestion.

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Why would I ever want to bank with Twitter, especially while that mentally unstable idiot owns it?

"Voluntary" but if they stay Israel will kill them all sooner or later.

The normal gun safety rules like 'don't point it at anything you're not willing to shoot' don't apply to movies. You're not qualified to know if a weapon on set is safe. The experts are supposed to be responsible because with all the fake guns, fake bullets, blanks, etc. it's easy to mix stuff up.

Right, how sill of me to forget!

Isn't this the Karl Rove strategy? Accuse your opponents of the things that you're guilty of so it muddies the waters if they accuse you?

So, he's admitting that he's done such a bad job of conquering Ukraine that he'd still be failing even without western assistance?

Phone rings: This call is from an inmate in the state penitentiary, press 1 to accept a collect call from inmate [President Donald Trump]

Maybe he's non-binary or just identifies as a taller person. I think we should support him. (On this one thing only)

It seems like there are a lot of people who took a course and now consider themselves experts on gun safety. They don't seem to understand that movies use completely different safety rules, because when they make a movie they have to break all the normal rules. Or maybe they're just being deliberately obtuse because they hate Baldwin for his politics.

He's so bad at it that his accusations manage to both lack any evidence or make any sense. It boggles my mind that he's still popular enough to make his reelection plausible.

He always tries to take credit for anything good and never takes any responsibility for anything bad.

Compliant? The people stocking up on guns generally love genocide and fascism.

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And the only consequence he'll suffer is bad press. I bet he'll even be allowed to keep the money.

Remember when they were freaking out about how Canadian bill C-16 was the end of free speech or something because it defined constant and deliberate misgendering from institutional workers as criminal harassment, I bet they think restricting students from using someone's preferred pronouns is a good thing because it fiGHtS tRAnSGeDeRIsM.

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It seems more like a wanton disregard for civilian casualties. Blowing up entire apartment towers because they believe one or more people there were valid targets is unacceptable but not technically targeting civilians.

What do you expect him to do without the cooperation of the House, SCOTUS, Sinema and Manchin?

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And Israel has murdered and mutilated women on every day since then.

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