War, war never changes
War, war never changes
It's pretty safe where we live afaik, also CCTV is everywhere here especially in and around the big cities.
I'm a 1, and yes I watch porn to collect "materials" to concoct the most perfect porn in my head that no one has seen and will never see.
So, a coup in a couple years then?
You know what parking lots actually are? Land that investors bought and they're waiting for the housing prices to go even higher before then build another empty residential high-rise over it. No sense putting solar panels on a parking lot that's gonna be gone in a few years.
The hand. Oh my god look at her hands
I have dated exactly 1 (one) girl. I am her first relationship as well. Maybe we just don't know what is normal lmao
Rie-Rie la Pussy
That man is Taiwanese, not Chinese
Make a giant moth and go around scaring people (terraria reference)
“Destroyed"? Don't you mean "killed" columns of Russian soldiers? Even if they are in the wrong, these are still lives that are lost, not some equipment.
Swazdo-lah, friend!
Haha, our city has a much lower crim rate than London actually.
你會哪些語言?(Traditional Chinese)
That's about it. I am an interpreter and translator between English and Chinese.
Context: I got the text but that the time, she didn't know when she'd get home so I was waiting on a follow up tesxt with the time she'd be home (again, my bad for not making sure I can hear them), and we live in a pretty safe country, where even robbery is rare.
What, you egg? [He stabs him.]
She's not normally like this, and yes Ubers usually drop people off right at the entrance of our apartment. Aside from Uber, she would also take the bus or train into the city, both of which requre a five minute walk through our neighborhood which she has no problem doing.
Thanks US, very cool.
Haha copypasta reference go woosh
My god, the amount of language I have to learn is monumental it seems
I worked night shift for a year or two, that is indeed why we started sleeping in separate bedrooms. Right now, our schedule is still a 1-2 hours apart, enough for us to want to sleep in separate bedrooms.
"You can't find the truth, you pick the lie you like best."
We are both Asian.
Let the bullets fly. It's a Chinese classic, I watch it with all my friends that have enot heard it before and they all love it.
Never have I done anal.
Sam the Lemon Boy? Is that you?
Oh well, 7 years too late for me lmao
Oh yeah I forgot the countryside exists
It's not like we're constantly at odds with each other as well, normally I'd go to her bed, or she'd come to mine for a while before I sleep to "get them cuddles" as you put it.
Mandarin. I can speak Taiwanese as well.
Maybe Texas is just crazy like that
Are you one of the Princess' suitors from Sunless Skies?
Pretty sure it's a reference to a real life shrimp called the mantis shrimp, which the game is referencing as well.