Miles O'Brien

@Miles O'
0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I've spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.

Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.

Just don't ask who what's in the pattern buffer.

Oof, ouch my bones

Honestly I find Russian general's belief in a 3 day offensive more credible than that.

Nearly 1000 days later, even.

I legitimately think he will die before ever seeing consequences.

The people in charge are too fucking scared to actually punish him because TERRORISM WORKS

They just straight up don't want to punish people because they're afraid some MAGAts might get mad and start continue to shoot things up.

They tried to murder members of congress and the vice president once, and nobody involved has recieved a punishment fitting of the crime. Certainly not the punishment we were taught happens when we were in school.

They wear their title proudly. Openly admit it in the streets.

And yet for some reason, are allowed to continue to operate freely.

Our country goes to war for less.

Edit: A friend of mine got this shoved in their mailbox today

Totally not domestic terrorists...

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Nationalist Christians?

Hmm.... We should come up with a word for that.

How about Nat-Cs?

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Don't even get me started on how the average right-wing/incel/pilled male is basically already an honorary ferengi...

Sharpen their teeth and give them some giant lobes and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Some of them even shave their heads already...

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You know, I've also heard people saying this. Many people are saying this.

Who specifically? Oh, I can't recall.

But lots of people are saying this.

And elementary schools! Don't forget elementary schools.

Something something think of the children! calls in bomb threat

No atmosphere means very little thermal radiation is pulled from radiators.

I imagine the best bet would be to drill into the surface of the moon and sink your radiators into the ground, fill the gaps with a material that transfers heat well.

Easiest version of that would probably be to lay the radiators on or just below the surface and bury them in a regolith concrete mixture of some sort. Probably not as efficient as drilling straight in, but way less complicated I imagine.

Perhaps not forced birthers, they ARE however extremely sexist and force their women to be naked at all times, and have no rights...

I'd say the rest of us are more like aliens forced to LIVE on Ferenginar.

No offense to the bald comminuty meant, my favorite commanding officers were bald!

I just meant some of the right wingers are already making themselves bald (skinheads) like ferengi are bald.


I'm already loving to misuse slang around all the nieces and nephews. They're all 3-14, so it changes depending on which kid is around, but the eye rolls are fantastic.

We need to tap into the power of the cringe and we might have an unlimited energy source.

Edit to add my updated version

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"Yay, I get to legally murder someone today! This'll shut up my hippy liberal relatives" -Metz, shortly before pulling up to the teen's car

My Xbox friend list has a slowly growing number of gamer tags that will never be online again

Climate change will be reversed and billionaires will be abolished before I delete my grandparents contacts from my phone. Every time I pass my grandpa's, I hear Hello young man, it's your grandfather. like he said every time we talked on the phone regardless of who called who.

I can understand those who don't feel the same way.

Keep it if you want, don't keep it if you don't.

But never forget the people.

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You go right ahead and ignore the lever, I'm sure all the people on both sets of tracks understand you not wanting to get involved since it doesn't benefit you to pull it.

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Ajnt Ornj: "non white 'illegal immigrants' are literally coming to eat your pets and the democrats want to let them"

Media fact checker: "this may not be entirely true, as no evidence has been produced to support the claims, however we found a Twitter post that... "

Harris: "those polling numbers increased by 18%"

Media fact checker: "This is blatantly false. The number actually increased by 17.86%"


Honestly I don't even think more than 50% of the US realizes there's still an embargo.

That shit should have died with the cold war.

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something something wrong hand!

completely ignores actual regulations that specifically call for times when saluting with the opposite hand from normal

That could come later.

For now it just means reassigned to a desk somewhere not too far from MPs.

Thanks, Marv!


I'm sure everyone who has the power to do something about the massive amounts of deforestation and pollution are deeply concerned.


How long until someone says "hamas infiltrated them"?

Taking all bets, I'm giving it 24 hours!


Say it LOUDLY for the people in the back

That could mean that the already content players are still happy with their game, and the vocal haters don't have enough to hate on that doesn't sound petty.

I say that as someone who has not played CS2 and plays 1 heavily modded... So the fuck do I know

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My wife and her friends think the "square hole" video is hilarious, but I don't know anyone who is aware of the Amigara Fault comic.

And here I thought I agreed with the Haitians, and thought that people like John Brown did nothing wrong...

Turns out I'm Big Mad?

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Legit my first thought was "what the fuck, you KNOW ships are being shot at through there, why the FUCK would you knowingly steer THAT into it"

I'll let other people argue about who is right or wrong, but it seems like common sense to avoid areas of conflict.

I'm not going to drive by a shootout just because the road I'm on only passes the shooting. I will avoid that area like the plague until the shooting won't start back up.

And even the mere suggestion of the only solution we've been left with will get you banned.

That's unfortunate.

I do enjoy builders and management games, so I was hoping it had improved.

I've got my fingers crossed that they pull a No Man's Sky and actually strive to make a playable game, but the longer it takes, the less likely it seems.

And since this is the world we live in, most people proceed with that understanding.

This was not the case in 2007.

You could also just replace all that with "It's a load of bullshit that data hoarding companies managed to convince EU lawmakers was a thing in order to legally hoard data they can't otherwise legally hoard.

Well, I know who is gone permanently and who just moved to pc. Neither will go though

Sure, I could take this to mean that the ship's laundry personnel mixed it up, but I like to think on big stations, it's more like a laundromat, and they're in a relationship.

"This is why we separate your clothes from mine, Terry. This is the third time this year!"

My parents have worked in a hospital in varying capacities from janitorial to administrative, to being the money people keeping the books balanced.

In the words of my mother, "the hospital owners will outright tell you 'we don't make mistakes so figure out how it's the patients fault'"

She works trying to get insurance to cover things now and finally agrees with me that the while insurance system is a scam designed to fleece people out of money they already spent on Healthcare through taxes (because you pay more now in taxes for Healthcare than you would if the whole country moved to universal Healthcare, how's that for "fiscal responsibility")

Politicians can be bought for embarrassingly low amounts, I dont see "media personalities" as generally being any better.

Same energy as Quinten Tarantino refusing to answer some questions about violence in media or using the N word in movies.

It's been asked a thousand times, you have nothing new to add to this discussion, we're moving on.

They're getting there, but so far it's only a few users that I've noticed.

One guy seems to be following me around to attempt mockery.

They're very much getting to "everyone who isn't farther left than me is a right-wing nazi" mentality.

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Wouldn't you know it, two things can be true at the same time.

In the united states, I-90 is one of the busiest interstates, but if someone is actively shooting at vehicles on it, it's still stupid to drive through the shooting.

Extra stupid if you're hauling oil.