Third day of bomb threats inspired by Trump lies sends Springfield hospitals into lockdown to politics – 599 points –

The threats, which already closed government offices and caused school evacuations, come as Trump pushes racist lie


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They wear their title proudly. Openly admit it in the streets.

And yet for some reason, are allowed to continue to operate freely.

Our country goes to war for less.

Edit: A friend of mine got this shoved in their mailbox today

Totally not domestic terrorists...

Our country goes to war for less.

Against brown people.

When was the last time the US bombed a white country?

Yugoslavia 1999

If you'll forgive me for taking an opportunity to rant a bit, I once saw a hexbear saying Bernie was terrible because he voted to "carpet bomb" Yugoslavia. Besides the fact that carpet bombing by air isn't how things work anymore, this is one of the least objectionable things the US military has done post-cold war.

Can you provide a list of “white countries”?

"beasts of the field"... What is this? Reads like some Klan shit.

A few sentences later. Oh.

Jesus, is this real??

I don't see anything in that link confirming that this is real. It talks about a thing from 2 years ago.

I mean, if you're just trying to say they're proud pieces of shit, that's known. But not what they asked.

I saw Hasan Piker share that KKK flyer yesterday on his stream. It's fucking disgusting, with the font and everything.

I was apprehensive about using the term Nazi to describe conservatives because I didn't want to group them all under that banner, but there's no hiding it anymore. I'm going to use this language around my friends and family until and after the election in hopes of setting there minds straight. We are literally watching the coming of the Fourth Reich. Fuck

10 years ago, this would have looked like something out of a dystopian movie.

If it was in their mailbox and had no postage, report it to your post office. That's illegal and the postmaster can hit them up for postage due.