2 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Huh. I've got some games on Ubisofts store.... Well, maybe not anymore.

You'll have to explain to me why I shouldn't just steal any future Ubisoft titles if they steal all mine first...

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Presumably because that's what lots of people are searching for.

Otoh, Google giving insane suggestions is sort of a meme by itself so who knows what they use?

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The person who decided a headphone jack is superfluous should be found, tarred, feathered, and left naked and alone deep in the alaskan wilderness covered in pigs blood for the wildlife to enjoy.

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With federation, there is no reason why you need to be crowding onto the most popular instance. If you find a much smaller instance and then just federate the communities that you want to it, then that's going to spread out the load of you as a user and everyone else as a user.

Besides being better for the individual instance operators who don't need to carry the load of the entire fediverse, decentralizing is better for the health of the fediverse. Imagine if two or three of the biggest instances went down today, how many people would be completely incapable of using Lemmy anymore?

This isn't big tech. Somebody is paying for this, and sometimes those people just decide that they don't want to pay for it anymore. Big instances do go down. So that being the case, decentralize. And that way even if a certain server is overloaded, you will be fine. And even if a certain server decides to go down, you will be fine. And you'll be doing what's right for the rest of the fediverse.

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I think Musk is just living out his 90s/2000s edgelord fantasy. "I AM THE OWNER OF X. X IS EVERYTHING... TO THE XTREME!"

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I feel like these are just establishment hit pieces. They do it every time to up and coming platforms..

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It's only going to save power if you're using an oled, since for most lcd screens the backlight is on whether you display black or white.

All my websites are jet black, and the black is only really black on my phone which has an oled screen.

Either way, it's just greenwashing. These companies are only pretending to give a crap so they can get brownie points with people who can't see what they're doing.

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I've been preferring new or top X hours ago, then just choose the X for the last time you visited.

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I think at first it didn't. As much as history tells us everyone was watching, the reality is that he had some long hard runs through many areas where he wasn't getting much recognition and wasn't getting many donations either. Someone from British Columbia walking through Quebec faced some serious challenges in 1980. The big cities speak English, but a lot of the smaller communities along the highway are very French and don't really speak English.

That thankless run across Quebec, where he was getting run off the road constantly by drivers, barely any attention, and few donations, it must've been a herculean task.

If I had to guess, I think it's probably the Cancer Society that was sponsoring him was able to pull some strings and make his arrival in Ontario on Canada Day (July 1st) a really special event, he met with the prime minister of Canada, prominent sports teams, and virtually anyone he thought would help the cause of cancer research. He became something of a celebrity after that.

If not on specifically, it'll be allowed somewhere (even if you had to create a new instance to host it)

The wonderful thing about federation is that everything is allowed, it's just a matter of how much your neighbors want to tolerate you.

I'd definitely subscribe, sounds like good fun.

Not to mention, It isn't a given that they win.

I ANAL 😏 but in order to claim their fees are excessive, I'd expect that the plaintiffs would need to show that they are substantially higher than fees in other circumstances. I don't think 15-20% is unusual for other software stores, including the google play store which has a number of competitors on android, or steam on PC which also has a number of competitors on PC.

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FF7 (also known as "captain badass")










So yeah, he's been in one or two.

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I feel like any time you're on establishment media, it's all just an ad for the billionaires who own and control the outlets.

Nothing is exactly like Chrono Trigger, it's in a league of its own as one of the best games of all time.

Final Fantasy 6 was released around the same time on SNES, and many people debate whether Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 6 are better, because they're both great. 4, 5, and 6 are all really good. The Lufia series is also great.

From the same era but with much different gameplay is Terranigma, and there's also the Legend of Mana series.

More modern examples of games that want to invoke Chrono Trigger are Septerra Core and Anachronox. Both are PC games, but they're old enough that any reasonably modern PC can likely play them at full speed.

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This would be bad, no doubt.

I think the concept of an ideal may be flawed. What is ideal changes based on what the current situation is.

That goes for the ideal human body as well as the ideal human philosophy. We need to evolve constantly to fit with our current situation.

People get fat because famines killed people a lot. People have sickle cell anemia because sickle cell traits protect against malaria which killed people a lot. A lot of cancers are caused by mechanisms that protect against things that kill people a lot. Different personality traits that look suboptimal exist because those strategies were successful over time. Yeah these traits look bad when that situation doesn't exist, but they're much more likely to help in the aggregate than to hurt particularly with stuff like cancers which tend to kick in after an individual has reproduced so don't have as much of an evolutionary impact.

A lot of the same goes for philosophies -- people tend to follow what works, and what works at one time doesn't work all the time -- ask gen z as they're given advice by boomers.

All this is one good reason to be wary of genetic engineering. We'll get rid of all the "bad traits" and be wiped out because some of them were there for good reasons we don't understand.

It's important to remember that not every litre of water is the same as every other liter of water.

It's really important to watch water use if you're using groundwater in Texas or California, but water is a renewable resource in many places and it isn't a problem to use water as long as it's properly managed. For example if you remove water from a river, purify it, use it for something benign like cooling making sure not to add anything to it, process it so you're not impacting the ecosystem, then return it to the same river, then you've used water, but you didn't really consume anything.

On the other hand, if you polute that water, or you damage local ecosystems, or if you're pulling water out of non-renewable sources, that's a problem. Environmentalism must be local, there are few universal answers.

It's like that time I only had two drinks -- a bottle of wine and a bottle of vodka. (oh my god I died for the next two days don't do what I did)

Can't get mad at me for having only two drinks!

Cs get degree

Steve Jobs died in 2011, the headphone jack disappeared from the iPhone 7 in 2016.

A creepy looking billionaire isn't totally in charge of ActivityPub and can't get more power out of politicians by lending favors to them using it.

It's also sort of an egocentric action -- "I don't like some users over there, so nobody should be allowed to interact with any of the users over there"

The threadiverse will continue to grow, and there's going to be people of all kinds joining up. We need to figure out how to coexist as individuals because you can't just have every instance defederate with everyone else because there might be a bad user.

Then the grizzled old curmudgeon bellied up to the bar and said "ONE WORD. BASIC."

And everyone else in the room pointed and laughed. But I still like it. shut up.

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That's childish and petty.

You know that Facebook uses javascript? Do we stop using javascript? How about html? Do we shut that down? How about http? Do we shut that down? How about tcp/ip? How about the ascii character set?

The internet is based on Open standards. The idea that we would create a new standard just because someone we don't like is using that standard is a non-starter.

The idea that we would then kick out the people who created the standard to begin with, who founded this ecosystem because they made a decision that we disagree with, you're not looking for the internet, you're looking for high school. Everyone can form their clique.

"the play store is shit now!"

The play store was always shit.

I was like "Wait, aren't I using nova?"

And sure enough I was.

The fact that I don't care is a good thing. It means it doesn't piss me off and make me want to use something else.

The legacy of kain series is great. The next sequel worth talking about is legacy of kain defiance, which was also great.

The head writer was a lady named Amy Hennig, she went on to be involved in the uncharted series in a big way.

I think it depends a lot on the federated service.

For mastodon, you follow individual users, so if there's a million users or ten million or a hundred million, their instances will only be contacting other intances they're federating with so it's quite scalable.

For Lemmy, you follow communities, so every server pulls all the posts and comments the common community. This means that for an instance like hosting lots of different big communities, every new server hammers the one central instance.

A strategy for improving the situation I think would be to spread the load. Instead of everyone piling into megacommunities, if people spread out into smaller more tight knit communities over many different instances. Of course, this isn't really compatible with the purpose of having communities like that.

It does seem to suggest that ActivityPub isn't necessarily the most appropriate protocol for this purpose, even though it's what was used because it's the de facto standard on the fediverse.

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The logo change has brought out a new wave of articles and tweets about it, and people go "oh no that's right I'm on twitter! Well THIS is the final straw! Thank goodness there were all these hate articles and tweets that reminded me I was supposed to be angry!"

Also, many of the people who "jump ship" are right back on Twitter within a week. has an entire graveyard of celebrity accounts that haven't been posted to in months because the outraged celebrities just went back to twitter.

I'm happy for Mastodon (I run a fediverse instance and the more users there are the more chances of interesting people and the like), and some of those people do realize they like the vibe more and stay, and a lot of those bumps are significant for the platform. The thing is, we're talking a few hundred thousand, maybe a million accounts of 200 million daily active users on twitter.

No. Many images are stored locally, using a built-in service called pict-rs. Anytime that you directly attach an image to a post without linking to an external service like imgur, it's uploaded to the local server, and then hosted by that service anywhere it's displayed.

So far, Conduit is the only answer for me, since I don't own any quantum supercomputers.

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The article, as they say, "Assumes facts not in evidence"

100% legit criticism.

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Nextcloud Notes has become my go-to (Oh look, SJ is advocating for Nextcloud again! How original!)

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You need to break up to be considered an ex, and most Twitter users aren't going anywhere (or they would have 8 months ago)

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Everyone will have their personal perspective on certain protests based on a number of factors.

A lot of people wanted the BLM riots shut down with lethal force because of the senseless violence and destruction in some cities. Otoh, some people thought they didn't go far enough. Someone whose city was destroyed would have a different perspective than someone whose city was just fine. People might have different views based on their view of the black community and their relationship with the rest of American society.

A lot of people thought the trucker convoy in Canada was a just fight against oppression, but many people thought they were just a bunch of antivaxx confederate Nazis and thought the use of any level of violence was justified because they were disrupting people's lives and they were secretly trying to clone Hitler. There was a broad spectrum of views and they only represented a piece of that spectrum.

Real politics is usually more complicated than just good vs. evil, it's really hard having one set of rules that apply equally and equitably to diverse people.

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So there's 2 things, I think.

  1. Does your bios allow you to boot from SD card? If so, then you can boot from the SD card and so you can install software onto the SD card directly.

  2. If you can't boot off of the SD card, then perhaps you can install all the software on the SD card and then install a boot manager on the main drive. In this way, you boot off the main drive, then let the boot manager deal with loading the software.

You might be disappointed by the performance of software running off an SD card, mind you.

  • Lemmy

  • Searx

  • Matrix

  • Xmpp

  • Soapbox

  • Lotide

  • Peertube

  • Nextcloud

  • Nostr

  • Wordpress

  • Plex (sorta borderline of this counts)

  • Invidious

  • Pfsense

Running on a total of 5 fanless commercial grade sign PCs. That's why the motto of my websites is "this site runs of parts scavenged from a roadside sign"

1x core 2 duo running Lemmy

2x atom d2550s running xmpp, matrix, lotide, searx, nostr, and invidious

2x core i5 4000 series running everything else

I try to run bare metal so I can stick my fingers into things.

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I'm running Windows 11 without TPM, so this is a bit of a nonstarter, but for people who like the idea, I'm using LDPlayer, it's pretty great.

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You're not entirely wrong, but you're not entirely right.

You can use a screwdriver to stab someone, or you can use it to fix something. It isn't about the tool itself, it's about what you're doing with it.

Some people take social media and use it to connect to others, or they use it to help build something they wouldn't have otherwise. Many people take social media and use it as a weak simulation of what they're missing from their lives. It's all about what you do with the tool.