1 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mods that violate public order and morals cause PR damage.

Counterpoint: literally nobody is blaming Bethesda for the stuff you can find on Loverslab.

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I'm confused. I've never licensed a game engine, but I figure you'd write what charges you pay into the contract, and as far as I know, you can't just add additional charges in later without renegotiating the contract. At least, you'd have no way to enforce those. So I'm sort of at a loss how this is even supposed to work.

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It's a typical sign that the game lacks polish.

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So, now antivax mothers can't get ultrasound anymore while they're pregnant?

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The one with more money has the upper hand.

That sums up so many problems with the legal system. I suppose the completed form would be "The one with more money has the upper hand, also racism".

Is this whole thing a "Springtime for Hitler" esque plot?

When sacrificing the child, use a dagger made from obsidian. Cut upward from below the sternum, then force the rib cage apart. Push the lungs aside with your hands, then cut out the heart with your ritual dagger. Hold the heart up to the cheering crowd, and then place it in an earthen vessel in honor of the gods. Kick the body down the steps of the temple pyramid.

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There's a social cost associated with buying it, namely, that you support live service games. So please don't buy it.

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If you hear 'full stack', run.

What I was told by a fellow student, while I was writing my thesis (paraphrased).

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I also asked the question, and got an answer. The hypothesis is that they'll release new versions under a different license, also meaning that if the devs never agree to the new license, they'd avoid the fee. Of course, that would mean that any engine level bugs in their game would become unfixable. This also means that large developers would be exempt, as they likely have contracts in place that supersede the license agreement.

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Plagiarism is disguising another person's work as your own. Assuming the AI generated image is labeled as such, no plagiarism is occurring.

What about the guy who's space yacht you stole. Was he another player or an NPC? If he was another player, will he have to buy a new space yacht for real money?

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The last triple A game I bought at launch was 'Watchdogs Legion', to comemorate my new PC. I figured I just build a new computer, so why not celebrate by buying an expensive game. It was a stupid impulse buy.

It will run at a glorious 60fph.

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Why is the cop so chubby? That vest he's wearing looks like its about to tear open any minute.

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I don't quite understand what you're saying. Could you elaborate what you mean with "Doing your first level first or your last level last is absolute rookie shit."?

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The best PR move for Unity at this point would be to fire their CEO. Preferably out of a cannon.

White letters on light brown wood texture (trailer on steam at 0:07). Also, the big "Press E to talk" looks heinous. Plus you don't have full control over where it appears, at one point in the trailer (0:42), it's on white background. Going by the trailer, you're trying to make the game look like the product of a inexperienced amateur, while the game itself is actually a subversive masterpiece, similar to the doom mod "MyHouse.wad". Hats off to you if you manage to pull it off, but if not, you'll have fallen flat on your face. Metaphorically, of course.

"Woke" used to mean "Aware of systemic social issues", but has been co-opted by the right to mean "Anything we don't like". So, anybody who unironically uses it in the new context is not worth taking seriously. To tell them apart, try asking them how they define "woke".

I'll estimate that the PoH guy would win if it went to trial, but he doesn't have the money to actually defend himself.

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And a lot of the features don't have a reason to engage with them. E.g. Vehicles. You get a spaceship at the start, so most of the vehicles you get later are very much a downgrade. And that Exo Mech which had an entire update dedicated to it. To me, it just illustrated why mecha are a silly concept, namely everything you can do with them can be done better with other vehicles. The game is basically a toybox, and none of the toys really keep my attention.

Yes, I made the ritual description up for a joke. I've never performed a human sacrifice.

The only thing a malicious host can do is to omit information, which can be mitigated simply by using more than one host, which is still cheaper than using a blockchain. You could have each signature include the previous one, which will allow anybody to verify that they have a complete prefix of the history. Host them on, say Imgur and Imgchest, and it would even be free, whereas hosting it on say the ethereum blockchain would cost about 10$ per image (Based on this: I'm lowballing my estimate. If its too high, please tell me by how much, and how you arrived at your number.)

In other words, even in the best case scenario, using the blockchain would only provide negligible benefits compared to much cheaper alternatives.

Relevant page:

Anybody bet on 'become the space equivalent of the SCP foundation'?

Honestly, if they make the original unavailable comercially, acquiring it through non official channels becomes morally acceptable.

Just as fast as a car if you run as fast as a car.

So what are the misconceptions flying around?

It's the alternative to cutting your pinky finger off.

Given Trump's track record for keeping contracts, let alone promises, I doubt he has a good track record with returning favors.

How many appeals do they get currently? How many should they get? You said they typically don't appeal because they are innocent, so what about the atypical cases where they are innocent?

How restrictive do you want to be with the accounts? If you're too restrictive, there won't be enough users. If you're not restrictive enough, the data will be used for AI training.

Makes sense. I hope the unity guys come to their senses. This whole thing seems rather self-destructive on the company's part. Unity is far from being a monopoly, with one competitor being free and open source (Godot). And pulling stunts like these, even if you walk them back later, does not engender trust.

Most businesses get ruined if you alienate your customers. The exception would be monopolies.

Could also be. I'm not sure about how the legal situation works exactly. My understanding is that you can't change a contract, such as a license agreement without the other party's consent. Maybe they have a clause in it allowing them to revoke the existing licenses, meaning the developers would be forced to agree to the new license or be without a license.

I must admit that I didn't do any research, my previous comment was meant as a joke.

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There's even an example of that with a related cult, the Bed Bath and Beyond guys. Said company went under, but the memestock holders still continued the copium.


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Also because the buyer is going to complain in public and leave out the fact that they bought their key at a sketchy key reseller.

I'm a bit out of the loop on this one, what else did this game do bad?

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Umm … That AI generated hentai on the page of the same article, though … Do the editors have any self-awareness? Reminds me of the time an admin decided the best course of action to call out CSAM was to directly link to the source.

The image depicts mature women, not children.