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FOSS enthusiast and anime fan.

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PS: there might be NSFW activity here

A big part of the fediverse is that it's decentralized, one server going down doesn't mean you can't see anything, the rest of the network still exists and there are still people using that.

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I like the aero aesthetic tbh, especially the vista rendition.

It's heavy on GPU for sure; but it manages to pull off a relatively consistent look (or at least more consistent than anything that came after)

I love how musk is trying to make X the everything app all on his centralized network, and here we are building a decentralized everything network with dozens of open platforms and good 3rd party clients outpacing whatever musk is trying to cook.

for you nothing will happen; Fedora is seen as upstream from RHEL and for desktop use that isn't something that should concern you.

for most people it is going to be a good desktop distro built on next generation technologies (wayland and pipewire for example), anything that happens under the hood should not affect your desktop.

!alzheimersgroup when?

They happen because the font is not patched property, your best bet is getting the nerd fonts and trying those, popular fonts will generally look nicer.

Just use prism, it's multimc but properly maintained, pro OSS (if you care) and has a built-in curse/modrinth downloader.

you should be able to reconfigure the plugin, I have it set to pull from history first and after that look for standard command completion using the following:

ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history completion)

important is that you put this BEFORE sourcing the plugin.

the github should carry more information on how to configure this plugin.

PS: I use all of 4 plugins (fzf-tab-bin, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-history-substring-search) and I have a better shell in zsh than I will ever have in fish, I don't need anything more fancy and oh-my-zsh is hell to work with compared to a simple .zshrc I handrolled because it's got any other shell I know beat (yes I know of nushell and it is cool, but it's even less posix than fish). also, once you're done run zcompile .zshrc, you won't regret it.

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Pipewire is the audio server

Wireplumber manages your interfaces and their connections automatically

Qpwgraph let's you view and modify these interfaces and connections manually

Bot wireplumber and qpwgraph talk to pipewire to change the state of your interfaces, but they are unaware of each other. Theoretically this means you can forgo either qpwgraph or wireplumber, but you don't really want to go without wireplumber as that would mean you have to configure every interface and connection manually.

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The best course of action is to consume as much content in the target language as possible, tv shows, music, YouTube videos... Your brain will eventually pick up on certain parts of the language naturally. Also the best thing you can do is to not force yourself to speak or write in that language until you are comfortable doing so (this is one of the biggest things doulingo does wrong).

I can attest to this method working as I went from barely knowing a couple of English words to speaking it in about 4 months (you could probably do less if you stick to what I outlined above). To back up this method I suggest you look at antimoon which is written by people who have used this to learn English as well.

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If japanese kanji show as their Chinese variant make sure you are using the proper font variant. My recommendation is noto-sans-cjk-jp.

Fedora does allow you to set the locale, it doesn't mention generating them so they might very well already be present You can use to read more than I can tell you here.

Go to the site, right click on the url bar and at the bottom there's the option.

Any site that implements open search can be added.

Man, that's just ice cold

I follow quite a few communities across the lemmyverse so it's not too big of a deal, but I do know that it's a very large and popular instance (then again, my advice has always been to settle on a smaller instance anyways)

Sort of, that said I rarely pull open qpwgraph (and I didn't configure wireplumber yet either) and it's been pretty ok for me.

Also remember that all these nodes correspond to some input or output stream (good chance it might be gstreamer or ffmpeg doing this) and from what I think is happening is that these are created by these programs through the pipewire API or the one from the other audio servers it's faking and wireplumber merely hides them using some flag.

That said, I have not dug I to the pipewire documentation so this is a guess on my part.

sxhkd/swhkd, both support creating these natively and the second one works not just on Wayland, but also X11 and the TTY.

I've been using when, it's very simple; but so are my needs for a calendar.

From what I can tell they are working on updating their electron version to one that is aware of pipewire, this is the first part of solving the issue (especially for Wayland folks), the second part is just fixing some code in the client to deal with that and then it should be fixed until we deprecate pipewire in 2079. Additionally it would make discord finally act as a native Wayland app instead of being forced in xwayland.

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They could bother with pulse, but IDK how portable the API for that is, also discord working on Linux is more accidental and this getting fixed might just be because they want it fixed on the Mac side too.

It's sad to see that discord has waited over 8 years to do this, but the whole thing is soydev code anyways.

I have a file in my ~ called .alias and it is sourced by any shell I might use (currently just zsh) in it are common aliases like s => sudo and "sudo" => "sudo " (just put this as an alias if you use them a lot, you'll thank me when you're trying to use them with sudo)

You can save posts on Lemmy, for me it's a bookmark icon (I use liftoff) they will show up in your bookmarks.

I love this feature as a nice "come back to this later" button

No problem, I was looking for this after I tried using fish seriously for a month and it was the only thing I needed

Then it might be one of those scripts

Most dvd's should be fine as VLC can play almost any of them.

BD is where things get complicated because of DRM, expect almost none of them to work thanks to big corpo telling us what we can and can't do with something you bought and paid for (sadly enough streaming doesn't get much better either)

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had this since yesterday thought the server was having trouble as I also couldn't really search for it's communities from my instance, good to know it might be IPv6 related.

So do i

If I can give my thoughts on what I've seen in research and linking various factors together.

  1. A not insignificant amount of neurodivergent people tend to pursue a career in IT (mainly people with ASD), these people can learn a lot through self study as it tends to align more with their personal interests, at some point through this they may become exposed to Linux and open source and subsequently choose to learn about that.
  2. Research has revealed a strong link between ASD and gender dysphoria. People diagnosed with ASD are ~4 times more likely to experience it.
  3. Even if you go through gender reassignment, you are still subject to the societal programming associated with your initial gender (which for boys tends to include videogames).

While these 3 facts on their own don't mean much, I can see how these come together to create an above-average amount of trans women in the IT and Linux spheres and this only gets amplified by stereotypes.

That said, this is mere speculation on my end based on the things I mentioned above, I am sure it plays a role; but I cannot be sure as to how significant that is in the grand scheme of things.

Read it as "all the 8 mods" first and thought it was one of those version chasing packs.

Exactly this worked best for me back in the day

Not just you, your brain is wired to pick up language, how did you learn your first one?

I’m German and while we have some mandatory English classes, they’re …well … not good.

I can attest that English classes here aren't great either (although most people here do speak English as a second or third language)

and at least the teacher I had first also had a VERY thick German accent

This is a known side effect of premature output (writing/speaking before you feel comfortable doing so), you don't just listen to what's around you, you primarily listen to yourself and pronunciation differs between languages, this premature output becomes toxic input for your brain which then uses that from then on (you can try and get rid of it; but it is really hard to do)

once I was halfway through the game my brain kinda switched to “English mode” and I actually learned words and grammar in a natural way instead of trying to force myself to understand what the hell a “singular past tense adverb” is.

Yup, that's natural understanding for you. When you speak a language you don't care about the rules; you should instinctively know them.

As for my issue with Duolingo: it ignores the amount of time it takes to properly acquire a language, if I were to split up all the time I spent watching english youtube into 5 minute chunks it'd take me well over 15 years (and that's just accounting for the initial 4 month span; I've learned more things after as I naturally used the language). Combine that with the fact it throws established research on this topic to the wayside to push the school-based one which we know goes against the natural way in which we learn. I found a great blog post online about this, while it mostly revolves around learning Japanese; the core principles apply to learning pretty much any language. The beginning of the post does sum the entire thing up pretty well though:

We do not recommend "language learning" apps like Duolingo, Lingodeer, Babbel, and others due to the fact that their methodology conflicts with AJATT's principles of immersion learning. Such apps do not actually help you with anything. There are no success stories. On the other hand, AJATTers typically reach fluency in just 18 months. The apps prevent you from reading interesting content in your target language, such as manga. And they make you more miserable in the end.

There are some really good parts in that blog that apply to any language; but a lot of it is geared towards Japanese specifically.

Look into X11 forwarding if the guest uses X11 (xwayland will happily play along if you use waykand on the host) or try something like way pipe if you want a full Wayland solution. Both will display an app over network as if it was running locally, but they do require a bit of setup with ssh.

You may also be able to trick RDP into displaying one app remotely like winapps does if you don't want to deal with ssh.

I heard of MakeMKV before, thing is that I generally don't buy blu-rays because of the downright horrible DRM schemes.

if DRM makes it harder for me to enjoy the content I bought and paid for (this includes limiting me to some lowres garbage even though my system is more than capable of playing HD and FHD video) compared to what I would get if I were to pirate it then it's a problem of distribution; not one of morality.

you will always have some group that pirates your content no matter what; but if buying gives me a worse product because of artificial restrictions put on it I can't give any less of a shit.
there's very few streaming platforms that even give me a decent option (and I don't even properly own my library; all I get is a license to watch/listen to something, one that could be revoked at any time in the future without me being able to do anything except complain about it).

forge has a well known and established API for a lot of common things while fabric doesn't offer one OOTB so you'll have to fall back to mixins to modify minecraft's bytecode (not source code) in a lot of cases. fabric is a lot simpler in it's design and is a lot less performance intensive; but also lacks a lot of the QoL features a stable API provides.

my recommendation is to try both and get a feel for what you like best, do you rather spend ages looking at the forge documentation or prod at a somewhat translucent box in the hopes of making sense of a vague mixin error.

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If you can try andd use Hyper-V as it is windows native (if you have home edition then it's not something you can use because M$).

If you want a simple hypervisor VirtualBox will do just fine and I've had a generally better experience with that over VMWare (that said both will do the trick).

Lastly I should mention that you can use Qemu on windows; but I've never tried that myself and it might require some tinkering to get to work but it is the fastest virtualization framework I know of.

I'd rather have Mojang get their act together and address some of the more fundamental issues that are starting to plague the game. I understand that Minecraft is a complex game and there's a lot that would need to be rewritten; but as thing stand right now they are signing themselves up to drown in mountains of technical debt.

A good example is the threading issues on the server where the game has to tick each entity and each chunk which is a fairly independent process and is an almost perfect candidate for multithreading, but the game uses a forEach() loop on a single thread. There's dozens more issues like these where decisions from 10 years ago (which made sense at the time) are now inadequate for the scale of the game at large. This is felt doubly so by mod devs who have to adjust to how things are done and have to try and fit their code with some of the now archaic java code that lies at the foundation of the game.

As things stand right now they are refusing to address these issues at al and just kicking the can further down the road, but there will be a point where doing so will simply cost them too much to do so and I fear that that will be the end of the Java edition of the game. And I do know that doing this is far from a trivial task; but if you start work now while you still have the time you can do this slowly in the background with other updates.