Improving zsh autocompletion? to – 36 points –

Hi. So I've been a fish user for a while, but I've always gotten frustrated with it not being POSIX compliant. I tried to use zsh with oh-my-zsh to still benefit from fish's capabilities on zsh, but I had 2 problems with it: it was incredibly slow, and it wasn't as good. As I recently found out, the plugins can just be sourced in zsh directly, skipping oh-my-zsh, and fixing my speed issues. But the second issue remained: zsh-autosuggestions is just not as good as fish's autocompletion feature, which suggests commands in a user's PATH, as well as autocompletes directories, without me having ever accessed them, meaning they weren't even in the history at that point, which allowed me to hit the ground running. I want that with zsh as well. Is there a plugin or something like that, which allows for these extra features, and can autosuggest commands from PATH and autocomplete directories? I really want to switch to a POSIX shell, but the lack of this feature would make it feel like quite a downgrade. Thanks.


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you should be able to reconfigure the plugin, I have it set to pull from history first and after that look for standard command completion using the following:

ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history completion)

important is that you put this BEFORE sourcing the plugin.

the github should carry more information on how to configure this plugin.

PS: I use all of 4 plugins (fzf-tab-bin, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-history-substring-search) and I have a better shell in zsh than I will ever have in fish, I don't need anything more fancy and oh-my-zsh is hell to work with compared to a simple .zshrc I handrolled because it's got any other shell I know beat (yes I know of nushell and it is cool, but it's even less posix than fish). also, once you're done run zcompile .zshrc, you won't regret it.

It worked! Thank you so much. That's all I need. I have seen people use zsh-history-substring-search and fzf-tab but I don't currently need them, so I won't use them. Once again, thank you so much.

No problem, I was looking for this after I tried using fish seriously for a month and it was the only thing I needed

Commenting so I can remember to try this out! Cheers mate!

You can save posts on Lemmy, for me it's a bookmark icon (I use liftoff) they will show up in your bookmarks.

I love this feature as a nice "come back to this later" button