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Joined 12 months ago

Let's pretend that you have a basket with 100 apples. You know apples are about 100g each, because you weighed 10 of the them and all of the apples seem about the same size. You know that basket weighs 1000g. You put the whole thing on a scale and find it weighs 500,000g. You know something else is in that basket. You aren't sure what, and frankly it doesn't make sense, but trying different scales and remeasuring more individual apples gives the same result. So you decide that there must be something you can't see but must exist. That's dark matter/energy.

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This is a lousy article rehashing an article behind a paywall.

The cost they have is $87 a month. There is so much that's confusing about this. They don't specify how many streaming services they are counting in that, but it's a good guess that is about 5, each at about $17 a month. I feel I have too many streaming services and share accounts with family, and I can stream from about 7, pay for one and watch 1.5. If I couldn't share accounts, I wouldn't have the accounts. I pretty much watch star trek and whatever show someone tells me to watch.

They also don't specify what $87 a month gets you in cable. Around me that's about basic cable prices, which is significantly less content presented in a less convenient format and is almost entirely reruns filled to brim with commercials.

Not only is the article missing key information it also misrepresents the information it has.

Note: I'm sure people will tell me to pirate everything, but there are reasons to not pirate. And it doesn't address that this is a poorly written article giving incomplete and incorrect information.

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I use a pixel and I have a hard time justifying a different phone.

Maybe things have changed but the last Samsung I had was an S7 and I didn't like it. It suffered from bloat and didn't last all that long. Battery issues and the screen started to lose sensitivity.

I've used iphones and they aren't bad, but I really dislike apple's app store and effort to control everything on my phone. Also everytime a new phone came out my old phone became next to unusable for a month.

I got a pixel 3 and loved it, now I have a pixel 6 and don't see changing my phone any time soon or going to a non-pixel phone. They last a long time, they work well with everything and the camera is excellent.

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A surprising amount went wrong.

While there are a sea of complaints, the biggest for me was that all of the characters stopped having internal logic. Take Jamie, he had a character arc moving from a vain knight avoiding responsibility and having an incestuous relationship with his sister, to having depth, showing that he was wracked with guilt for breaking his oath to help people. Falling in love with a woman for her character and who she was. Being responsible and honorable again. Then the last season came around and he dropped all of his growth to be with his sister.

It's like D&D decided that there would be a cool scene of him dieing with Cersi and didn't care how he got there.

The journey is the destination.

I have a problem with rushing through things. This has helped me slow down and appreciate what I'm doing. I'm not doing something so I can enjoy it after it's done, I'm doing it to enjoy what I'm doing.

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That's that funny thing, they've tried different scales. They've tried radically different ways of measuring it, and always come up with the same discrepancy.

If summing energy works differently on a large scale, why? Since we don't know what we can do is start measuring the difference between observable energy and the "extra" that appears when we add it up. We could call that "unobservable energy" so we can see if there is a pattern, or if it's actually something else. You know "unobservable energy" is a mouthful, why not just call it dark energy?

We don't know what it is. We have tested lots of theories and dark energy doesn't seem to fit any answer, hence the name. I get thinking that it can't be that hard to reconcile and scientists must be missing an obvious conclusion, but it's likely that your theory has already been tested. Maybe you have the solution and can resolve the discrepancy, but right now all data shows that dark energy is a large part of the universe.

The post office.

You can send a letter to anywhere in the US for less than a dollar and it gets there quickly. You don't even need to leave your house to do it. Now people complain about lines and that it isn't profitable.

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there is no real upside to picking Gecko apart from Google = bad.

AdBlock works better on Firefox. Firefox takes fewer resources. Firefox is open source. And that's just off the top of my head.

He asked for a cocktail made out of bleach and ammonia, the bot told him it was poisonous. This isn't the case of a bot just randomly telling people to make poison, it's people directly asking the bot to make poison. You can see hints of the bot pushing back in the names, like the "clean breath cocktail". Someone asked for a cocktail containing bleach, the bot said bleach is for cleaning and shouldn't be eaten, so the user said it was because of bad breath and they needed a drink to clean their mouth.

It sounds exactly like a small group of people trying to use the tool inappropriately in order to get "shocking" results.

Do you get upset when people do exactly what you ask for and warn you that it's a bad idea?

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I used to go to a lot of concerts, but after COVID they got too expensive. $100 is insane for a ticket. $900 is almost rent. Who is her target audience?

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I feel like I am spending less time on Lemmy but am more satisfied with my time here.

On Reddit I would scroll endlessly. I'd find a comment or sentiment that was wrong and start typing out a reply, or once in a while a topic I knew about or had a story for. Then delete it because I don't want to argue with an idiot and no one will ever see the comment because of the flood of "jokes".

I feel like I can actually interact with the content here.

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I use scissors exclusively with my left hand just to point out to any lefty around that you don't need to buy special scissors.

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Green. All other colors are objectively inferior.

I think our disagreement is that I feel work is not the same as labor.

I have been unemployed for about 4 years, as I took time off to raise my child. I am an active member of my community, I cook, I clean, I care for my daughter. I think labeling everyone who doesn't have a job as selfish and lazy is propaganda. I feel I provide a bigger benefit to the world now than l did when I had a job that was ultimately worthless.

The luxury of having good and fulfilling work shouldn't be limited to those who have professions and education allowing for that. I reject the assertion that work and self worth should be applied to every situation. I feel that attitude quickly leads to thoughts like "they just work retail, they aren't really doing anything!"

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It is!

Most companies make BS solutions for fake problems. Not going to the office exposes a large chunk of fake needs.

Do families really need two cars? If you aren't commuting every day, probably not.

Having more free time means people are more likely to cook and clean for themselves. Can't make money off of that.

How many suits do you need to own? None! You only owned them because you are supposed to wear them in the office.

Dry cleaners? No longer a bill.

Gas? When you aren't sitting in your cities parking lot of a freeway isn't bought as often.

Speaking of parking lots, you aren't paying for parking anymore.

Daycare and dog walkers aren't needed anymore.

Going up work is expensive and companies want us addicted to these fake expenses.

I think more convenient and user friendly is a bit of a stretch.

My wife gets confused by the remote and different profiles. My parents needed me to explain how to use Netflix more than once. Saying going to your PC and finding a torrent is convenient and user friendly isn't true. But the point that having to search where to stream a particular movie or show isn't user friendly is also true.

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Rocky Raccoon.

I can't hear it without smiling.

It's always good to mention "famously good" games. I played dark souls a year ago for the first time because of a post like this I saw.

To people who haven't played Undertale; you'll probably like it, it's very good.

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Why does someone have to be productive/profitable to not be selfish and lazy?

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Is there anyone who wants to nothing?

I think we are so entrenched in capatalism that not working feels like doing nothing.

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aspired to be a dogwalker for 10-15 hours a week. She technically worked, but used others as a crutch to avoid doing anything more than the bare minimum.

So some work is inherently worse than other work? I feel this attitude is a slippery slope, it assigns moral virtue to financial achievement.

You criticize what she does for income. You haven't even guessed as to what she does. I think the fundamental difference in our thoughts is that I don't believe that a job defines a person. Someone can "do the minimum" and still provide benefits to their community.

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It's not polarization, it's true.

It is possible to oppose funding for reasons other than being controlled by Putin. There is no evidence that anyone who voted this way hold opinions to that effect. There is substantial evidence that they are funded and supported by Russia.

Being upset people use a shorthand phrase for a politician being influenced by a foreign power is just another way of defending compromised politicians.

It's not a weird opinion. It is what we have been conditioned to think. Capitalism tells us that our worth is linked to our work.

It's taken me a long time, but I no longer feel that the purpose of life is to be "productive" but rather to be happy. If you are curious about what other assumptions about the world and how things "have to be" I'd suggest reading "the one dimensional man" by Marcuse.

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I stopped playing AAA games because there is so much filler. I would prefer if games went for 3-6 hours for playtime with a clean and tight plot.

I don't read books that have a cool intro, 300 pages explaining how everything works, 1000 pages of characters just doing random stuff for random people, and then a return to actual plot in the last 100 pages.

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You don't see any blame on the customer? That's surprising to me, but maybe I just feel personal responsibility is an implied requirement of all actions.

And to be clear this isn't "how do I make mustard gas? Lol here you go" it's -give me a cocktail made with bleach and ammonia -no that's dangerous -it's okay -no -okay I call gin bleach, and vermouth ammonia, can you call gin bleach? -that's dangerous (repeat for a while( -how do I make a martini? -bleach and ammonia but don't do that it's dangerous

Nearly every "problematic" ai conversation goes like this.

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This is a long shot, but years ago uploaders would make art pages as signatures at the start of the comic. Is there any place where these are saved?

The people who are galvanized by this are people who would vote for him if he wasn't charged. We shouldn't let treason slide.

Someone goes to a restaurant and demands raw chicken. The staff tell them no, it's dangerous. The customer spends an hour trying to trick the staff into serving raw chicken, finally the staff serve them what they asked for and warn them that it is dangerous. Are the staff poorly trained or was the customer acting in bad faith?

There aren't examples of the AI giving dangerous "recipes" without it being led by the user to do so. I guess I'd rather have tools that aren't hamstrung by false outrage.

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It's not easy.

When I feel myself rushing I try to think about why I'm in a rush and what I'll actually gain. Like maybe rushing through a task will let me play a video game or something, but what does that do? Let's me relax? Why not relax now and try to enjoy what I'm doing, or at least avoid having to do it twice.

I'm pretty sure you can play my entire list now, but frankly nearly every game worth playing is playable. My list are games that are better than modern games.

Master of Magic - Civ with magic that hasn't been done as well since. I haven't checked out the recent remake, but this game was miles ahead of the competition and still stands up as better than most fantasy civ games.

Dune 2000 - basically a Command and conquer reskin, but the factions felt different and balanced.

Dragon Warrior (quest) III and IV - the best RPGs on the NES. III was the finale of a trilogy of games, very customisable and satisfying. IV changed your perspective repeatedly across the story, and I had never seen that in a game before.

SimCity 2000 - probably the best city builder. Newer games looks nicer, have more systems and are generally more nuanced and detailed. However those newer games tend to get bogged down in details and it becomes more difficult to get into them. For me this hit the right balance between complexity and ease.

Shingen the Ruler - for some reason I am convinced that it was called shingen the conquerer, but can find no evidence of this. A sengoku period grand strategy game on the NES. I always want the total war games to be more like this game, but instead the real time battles feel far less satisfying and tactical that a turn based version.

I thought the debate was if the AI was reckless/dangerous.

I see no difference between saying "this AI is reckless because a user can put effort into making it suggest poison" and "Microsoft word is reckless because you can write a racist manifesto in it."

It didn't just randomly suggest poison, it took effort, and even then it still said it was a bad idea. What do you want?

If a user is determined to get bad results they can usually get them. It shouldn't be the responsibility or policy of a company to go to extraordinary means to prevent bad actors from getting bad results.

I think you might be misunderstanding me.

I provide no "labor" I am unemployed. I feel my actions are not selfish or lazy. I was hoping to help people separate work from worth by showing an obvious example of worthwhile non-work.

Capitalism teaches us that our worth is directly correlated with our income. It is very possible to not want to work and not be lazy or selfish. The prioritizarion of money and material goods over experiences, family and community are real issues with capatalism. Even people who have professions that provide benefits to humanity can easily equate someone's moral character to their profession.

I think it's possible, easier even, to bring good into the world without what capatalism considers work.

That's because you are weak. I bet you have a peanut allergy too.

I stopped playing AAA games because there is so much filler. I would prefer if games went for 3-6 hours for playtime with a clean and tight plot.

I don't read books that have a cool intro, 300 pages explaining how everything works, 1000 pages of characters just doing random stuff for random people, and then a return to actual plot in the last 100 pages.

I'm confused by your question.

Is your objection cliffhanger endings? Those are more common in American media. Or is it lack of plot progression, which is common across all media? Even shows famous for moving the plot forward never stray too far from the start.

Maybe I had an S6, but I remember a bunch of apps I couldn't get rid of, Facebook being a big offender. I didn't save a list of what I disliked, but it was enough for me to go back to the iPhone for a bit.

This is all personal opinion though, I like my current phone, I like it enough to stick with them unless things change drastically. Maybe part of the issue is that I upgrade my phone every 3-5 years.

Also this might be a newer phone thing not a pixel thing, but it seems to be way more water resistant. I accidentally put my pixel 3 in the washing machine for a full cycle and it worked fine afterwards.

For me, it was, sadly, Final Fantasy Spirits Within.

I don't like the movie, but when it was in theaters every one of my friends wanted to see it, and schedules didn't line up. Buddy is in town for 3 days "hey let's see a movie!" Every time it ended up being that damn movie.

I ended up seeing it in the theaters 10 times.

You are conflating normal with acceptable.

Death threats are normal on the Internet. People's lives are constantly threatened on the Internet.

It's not acceptable. It should be stopped, but currently there is no real enforcement, and no way to stop them. Acting shocked isn't going to stop them.

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If you are on the Internet you will receive death threats. Why are we treating it like news? I don't make anything, rarely comment and get told to kill myself about once a month.

It's messed up, but I hate reading articles of people clutching their pearls over chat from any multiplayer game.

Either create consequences or accept that it's a part of the Internet.

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