4 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But there's no "biological" reason for that. In the same way, skirts/dresses being for women and suits/ties being for men, leg hair, haircuts, voice, mannerisms, emotional availability, all get tied one gender or another.

We, in our society, have associated some properties to one of two genders. Some of these properties tend to be associated to one sex (sex being a more "biological" thing (but still not binary or unchangeable!)), but many of them are just expectations we put upon people. This is what "gender is a social construct" means; that the general understanding and intuition about gender is constructed by the society in which we live. Different societies may have more than 2 genders or completely different sets of associations.

Unfortunately these categorizations are bad for a significant portion of the population, including trans people, gender non-confirming people, but even cishet people; how many times have you heard of some act making you "not a real man" (eg crying for a movie)?

There's no reason you should need to drive for that kind of stuff. Sure, it takes 5 minutes, but it's worse for your health, the environment, your wallet, and your morale.

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That's because it's suspended from your instance. Many instances are blocking threads since. Yknow. Facebook. Privacy and such.

Also the whole "committing a coup". And the "actively spreading discord". And- you know what I'll just stop there

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The top left would just contain a slur tbh

Uh. Buddy. They absolutely are known for building a shitload of trains. There's the Gottard, which is the longest tunnel through a mountain, and I think also the steepest railtracks in the world?

You've never heard of swiss trains always being on time?

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I believe that part is a joke

I love that this sub is still small enough that I can see the exact chain of events that made this post happen in real time lol

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This is a really solid explanation of how studies finding human behavior in LLMs don't mean much; humans project meaning.

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Yeah, that's not the tankies here; these are "North Korea is a great country, actually" tankies.

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That's just called a skirt

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I'm totally cool with polyamory and its variants, but this infographic definitely paints monoamory as a lesser choice which is cringe (it also says "idealized monoamory" instead of just monoamory which I don't get).

Don't judge other's choices, doesn't matter if their choice is polyamory or monoamory.

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I will manifest within your abode to install a GNU/Linux distro on your computer

As a preventative measure, I have now installed Linux on all my computers

That's Grant Anthony O'Brien. Look him up, watch True Facts about Grant Anthony O'Brien it's great.

Anyway no idea if this is him or a character.

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Uhm... lemmy federates with kbin and a few others, but it also federates with mastodon and all the -key derivatives afaik

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Why are you showing up in a comment section without having most of the context on a post that doesn't concern you or your communities? Legit asking, what is the point of this comment?

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You posted to it lmao, by @ ing Fediverse!

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"15 minute drive" at rush hour. My man could walk.

This entire comment could be summarized by "butbutbut people who live in areas with shitty public transport have to drive"

We already know this. The point is to make it better, because good public transport is better for literally everyone. I live on the edge of town, and I'm 5 minutes from 7 bus stops for 5 different bus lines, and a train station. Most of those buses come every 10-15 minutes, and are up to 5 minutes late at rush hour. It is by far a better experience to take the bus than to drive for me.

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First, like the other thread said, eating bugy isn't a conspiracy. It's also not "subpar" or whatever, it's.. food.

Second, I never understand people's aversion to... food that isn't currently alive in your plate. I have eaten bugs, I've eaten a lot of plants, I've eaten a lot of different animals... it's all just food.

... you've not heard of singular they, a pronoun used in english by Shakespear himself, that existed before singular you?

"Oh, somebody forgot their jacket" has existed since forever.

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The material conditions forcing North Korea to make work camps

Bugger off, tankie

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I just shaved my legs and it feels pretty great :3 kinda sucks to keep finding areas I missed after but damn this is comfy

Honestly to me face shaving is much more important tho. Shaved legs feel great, shaved face is a necessity (I have the worst combo of super light skin + dark hair, even if I literally just shaved the roots are still visible on the chin. It makes that area automatically more masc I think, which sucks)

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This post has literally 6 times the comments of the next most-comments post, jesus. Wonder what could have triggered this!

Uh no people definitely did. Mostly the people that actually knew how this shit worked. But even laypeople complained when it was just Dall-E and Midjourney.

... which is maybe why things that are essentially critical to a developed country's lifestyle probably shouldn't simply be companies. If we go off of "it's not profitable", public transport wouldn't be any good, postal services would suck, etc.

The internet should be a public service like mail.

Also, in the US they paid the ISPs to hook everyone up to fiber, and then they just... didn't.

Those last two points are just doomerism that is either

  1. Wrong and actively unhelpful, you're discouraging people from helping
  2. Right and useless since all it does is spread negativity. If it's all over, why make it worse for people?
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You know you can block a community right? And if it's not for you, you can just... not participate, too. It was "thrust upon you" in the same way that every other community in c/all is thrust upon you. You make the active choice of browsing non-curated content, then complain that it doesn't consider you?

Seriously, you're complaining about literally nothing. If you don't feel like this is for you, block it.

^ does not have context, doesn't care, only wants to be mad


(If you do have context, that's even worse lmao a good amount of the comments were pretty clear-cut)

This isn't a lemmy L, look at how many posts there are in that sub

(It's less than 1)

It completely breaks them, currently:

This applies to at least NewPipe and yt-dlp, probably basically every such tool. Also, if you use logged-in cookies and download, they sometimes ban your account! Fun!

This is literally top of the day on the entirety of lemny rn. That's how people got to it.

Nah. Programming is... really hard to automate, and machine learning more so. The actual programming for it is pretty straightforward, but to make anything useful you need to get training data, clean it, and design a structure, which is much too general for an LLM.

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No probably not the template's just a bit weird.

Presumably OP is jewish and his mother is constantly trying to set him up.

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Nah. It'd be like if everyone just assumes that you like pop, because most people do. It might be understandable, but people constantly assuming you like pop and only pop is... tiring and annoying.

Also, on a personal note, it definitely stopped me from figuring it out wayyy earlier than I could have. "Normal/average people are straight, I am normal, therefore I am straight" was effectively my reasoning.

Neural networks are named like that because they're based on a model of neurons from the 50s, which was then adapted further to work better with computers (so it doesn't resemble the model much anymore anyway). A more accurate term is Multi-Layer Perceptron.

We now know this model is... effectively completely wrong.

Additionally, the main part (or glue, really) of LLMs is not even an MLP, but a "self-attention" layer. You can't say LLMs work like a brain, because they don't. The rest is debatable but it's important to remember that there are billions of dollars of value in selling the dream of conscious AI.

Yeah, but that's also an issue with "you". I'd say make a new pronoun but that's a whole other set of pains (e.g. I don't like xe/xem because it looks bad, doesn't fit with standard english. ze/zem is better or even something like ke or ge).

Hell, I'd be all for moving to an official constructed language for international communication but that's a whole other other set of problems (who makes it, what should it be based on and how do we make it fair, how to get people to use it).

Basically there's no good solution to language problems because prescriptivism doesn't work and all languages suck in some ways.

Also, the reason this is a CVE is because Rust itself guarantees that calling commands doesn't evaluate shell stuff (but this breaks that guarantee). As far as I know C/C++ makes no such guarantee whatsoever.

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For the screenshot you might want to use a terminal that doesn't have bloom, a CRT filter, and a background, I genuinely can't see the TUI.

Not just the one time. The swiss bombed it via artillery once (blew up some deck chairs in the only ski resort), started a forest fire with anti-air missiles, set up an observation post, and had soldiers march in like 5 times.

Just to offer some support, you're right and those are good questions

One possibility is to allow users to join a controlled allowlist (or a blocklist, though that runs more into that problem), where some actor acts as a trust authority (which the user picks). This keeps the P2P model while still allowing for large networks since every individual doesn't have to be a "server admin". A user could also pick several trust authorities.

Essentially, the network would act as a framework for "centralized" groups, while identity remains completely its own.