In two days, the Smokehouse Creek Fire has grown to be the second-largest in Texas history to – 152 points –
In two days, the Smokehouse Creek Fire has grown to be the second-largest in Texas history

Just a reminder that it's still February, people.


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Those last two points are just doomerism that is either

  1. Wrong and actively unhelpful, you're discouraging people from helping
  2. Right and useless since all it does is spread negativity. If it's all over, why make it worse for people?

I don't want to be a doomer, but I do kind of feel like climate change is going to get worse and worse and we will pay a terrible price.

I'm not one of those "civilization will end" types, but I think there will be a lot more refugees and a lot more war. If the Himalayan ice caps melt, a lot of Asia is very fucked.

There's a pretty big difference between "it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better", and "it's already over, we're all fucked".

The original comment presents things poorly: we are past several "points of no return", but saying the point of no return implies there's nothing to be done.

Additionally the last point is... pretty much entirely wrong. We have absolutely made significant and noticeable progress against climate change. It's not enough yet, but it's absolutely not nothing.

I understand that. I'm just suggesting that doomers might not be 100% wrong because I think a lot of bad stuff is going to happen, so we shouldn't just dismiss dire predictions entirely.

I just don't think this will be the end of our species or even human civilization everywhere. But in some places? Quite possibly.

Yeah I agree, I just don't call "stuff's gonna be bad" doomerism (it's pretty clear at this point). I call "this is the end and there's nothing we can do" doomerism.

If everyone's living in refugee and migrant camps, how is that not a collapse of civilization?

Well, for one thing, the vast majority of civilization does not depend on the Himalayas for water. But many people do.

Climate change and global warming are not localized to the Himalayas.

Okay? I still never said everyone would live in refugee and migrant camps...

Moat people in the first world will be fine at the small cost of thousands of dead poor people. But then again never mind the poor people.

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