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Joined 1 years ago

Goodhost iced tea. If I ever run out; PeaceTea is a good, if expensive, alternative.

There are plenty of stories like that, though? Thousands, probably. It's a really popular genre. Granted, it's usually people being reincarnated into fantasy worlds and such, so that might not be your cup of tea. Still, there's always exceptions in any genre.

Some of my favorite fanfic ones are:

And some original works, too:

These are just the ones that I found scrolling through my favorites list. There's a lot more of these out there if you go looking.

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Discord. It takes like 12 seconds to start each time I launch it. Of course it's plenty fast after that, so I guess it's just the startup time that's slow.

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I'm using Bluefin right now, but I was using bazzite before that. I'd say the biggest benefit is that it's hard to break permanently. Sure, you can still mess up your home directory pretty bad, but system level stuff is nice and stable. The biggest problem is compatability and software instalation. Flatpak and toolbox/distrobox are nowhere near as good as the documentation makes them out to be. I'd suggest making sure you select a distribution with Nix pre-installed so it's still possible to install stuff.

(Edit: There is apparently a workaround for the following issue, though I have not tried if yet.) Just be aware that some things are just plain impossible with atomic distos, and you can't change it. Like the login screen. You can't change that at all, whether it's the background or the default zoom level. It's part of the system packages and can't be fixed.

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It's great for user apps, gui apps, and sandboxing. It's terrible for cli apps, libraries, development, and integration.

Stores buy specifically tailored perfume to encourage people to buy in demand products, it's not even a secret or anything it's s common practice. Some smaller stores do the same but with music playlists.

Another common one I've seen is adverts, which are exactly that and so common that lots of people don't even notice them anymore.

Then of course there's the simpler things, like the design of a website. Well designed websites make the difference between a customer and a passer-by.

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I visit both hourly, and spend the vast majority of my time reading books on those two sites.

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Sentience in humans begins at 4 years old (mental age). I don't consider humans younger than that to be people. I also firmly believe that you have to have some form of consciousness, self identity, and clear cognition to count as a person.

A human corpse is not a person, a brain-dead patient is not a person, and a human with severe mental disorder should not be held to the same standards as other people.

Similarly, anything that does have sentience is clearly also a person, and should be treated as such. Animals such as crows, parrots, octopi, dolphins, whales, and some monkeys and apes are demonstrably as or more intelligent than some human children. They should not be treated the way they are.

As a side note, I agree with that other guy. Polycules should be allowed to marry.

Also, names in this day and age are useless, at least official ones. We have computers, we already use government issued ID for everything, having a name just makes things confusing. Just use nicknames, either created by the person or by agreement from peers and allowed by the person. The concept of a parent forcing a name on their child is archaic and cruel.

And finally, real life security is horrifying. I expected things to be like in the movies, where you need a special skill or training to do those spy shit. But no. In comparison to real life, Google actually has good security and privacy. WTF people? Everytime I receive mail with my name and a description of what's inside just written on the box I cringe and go back to lurking online again.

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You're welcome! It's one of my favorite genres, so I happened to have a pretty big list on hand. I'm glad I could help.

You could try Tails, it's specifically made for this purpose. It's ui is a bit old looking though, and it's not that user friendly. If you can stand xfce or kde though, you'll feel right at home though.

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Look into cloudflare tunnels or tailscale funnel. Both let the wider public access a private server without port forwarding. If you want it private only, normal tailscale does that too, you might have some trouble if you want to use a custom domain though, since it's private.

Intelligence, and a shared interest. It's almost impossible for me to care about someone who doesn't even know how to use their own devices.

Mostly depends on the culture / palate of your guest. What I'd make for for someone who mostly eats takeout is quite different from what I'd make for someone that only eats Ramen and Kraft dinner.

Most likely I'd just make macaroni salad or macaroni casserole though, because everyone likes that.

I asked my mom for the family recipe, to use as an example in case you've never had it.

Cook some macaroni noodles and then cool it under running water. Cube cheese, ham, pickles. Hard boil a couple of eggs. I like them smashed to a paste and mixed in with the salad, but my family just has them as a side dish. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl with Miracle whip and seasoning salt.

If you want, you can make it a casserole by skipping the pickles + eggs, adding a cup of shredded cheese, and mixing it all together with a can of condensed tomatoe soup. Then bake it in a casserole dish until all the cheese melts.

I once ate a pizza my aunt made and almost threw up. I did that a lot when she made food, I guess we just had wildly different ideas about what food should taste like.

I find it hilarious, honestly. There's not a single food in common we both like.

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Good luck. Even twisted, Good fortune is always a boon worth having.

Test 1

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Personally, I only drink iced-tea. I just can't handle bitterness at all, and I prefer cold drinks to hot ones anyway.

I've found Peace Tea is the best, but its kinda expensive, so I tend to buy those big tubs of GoodHost IceTea powder and make a jug of the stuff every couple days.

Portable web browser to read books on. That's all I use mine for, except for the occasional text message / phone call. I got by fine for a long while with just my laptop, but reading on my phone is just a lot more convenient in a lot of cases. Like when you're walking, or running, or standing, or laying down. It's a pain in the ass to read from a laptop while walking, I've almost dropped the poor thing too many times to count.

That sounds pretty good! I'll save your comment for later, so I can try it sometime. Thanks for the suggestion!

I'll list a few that seem interesting to me. I have no idea whether they have religious origins, but they sound cool phonetically.

Felix Soren Ethan Kai Rowan Alex Isaac Levi Nico Kit Anakin River Logan Ari Ian

I don't know if those names would be appropriate for your area or culture or language or even laws, so I just provided a whole bunch in case a couple aren't suitable.

Hope this helps.

I use ddterm. It's a gnome extension that adds a Drop Down Terminal. I quite like how easy it is to bring it up and hide it again, at the press of a button. You can even hide it without closing it, so it's great for testing web apps.

I don't really keep in contact with my family. They can call if they want, and I do the same, but otherwise, we don't interact much. I'm definitely glad I stopped using Facebook, personally. I'm not interested in seeing them fall prey to conspiracy after conspiracy and then demand I participate.

It seems pretty limiting from my perspective. Can't use milk or eggs or cheese, and most dipps don't freeze either. Can't use lettuce, most vegetables and fruit become tasteless as soon as their frozen, and bread can only be frozen once or twice before it becomes inedible, and it takes two full days to thaw each time.

Most of my diet is noodles of various kinds, soups, and frozen meals.

What would you suggest? Applebee's doesn't operate in my area, and I've never been to one. What kinds of food would work?

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Ah, I'm not doing this because of money or anything. I'm just getting frustrated whenever I buy an onion for a recipe, and it goes squishy before I can actually cook the thing. If I can get rid of all the stuff like that from my diet, then I'll be happy.

Thanks for the homesteading suggestion, though. I'll keep that in mind when I'm searching for recipes online. That community might also have some nice tips for how to live like this.

I like world-building. I'd just choose one of my favorite works.

Those are some great suggestions, thanks!

Huh, that's a pretty good description. I've never heard the term before, so I'll need to do some more research before I know if it fits. But even if it's a dead end, that's an interesting enough topic that it's worth delving into anyway.

Seems like a pretty good dish, I'll have time to try it some time. Thanks for the suggestion!

Thank you! That's so much useful info! I'm definitely saving this comment for later.

Sounds great! I'll try it sometime

That works, thanks!

Maybe? I never really grew out of it, my brain just realized that emotions don't solve problems and stopped bothering me about it all the time. Though, my fears are more along the lines of forcefully being prevented from dying, rather than the alternative. Still get the chills whenever I imagine having dementia and not being allowed to kill myself.

I'm not suicidal anymore, but still. There are things I'd rather choose the forever-sleep than experience.

Yup, that's it exactly.

I hadn't thought of that, but that makes sense.

Yah, pasta is such a great dish. It lasts forever and you can use it in so many ways. Most of my diet is just variations on the typical "pasta with sauce" formula.

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That sounds great! Thanks!

That sounds great! I'll definitely try that. Thanks for the suggestion!

Looks interesting! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll save the comment so I can try it out someday.

I hadn't thought of the fruit thing, so I'll definitely be doing that. I'd imagine that buying a mango or something would be a lot better if I just sliced it and froze the slices. Same with bananas since peeling them after you freeze them is always such a pain.

Yah, advance meal prep is definitely a skill I need to get ahold of, same with meal planning.

I'll look for some frozen veggies next time I go shopping. I usually only buy it when I'm making soup or something, but if I can find some of the non-mixed stuff (only carrots, for example) then that would be great.

I'm using the ddterm gnome extension, and it's been the best I've tried so far. Lots of customization, very few bugs, and does exactly what you need it to with no bells or whistles to distract you.