What are your most prominent food memories from childhood?

Bluetreefrog@lemmy.worldmod to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 40 points –

How do they make you feel when you remember them?


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I once ate a pizza my aunt made and almost threw up. I did that a lot when she made food, I guess we just had wildly different ideas about what food should taste like.

I find it hilarious, honestly. There's not a single food in common we both like.

What kind of pizza? I find that crazy that someone could mess up pizza

Sorry, I don't remember. I was like 8 or something, so my memory of the event isn't exactly clear. I think it had mushrooms and tomatoe chunks though, since I hated those during that age range, so it would make sense why I would react so strongly to it.

I would also dislike that pizza strongly if those were the ingredients. If she made combos like that I fear for her other dishes