3 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Something along the lines of:

'You're just an NPC in everyone else' life, no one really cares about what weird shoes you wear, or whatever. No one's remembering, don't worry about it'

Really helps out in the world really, it's kinda true.

3 more... long as those types are happy with that shit, it means they won't come to the fed.

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It’s lemmy, we hate anything regarding accounts, privacy and the corpos man!!

Every little weird game i've played that has a fandom site, it always seems outdated and wrong. Plus mobile browsing on a phone is painful. I remember the runescape fandom site....ugh lol

I turned off NSFW entirely after wondering what the most recent nsfw community in my feed was. I saw one 'sissyboy chastity' ....yea time to turn off nsfw.

Uh oh. Those NSFW communities are working fast lol

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As above, So Below

Let me preface this with I also love most of the Paranormal Activity movies and Cloverfield, that found footage format when it came out to the mainstream was just really gripping to me and I try to vacuum up as much of them as I can.

As above, So Below really stuck with me, despite the opinion being somewhat mixed. I'll also say, for some reason - I really like caves/subterranea. Minecraft, Deep Rock, 7 Days to Die mining, Runescape. I think I must of been a dwarf in a past life/dimension or some shit.

It just felt really desperate and the tunnel/horror aspect just kept going, those guys were fucked basically and it kept getting weirder.

Dylatov pass was a similarly cool but kinda shitty movie too, it has another name too Devil's pass or something. I like that for similar reasons too, kinda dumb but equally hopeless feeling.

I don't remember the name because it ALSO had two release names [regionally] for some reason. But it was two english ghost hunters who stayed in a church, there was a weird priest every now and then, and no spoilers - they found an underground basement and it...went from there he he he. That was good too and probably lower than 50% . Anyone know the name?? Found footage of course.

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Not a user of that sub, but I can't wait for crazy, anime avatar weirdos to start dunking on people, every disco server has em lol

Not the right place to ask, or maybe to be seen. But I watched ACG's video on this and I LOVE the classes and how meat n potatoes they are. No guffy [what I call] Horde style shit like Necromancer or whatever.

I've only ever played DnD once IRL in a discord and some online board thing, but I enjoyed the dice rolling and how posistioning worked. Is it a bit of xcom meets diablo if I twisted your arm to compare to another game genre? A friend and I tried that Gloomhaven game and we HATED it lol, but this looks a little more engaging at least from a very first glance.

Plus a few friends have picked it up, so i'm not sure if I could join their game to help kinda like we did with D4 which was super fun.

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Yeah i'm still trying to settle on a default filter. I also have all popular meme communities blocked so maybe this is why, as the bulk of the content is well, memes.

If Lemmy's had a million posts, i'm struggling to see em? My instance is pretty open and has had no defedding dramas AFAIK? (is there a way to see this?)

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I don’t get how’s there’s so much activity here on the big communities but us lemmy nerds….have dead gaming communities, the hell?

I’m also missing a popular wrestling sub because I like to keep up with the news as I don’t watch any TVs or PPVs so I’m back to browsing there on PC.

Trying to replace reddit on PC but this place still isn't great for gaming and wrestling and niche games i'm currently into. I do enjoy it on my phone though, also tagged back in Somethingawful on my phone also for some nice reading of some classic threads and PYF stuff.

Other than that, no need to replace anything otherwise :)

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Not huge on shit posting culture, but it fills the ol heart seeing so much activity in this community, good job team.

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I did delete my main account and have been mainlining lemmy for my enjoyment, it’s great here and the upvotes and comments are really kicking off now.

I remade a Reddit account to only use for my googles for things (path of exile help atm)

If I do find myself replying, I’ll be using chatgpt to write the most nothing shit. I literally can’t use Reddit on my phone thanks to that awful official app.

Thank fuck for Memmy!

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Yeah, I initially was on and moved to a UK instance. I tried searching a Titanic sub on my UK instance, and it didn't show up. But it was deffo still there on my L.W search? What? This is why I think my UK instance is a bit weird despite only being defederated from 1 instance, and hence this thread. It feels off compared to my Lemmy world feed.

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Plex shares solved my streaming need and negated my laziness and hatred of downloading files to a penstock for my ps4.

£5 for everything I could ever need with a netflix like interface, and if for whatever reason something isn’t on…it’s obtained and visible to watch. Bliss!

I’m back to Reddit, I kinda gave up here, but I’ll look a couple of times a week.

Too much politics. Linux. Privacy. Bidet talk. ADHD. Bad memes. Techbabble. Snore

No matter the filters I just can’t get an interesting feed, I just blocked about 6 political subs just today - it’s kinda shitty content imo (for me anyway)

I’m happy this exists but the rage honeymoons over for me. Old habits die hard I guess ………..back to arguing with bots!!

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Yep! I don't care about trump, elon musk and what lame alternative to discord there is. Slowly blocking stuff will be the way I guess

Think I’ve see. This article like 6 times on lemmy 🥴

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Easy Red 2.

WWII fps/tps made by a small team. Did you like BF1942 maps and bots back in the day?

This is the first ‘bot game’ which is actually very good and wwii focused. Others like ravenfield were too spread out, scope wise, or too twee like Brass Brigade.

It’s just had Normandy come out and first person animations tweaked and it’s in a really good place.

Custom maps and soon to have custom assets on the workshop so workshop maps are about to blow up big style!

Would love to see more wwii game fans try it out, even off sale it’s FILTHY cheap. Can highly advise the recent Normandy DLC too, the quality of the maps are leaps and bounds over the base campaigns, Stalingrad is also very good too if you're an eastern front kinda boi.

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Essentially, is an email provider right? Like Gmail.

And communities [or subs!] are forums. While these forum posts are made by people who are on the instance, every other provider [instance] can see them, provided the instance owner has not decided to block other providers [defederated].

As long as you are browsing ALL instead of Local [local only shows subs on your own instance], it's effectively reddit.

It may be worthwhile to make an account on an instance which features your country for Lemmy performance purposes, plus the local communities [subs, remember] may be very relevant for you, albeit probably very small in terms of users.

Signing up for is like signing up for shit, monopolised, slow internet in America? It has lots of customers, but that new upstart fibre company [small, fast instance] will let you see the same pages as shitty, slow Comcast.

(I'm not knocking, just using it for this analogy)

That's what I make of the fed so far, pretty cool.

Ye you gotta block the shit that annoys you here :)

Still no word on the friendly blue triangles? They desperately need range settings🤞

Don't really follow this much, what's the TL:DR with all this? Something something more pay? Good on em , i think?

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Very nice! Long may it continue.

I switched to a regional instance to take the load off for everyone, Lemmy is even better!

I'm 80% once a day [night time] and touch wood, only ever had one filling needed and that was back in 2009. Bro sciencing it but I chalk it up to drinking a lot of water and shlooshing my mouth out after meals, especially if i've had orange juice, ice cream or other not good for teeth stuff. A bit of gum maybe too, but I don't know how much of BigGum fills our heads with random fake science.

I did have a 'uh-oh' phase a few months ago where my teeth were super sensitive, but some Sensodyne, mouthwash and twice daily sorted it out and now i'm fine again...and back to my old habits lol; enamel must of taken a lil beating.

Dentist says things are always fine, so I just keep it up /shrug

I just checked Odysee and saw SunnyV2 was on there, holy smokes the comments on there...

The early birds get the 3 letter words

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Could be bots?

On mobile absolutely, the past few days has seen a considerable amount of activity bump up. I am logged in on a new lurker account on reddit, but that's only for wrestling news and a podcast sub of mine. Fuck All.

I got quotes by a PC gamer article after commenting about a random , obscure battlefield rip off was announced for steam a couple of months ago.

I was very surprised upon finding it after a username google.

Thanks….I guess?! My comment was just a random nothing burger (well what’s changed there). Well done ‘journalists’!

Also your inbox blows up with post/comment replies - and they're not snippy argument-starters either. Feels good man.

I HAVE to stay here because I like mobile scrolling and I will never use the shitty Reddit app, so lemmy is staying as my Reddit replacement :)

I find it very strange how memes have become more popular than the gaming subs, I thought they would be equally bustling but they’re deathly quiet which is a shame so far.

Also missing SquaredCircle for wrestling happenings so I’ll quickly visit there on my PC, but certainly not interested in other Reddit crap.

Also got Tildes on the side for when I want some more stuff but there’s a lot off guff like sociology n stuff….sometimes you just need a meme or whatever. Glad to have a choice.

Wow that phrasing is almost exactly what a PC gamer article said about one of my random comments when I googled my Reddit username. Sad really.

Nice man, I failed to mention also; you can host your game online so playing with friends, or having the game open is a thing. It's quite fun when someone joins the enemy team, they provide that little bit of spice to an otherwise, potentially easy mission. Doubly so if they comandeer a tank or something - uh oh!

undefined> Republic Commando

Heh, unfortunately unrelated!

Sorry, I failed to mention that - it was late :)

OXO Good Grips No-Spill Ice Cube Tray!

You just fill it, let the silicone lid fall down, then I run my hand over it in a sweeping motion to push out the excess water [it has gutters and a lip at the 'front'] for you to tip the water out when you angle it out the sink. Bam, stack em in the fridge.

I saw purchases carry forward which is nice as I have a few stashes on file that I got somewhat recently.

media share servers, even better [when they're not getting banned, or forced to use jellyfin lol]


Totally random purchase with a friend and we have loved it and have been hard lining it.

Pretty much at the end now post story but now we’re just finishing off the ship. It’s been so nice I’m kinda sad it’s almost over.

We did originally mean to play Conan Exiles one night but just randomly grabbed raft, it’s really really good.