Do any mobile apps have 'mark read once scrolled past posts' yet? to – 109 points –

I've been a fan of Memmy for the most part, but post Apollo i've still been out of sorts with any platform. I really miss marking-read once you scroll past posts on my phone.

Apollo spoiled me for years with this feature and manually upvoting each one to hide gets old fast, as a viscious hider of content once i've seen it :)


Yes, Voyager.

They renamed wefwef?

Edit: They renamed wefwef.

Voyager is ❤️

I tried 3-4 different apps before landing on it. I’m not even a little bit tempted to try anything else. It’s almost obscene how quickly they managed to make an Apollo clone for Lemmy.

New modern frameworks can be heavy but require a lot less time to do something like this 🙂

I've tried others.

All of them preload images in posts AND comments.

Some of them let you disable it for posts.

None let you disable it for comments.

I do not use others. Voyager is the best.

Yes, that was the decisive aspect. Fuck preloading images. I do not deign a comment more worth the screenspace just because someone posted an image link, I consider it app-breaking bloat. And man, I like some bloat. I'd be cool with voyager loading avatars or tables if they wanted. Just not things that break the flow of text.

(... I do have Thunder installed just in case they make it a setting. I like the interface.)

Only problem I have with voyager is the bug where it sometimes won’t let you comment. Error message says I must select a language in my Lemmy profile, but I already have two languages selected. I emailed the dev, and he amazingly responded in like 3 minutes with a kind explanation that he’s already working on a fix.

Liftoff can be configured to not preload images. It drove me nuts to see NSFW being slapped on my face while on the bus. Then I found a toggle.

Ohhh shit, so they do! Awesome, looks like its time to main Voyager.

Yes, Connect For Lemmy had this.

And on top of that you can also hide read posts! Loving connect so far!

Connect dev here, glad you're liking it!

Connect also now supports marking posts as read when viewing the image and also instance-level blocking.

Your app is the best. Hoping for volume button for comment navigation to be added one day, and then its basically perfect!

I'll see what I can do :)

It's a great app! Thanks! But unless I'm missing something, there needs to be an easier way to subscribe to communities.

I think you might be missing something xo

I did indeed miss that. From the feed you can only block things, not subscribe. I thought you had to go to the sidebar of the community to subscribe. Cheers!

Love Connect! It is the best, great work Kuro

Thank you for Connect. It's my favorite app so far

Connect is awesome. Every update it just gets better. Absolutely love it.

It’s a progressive web app instead of a native app, but Voyager just recently added this! You can check it out here:

Voyager is incredible. Such a polished experience!

Why doesn’t Voyager allow to log in to any Lemmy instance except for a select few?

EDIT: Never mind, I had to do a few more taps to discover how to do it.

Summit for Android has this as well. Source: I am the dev.

Aw nice! I can increase the font size in title, post and comments! This is what I've been looking for!

Will you add the capability to add our own fonts, or at least give a serif fonts option? Martel Regular is very easy to read for long periods of time Id take Bookman (I think that's one? Or any old serif fonts) Thanks for considering!longe

I'm using Jerboa and it does that. It's not perfect but it works, there's a setting to hide read posts.

I'm using jerboq but it doesn't mark posts as read just by scrolling past them, you have to actually click on them. Just clicking the image thumbnail also doesn't mark as read.

I've looked at this for kbin, marking posts as 'read' once you've interacted with them before (either upvote, downvote or boosting) so that's way when you come back later in the day you can see things you've already interacted with.

It's one of those things that will probably take a while to get going

Not as far as I know. Lemmy API doesn’t support marking multiple posts at once, so there is currently no clean way. And no application does it locally. Yet at least.

That's not true. There are both native and web apps that do this.

Oh, okay. I’ve been told this directly by Memmy developer. So sorry about confusion.

Edit: here it is git

This is true, actually. I’ve felt uncomfortable adding something that essentially can create 10s of requests per second to an APIs that have been struggling significantly.

I see though that it’s being done and - although I’m not one of the admins to know - things seem to be fine now.

I don’t think it’s the best idea, given the fragility of things, but we can revisit this.

I read that as a surly "here it is, git" at first and was equal parts confused and amused 😄