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Joined 11 months ago

I wish hexbear was like this, instead they fellate capitalist imperialist autocrats like Putin because it feels cooler to be a contrarian than class conscious to them.

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You seem to be confusing a heartfelt movie animated in Japan with the contents of your "homework" folder, champ.

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Why would Epic do this when every woman in this game has a dump truck wider than her shoulders?

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This would be devastating if conservatives cared at all about hypocrisy or logical consistency.

"IP" feels like such a weird term here. It's not that I disagree, it's just weird to think about. Oh no, he will have to be mad at games with an English accent to slightly different clipart. He may have to find a new nu metal riff for his intro.

0 day old account literally spewing Kremlin talking points. In my day, bot farms worked harder

Industrialization lifts people out of poverty, capitalism sinks them into poverty by stealing the value of their labor as profit.

Also what's with the phrase "lifted out of poverty?" The fuck does that mean? Why is this same phrase repeated anytime some criticizes capitalism? It's like a stock phrase or talking point that makes you sound like a robot.

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Most (99%) oven roast the turkey but the fattest of rednecks deep fry it to show reverence to their fat ancestors.

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When were you born, 1950? Who the fuck has a pension at this point?

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Catholicism still a tyrannical hate org and child molestation ring, more at 11. Who would have thought a bunch of people sniffing their own farts thinking they literally know what the supposed omnipotent creator of the universe wants (to be overly concerned about human dongs) would be hard to convince otherwise?

I think it's pretty obvious one side is operating totally outside of reality where the other is not. Are democrats peddling stolen election lies and denying the existence of COVID?

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You know you could also make a post about how much you like it, right? The world would not end. A post being on the gaming board doesn't mean it's the objective truth, it's a forum. Both of your posts could be up at the same time, even!

Also it's hilarious to go "at least it's not buggy like the game this expansion is literally for"

You're right, we should just let Trump break as many laws as he wants because we are scared of his yokel supporters. That would be way better.

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Like 12 idiots on the Internet who then decided to never shut the fuck up about it.

It can be designed ridiculously

It's because the way you are posing questions is disingenuous. It's an article about issues with the Republican party and voter base and you turn around and go, "well, yeah, but there are two sides so Democrats must be the same right???" It's like you can't even discuss the topic at hand, you have to make it a "both sides" thing.

But sure, I'll bite. Do Democrats have huge numbers of talk radio stations, shitty news stations, and grifting facebook pages all pushing the same bullshit? Because Republicans do, and they all for some reason talk about the same shit in the same way. You can hem and haw about how MSNBC could be more "neutral," but it doesn't hold a candle to the ridiculousness of Fox News. And if it did, don't worry, we've still got OANN to talk about.

Democratic echo chambers amount to "we don't like you saying racial slurs in our forum," where Republican echo chambers amount to "don't you dare post that scientific study or countermand the will of the Great Leader." They aren't the same, no matter how desperate you are to equivocate.

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Please stop "ironically" supporting this guy

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This is dipshit flatearther stuff. Ask them about the ice wall around the disc of the earth next time you see them.

How many societies are stringing up the owners of corporations and distributing their wealth? None, so left wing violence can't be all that common. How many societies are mistreating immigrants, destroying social safety nets, and trying to overturn democratic elections in favor of authoritarians? Plenty, so you know the right wing is alive and well.

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I want them back in a hotel too.

Too bad voters don't matter half as much as much as land and money in the US.

If you think science fiction is laser fights in space, this opinion makes sense. If you like characters and setting, it's probably some of the best sci fi on TV.

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People need to expect to pay reasonable prices on a reasonable basis for art and entertainment, and pretending everyone should be cool with fifty different streaming services and never owning anything again is its own sort of immorality and lack of ethics.

Yes, all politicians are exactly the same and you are such a special snowflake for seeing through the illusion, you very smart heckin valid person.

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You ate the onion, my dude

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And they will definitely not charge you more for it when they are a monopoly, no siree

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Is the way to remember World War II with a big triumphant statue of Hitler on horseback? Or, is it by teaching history?

This sounds like one of those statistics racists like to throw around about violent crime percentages.

Thanks for the low-quality reply and adding nothing to the community, diocan, really appreciated

Both sides both sides both sides, I love not having to think

It's cheating and the fact that you are asking shows you know it is.

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Murdoch news orgs are an information vacuum. People who watch Fox News are less informed than those who watch none at all.

Lol, no steam engines without stealing from the worker, got it. 🙄

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Woah, a poster from a parallel universe, how cool! Where did our timelines diverge?

This seems to be the GOP strategy at this point. Do everything you can to wreck the economy and write your friends blank checks. The Democrats get elected to fix the mess. Then, you use their time spent cleaning up your mess to make the case that they are ineffective, getting you re-elected just in time to start all over again.

What do you do when you have prepared for nothing but peace and someone else brings war? That's what the idiom means: you don't prepare for war because you want it, you prepare for war because war literally never happens when you would like except when you are the one invading. If you want peace, you have to be prepared to defend yourself against people who do not desire or understand peace.

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good things are actually bad every four years, I prefer perfect, the enemy of good

I mean, hiding in a tree, disguising your scent, scoping a dumb animal and shooting it with a rifle from a hundred yards away isn't exactly a fair fight either. I agree there is a difference, I think there is just a lot of mythmaking about what is effectively using all of the gifts of civilization in order to trick a sub toddler intelligence deer that it's not about to be murdered.

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Nah, there needs to be a federal law to prevent exactly this sort of idiocy.