today's rule is: hexbear summarized to – 460 points –

alt text: A tweet by an AI generated dril clone called "drilbot_neo" that reads: oh youre worth $200 million?? im work 0 million and im going to beat you to death" originally published on 28 January 2021.


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I wish hexbear was like this, instead they fellate capitalist imperialist autocrats like Putin because it feels cooler to be a contrarian than class conscious to them.

Yeah, it's so weird that they're sooooo in love with Russia and China. They claim to be communist and/or socialist, but those countries aren't what I'd consider to be either of those things. They're just... regular ol' dictatorships full of human rights abuses. Why the hell would they want to support them?

Hexbear is good for one thing and one thing alone: Tearing the incoming wave of neo-fascists from reddit a new one. Regulars know not to mess with them but newcomers will try (and fail) to debate them which always results in hilarity and a lot of accounts getting banned.

You're making hexbear sound more badass than they really are. In reality, they're chapo rentoids who live in mommy's basement

But but but billionaire nationalist dictator from country opposing "west" = opposing capitalism = supporting (my flavor of) communism good???

Seriously, how do you even arrive at such conclusions? What would Russia et al need to do to be perceived as worse than "the west"?

Yeah, that drove me absolutely up the wall. Russia's economy was liberalized after the fall of the Soviet Union, and China even invited Milton Goddamn Friedman to consult on their economic plans.