4 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

I'll give it a look, thanks! Though I was really looking forward to having the entire collection safe on my own machine. :/

So I was going to say thanks for the reminder to go check if more episodes of the Drew Carey Show had been uploaded to since the last time I checked, only to find that those that were already on there (first 2 or 3 seasons I think?) are now all gone (apart from the Improv-A-Ganza episodes, which I will be downloading before they disappear too). Nowhere is safe.

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But Twitter is a real fuckup for him

Except it clearly fucking isn't, it's doing exactly what he bought it for, including convincing people like you to feel sympathy for him and his "loss", which is equal parts hilarious and really fucking sad. You're looking at his life from the point of view of a poor person, something he never was and never will be, yet he's still so easily manipulated you in to feeling bad for him (and the billions he's lost, leaving him... still the motherfucking richest person on the planet), and even fucking (think you) relate to him and the idea that he can "fail" just like you can, using you as a living breathing mouthpiece to make his life easier. Not yours.

perfect boy genius mystique

I just threw up a little in my mouth, thanks.

And yet, he's still one of the what, 5 richest people on the planet?

He doesn't give a shit, and neither should you (as nice as the schadenfreude might feel). He got something worth more to him than plain old money - an established propaganda platform, which he is using as he intended - to war monger and otherwise interfere in politics to ensure fascism progresses as fast as he can help it. The "dent" (more like a surface scratch) it put in his finances is completely invisible and irrelevant to him.

And it should be to you, too.

He is NEVER going to end up without means or power, not even fucking close, unless we take them from him, and abolish the system that encouraged and enabled him to amass them in the first place.

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Thanks, that's one race I definitely don't keep up to date on. All billionaires need to cease to exist.

Well at least it was consensual

Says the only person who left the room alive.

I'm not saying it was or wasn't (E: or that the death was planned or deliberate, though that is a possibility, however unlikely), or that consensually doing drugs together and having sex is wrong in itself, but the chem-sex world is absolutely rife with rape, coercion, and abuse, so to just assume it was consensual is a big leap.

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make racists afraid again

They were both adult men of similar age.

Which has literally nothing to do with consent. Men rape other men their own age all the fucking time. What a ridiculous and wilfully ignorant point to try and make, jfc..

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Capitalist propaganda.

"Aspiration" to be more precise, it's one of the ways capitalists convince large segments of the public that they're temporarily embarrassed millionaires, who just need to pull their bootstraps up hard enough, and they will make it, like the people in the programme did (conveniently they never address things like racism, sexism, queerphobia, ableism, and other barriers that many people have to face just to survive, never mind thrive, and the fact that all of these barriers are artificial and created by people who benefit just as much from dividing society up and pitting us against each other, as they do from selling us rags-to-riches bullshit to get us to work harder to make them money).

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It's because tankies aren't communists, they're authoritarians.

I think that's the point, just like with "a few bad apples", the original intent of the saying has been subverted to help those in power keep the rest of us down (if you just do this impossible thing, you'll be just like us! Why don't you just do that impossible thing already, you useless lazy bastard? And so on. It's part cognitive dissonance to make themselves feel like they're "self made", part gaslighting convincing us we're just not trying hard enough).

Right? But as is always the case with sexual violence - some people will always make excuses. It's just easier for them than confronting the reality (E: that it's even a possibility), usually because they're far enough removed from being at direct risk.

I will remember survivorship bias

The just world fallacy is another one worth remembering, in the context of your post, but also generally.


If hard work led to success, then a poor person working three jobs should be rich.

You got George Monbiot's quote almost exactly word for word:

If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire.”

He didn’t have to work three jobs to pay rent, but he is set up as a rags-to-riches story, using elbow grease and grit to become the mogul he is.

Lastly, you're right, but it's important to remember what he does have, and why - privilege, and lots of it (being a white man from a rich background, with a supportive family to boot? They all put his starting points miles ahead of most others), which he is given by white supremacist patriarchal capitalism, which is why he (and many others, even without the billions, privilege is one hell of a drug) will never work to end those systems and work towards creating a world where everyone has equitable access and opportunity.

but maybe just to get in the headlines again...

...because he knew it is a Nazi dog whistle.

So he's either a Nazi, or he knows enough about Nazis to know how to appeal directly to them, and is happy to do so for publicity (so, an enthusiastic collaborator with Nazis at the very fucking least).

You really should examine with yourself why you feel the need to jump to the defence of a Nazi.

My advice: you do you, but find your audience lol that definitely wouldn't work in every crowd.. 😂

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For starters, I'm not a dude. I also don't have a list for you because I have never spent any of my time thinking about how to make other people dance, nor how others might make me dance (drunk or otherwise). If we somehow ended up at the same party and you (or anyone) pulled a guitar out, I'd get up and walk away from the area (as I'm sure at least a few people did in every single one of the times you mentioned, you just didn't notice).

So like I said - you do you, but know your audience. You've obviously found plenty of "your" people, just enjoy that, but not everyone likes the same things you do, and that's ok. Suggesting getting people drunk so "everyone" enjoy what you're doing? Not so much.

Why my parents thought putting an extremely anxious child around such extremely anxious, large animals was a good idea is beyond me (I know horses help a lot of people, but I didn't ask or want to be there and the horses clearly picked up on that and didn't want me on or near them)

Of course he is, they always do.

We also have a tendency to allow only sociopaths and psychopaths to lead us, and we gotta nip that in the bud, but most people who aren’t like that don’t want to lead.

I wouldn't say "allow", but either way, you've hit the core issue there on both counts - leaders. Hierarchy creates inequality, it's just how it works. It's why any cult of personality is dangerous and bound to maintain an imbalance.

This mostly focuses on management in the workplace, but applies just as much to leadership rolls in general:

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even though a left-wing alliance won most parliamentary seats.

And yet, people will continue insisting that we can vote our way out of the rapid decline in to fascism.. 🙄

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(sorry Pingu)

teach us how to relax, enjoy the moment and be happy again.

That's not what they're paying the motivational speaker to do. They're paying them to make you more productive and trick you in to thinking they care about you so that you might stay loyal and work harder to make them money.

I can understand that in some countries cops can be seen as criminals (and are behaving like criminals), but I don’t think a generality should be made. Just like a generality shouldn’t be made about people from an origin all doing the same bad thing.

ACAB, and you don't get to compare your chosen profession to where people were born or the colour of their skin, nor try to claim victim points by pretending you are systemically oppressed and discriminated against in the same way we are (though your trying to does go to strengthen my first point).

Fuck you, pig.

And if you're Black - get shot for "talking back"

Turns out AI is already fucking up mushroom images, so making a positive identification is only going to become more difficult.

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Just as we said would happen, but thanks to poor education and prime propaganda, the general public seemed to care more about "bendy bananas" than they did about the levels of poison allowed in our food (helped, of course, by the media massively playing it down, just like they did the so called "Brexit bonfire").

I would really like for karma to be real

It isn't, and things will never change as long as people pin their hopes on the higher power of their choosing to make things right instead of taking action to make sure it does (if you live locally and are able, go protest at this guy's fucking house, if you're not, donate to a fund made by locals taking action against him. Support organisations like the innocence project, if you have a prison local to you, see if there is anyone in it who is wrongly imprisoned and could use the support, the options are endless, and every single one will do more than hoping "karma" does its thing).

I get that you don't mean any malice, but this kind of thinking is as effective as "thoughts and prayers".

Saying hes a racist purely off of a product price is the equivalent of the pet eating ohio comments.

Jfc, you Nazi apologists are fucking wild, comparing a white supremacist openly broadcasting a Nazi dog whistle, to a bunch of immigrants who literally did nothing to no one but were still made a target for violence by those same white supremacists for the sin of existing while being Black is vile beyond belief.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Hierarchy creates inequality, it’s just how it works.

Always and every single time, it doesn't matter how nicely you dress it up or try to convince yourself that if it was you (or your personal "leader" of choice) it would somehow be different. Inequality is literally built in to the structure.

E: I just had to come back and show some appreciation for "be the change you want to see in the world - follow someone else", I know you didn't mean it, but the irony is just too good..

his ex-wife is in jail for objecting to court-ordered reunification therapy meant to repair his relationship with two of his sons.

Yeah, because top priority when encountering a piece of shit incestual paedophilic rapist, is to reunite him with the children he set aside while he preyed on the others. 🤯🤬

Be it a system or an individual - abusers defend abusers. It's always projection in self defence, it's why they've constructed an elaborate conspiracy theory about secret paedophile rings run by the rich and powerful, yet when someone rich and powerful (and white and straight), and those who serve them, acts in direct defence of a paedophile, they look the other way.

The judge who made this ruling, along with everyone who enabled it, need to have their hard drives searched and the children in their lives questioned and potentially removed for their safety. I don't have a single doubt in my mind that if they did this, they would find at least one more paedophile.

As for the mother and kids, I hope they sue the state or the court or whoever it is they can, and win millions to pay for the new life they're going to need to build for themselves and therapy they're going to need for the rest of their lives (never mind compensation for the obscene miscarriage of justice of locking her up).

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Ask them if they like this one better, when they say no, act ignorant and ask them to explain why, then sit back and watch them squirm

thinskins maskot

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He has no clue how to run a business.

This isn't a business to him, it doesn't need to be, its monetary value is insignificant to him, it was always about having control of an established platform, and feeding its audience his propaganda.

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Good friend of Kettle Hitler

kettle hitler

And they sit next to each other on the kitchen counter at Führer house

hitler house

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What in the world necessitates those?

A system designed to abuse and control.

These are the same people who, faced with an obviously intersex newborn, would 100% surgically mutilate the baby to fit in a binary ASAP without thinking twice.

It never is and never was about protecting children.

I really don’t get why so many people think the migration is their biggest problem


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TL;DR because I get the feeling that investing any more energy here is a waste of time:

don't be the asshole in the middle


literally can't tell the difference

(E: one of the main things OP seems to be missing is that capitalism is just as much a system of oppression as racism, sexism, and the rest are)

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In case anyone else is curious:

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Those, and I can also make out:

  • They tried scratching out "anarchist" in the title and replace it with "homosexual"
  • "Do you love men?"
  • "Do you have feminine hobbies?"
  • "Do you love dick in your ass and mouth?"
  • a badly drawn hitler in the left margine

So yeah, definitely nazi alert

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