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Joined 9 months ago

You know what else kills a human? Forcing them to give birth even if they are not healthy enough to do so.

If you are going to make talking points at least be cohesive.

I've never really thought about it this way. Good point.

Do NOT blame the devs for this. They are not the ones to decide the direction of the product or the priority of the tickets they work. Blame upper management for making these poor decisions and the product managers for being spineless and not pushing back.

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Nobody wants to invest 2 months paycheck into hardware that the developer is going to drop support for in 6 months.

Hardware is too expensive for the average Joe to buy and those of us who can afford it are tired of being burned by companies that provide subpar service then drop support for the thing. Cool, bleeding edge tech means little if there is little use for it or if nobody can afford it.

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I don't understand how it is so hard for people to clean up after themselves. Our parks and trails in the US are filthy. There is trash on the ground and garbage cans 10 feet away.

It is really sad that they had to erect this barrier, but it is laughable that people can't respect nature when the entire purpose of their visit is to admire it.

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Their decision to profit off the project was their downfall.

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Thankfully this scenario is covered by Steam's refund policy. If Capcom wants to fuck around, let them find out.

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As others have said, the entire instance skates on thin ice. While the people on it are generally ok the admins have a clear agenda and are not afraid to suppress ideas and discussions that do not adhere to their ideology. I always triple check any news or political posts that come from that instance.

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January hasn't ended yet and we are at 60% of the total layoffs of last year.

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If the product you purchased no longer works on a promised platform due to a developer update you were sold a product that was not as advertised. Steam will refund you in this case, and it comes out of the developer's (publisher's) pocket.

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The problem is that they will never acknowledge that they were the ones that caused them to get to that point. That is why we are here today.

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The irony being the video game industry is currently one of the most unstable and corrupt industries right now. Video game CEOs are raking in money while the actual creatives are being fired left and right. There is serious brain drain and a mental health crisis is occurring.

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These are the same assholes who sound like a jackhammer when they walk in apartments.

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Bruh I'd be just as atrocious regardless of gender.

There has been legal precedent that terms of use are not legally binding since they don't expect customers to read it before clicking the I Agree button. They have made the agreements so long and put them in everything that they concluded there is no possible way anybody would ever read all of it for everything.

They still haven't fixed the major bugs after how many years in the first game. I don't think I can trust them with a second.

Fear and power do a lot, and there is a whole legal section about how contracts signed under duress against the person's interests are not legally binding.

Like you, this is the first I've heard of this so I don't have any opinions at this time.

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Hit the ground running deploying...pretty much anything.

Was running game servers on my Windows PC through Docker and they were super easy to set up. I got a new PC and decided to repurpose my old computer into an Ubuntu server to get some experience with Unix. I have only been more frustrated once in my entire life. Sure, once things are set up on Linux they are really powerful, but the barrier to entry is so absurdly high and running anything "out of the box" is literally impossible by design.

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I'd prefer to call him a scam artist. He is really good at taking credit for other people's work.

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Because recycling plants are far and few between with many requiring you to be a resident to use the facilities. Many also charge for each piece brought in. They are also only open on weekdays when people have to work.

Recycling electronics and metals is good on paper, but there is very much a service problem.

Aptly named because while they think they are living in the clouds the house sits on a rotting branch that is just waiting to snap under the weight.

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Killing education has been a GOP cornerstone for at least a century now. Education teaches people to think for themselves and make educated decisions, and those types of people would never vote Republican. The GOP are grooming children to vote for them to let them stay in power.

Their politics isn't "support the next generation". It is "how can the next generation support us". Education is the antithesis of this ideal.

Opt-in polling is so bad. It means you only get answers from people with strong opinions. They are polls where the results are shaped like a U instead of a bell curve so it rarely represents the actual 95 percentile.

I've found a lot of people in my generation (Millennial) don't eat red meat, not because they don't want to but because they can't. It gives me incredible heartburn, and many of my friends become physically ill if they eat it.

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That's the thing - you think it has a negative effect. It might, but we need real studies to back that up. Laws shouldn't be made because of unsubstantiated feelings. If you want something meaningful to come out of these things you should advocate for unbiased mass studies.

"Even if you have gained weight you still look beautiful. If you feel you need to lose weight let me know if there is anything I can do to help."

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I don't know about everyone else, but I still play at 1080. It looks fine to me and I care more about frames than fidelity. More VRAM isn't going to help me here so it is not a factor when looking at video cards. Ignoring the fact I just bought a 4070, I wouldn't not skip over a 4070 Super just because it has 12GB of RAM.

This is a card that targets 1440p. It can pull weight at 4k, but I'm not sure if that is justification to slam it for not having the memory for 4k.

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This seriously stressed me out when I put my last computer together. I was patient and waited hoping it would fix itself (which it did), but my heart sank when I didn't see anything on the monitor.

Good to know this is what is happening. Some visual feedback would be nice.

I stopped using the site when they required me to provide data every few weeks in order to see anything on the site. Come on, Glassdoor. It isn't like I am job hopping or having salary changes every 30 days.

It has become useless for first time job seekers for this reason as well.

My problem is the same community on different instances. I block it once place but it pops up again on my feed in another instance.

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It can be an unsung hero in many tomato-based recipes. I use a tablespoon of it when I make jambalaya and beef stew.

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Why bother being committed if the DNC isn't going to support you?

(Despite what I just said these candidates should be committed and the DNC and GOP need to start acting in the best interest of their constituents and stop propping up unqualified candidates.)

When it's worded this way I can almost accept the decision made by the SCOTUS. Almost.

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For a brief moment I worked in that industry as a programmer. The whole point is not to find the most qualified candidate but to find the one that fits into the company culture the most in order to reduce turnover. These algorithms will throw away applications from people of color because they have "behaviors not in line with the company culture" or applications from disabled people because they would "not react properly to certain situations".

Of course they aren't explicitly rejecting these people, but the questions and answers on the tests for applications are specifically and painstakingly crafted to filter out these people without making it clear what type of person the question is trying to filter out.

This doesn't necessarily have to do with the AI in question, but my point is that the entire hiring/firing process is totally fucked, and companies are constantly looking for ways to get around discrimination laws.

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There lies the contradiction. How can there be more studies when everyone is fighting against it? You just said two totally opposing things.

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So they either did not do proper finance analysis or they are hiding numbers from shareholders, neither of which inspire confidence.

Agreed. Public safety is making everyone aware and allowing them to make informed decisions. Public safety is not hiding information hoping the problem solves itself.

Not world news, but I'll make an exception. Sleep well, puppers.

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If I had to take a wild guess giving benefit of the doubt it checks the total bytes downloaded and CPU usage to estimate electricity usage.

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In game dev.