Microsoft lays off 1,900 Activision Blizzard and Xbox employees

Lee to – 567 points –
Microsoft lays off 1,900 Activision Blizzard and Xbox employees

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January hasn't ended yet and we are at 60% of the total layoffs of last year.

Curious for a source on that


Game dev layoffs 2023

Take your pick of article. There are numerous to choose from, and most of them give a rough number and their sources.

Quotes a statistic

Is asked for a source

Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH iTs aLl ThErE oN gOoGle

I don’t have their numbers, but this isn’t the first place I’ve seen similar quoted. First one I found through some friends’ discussion was this, which puts us, at a quick glance, at around a third of last year’s total(still plenty bad).

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I don't know where to find this sort of info but that's crazy

Well I was wondering what the cluster fuck of 2024 would be. We had covid, Russian war, massive inflation... Now what... High unemployment?

Amazing leadership, I applaude them.

What leadership? The illuminati? God? Those things are (basically) unrelated.

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