ShittyKopper [old]

@ShittyKopper [old]
7 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

back to for me bois

There are "questions about sex" and there are "men/women of reddit/lemmy, what's the sexiest sex you ever sexed" being repeated every other day like on r/askreddit. I assume nobody would reject the occasional insightful sex questions.

respect to our hard workers, tirelessly working the content mines, all for nothing but a handful of up votes

Feel free to re-crop and adjust as required.

trans flag comic sans that says "post before you leave" with fuck tankies in parenthesis underneath

EDIT: This is getting dangerously upvoted so here is the Krita source file for you to fuck around with should you need it:

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Any admin worth their salt's gonna defederate them and proudly wear the Misfit Loser Zealot label[^1]. The only people who'll federate with them are the naive techbros and those who only care about how much users they have, compared to, idk, being committed to creating a good community. is already gaining steam with the Mastodon side of the fediverse.

[^1]: Seriously the markdown guy couldn't've picked a better description if he tried.

With how unreliable tallying votes over federation is, we're kinda get vote fuzzing "for free" right now.

Microservices aren't a silver bullet. There's likely quite a lot that can be done until we need to split some parts out, and once that happens I expect that federation would be the thing to split out as that's one of the more "active" parts of the app compared to logins and whatnot.

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If this comment is federating then I started hosting my first service -- Lemmy itself.

I believe, with Authorized Fetch (what Mastodon calls secure mode) blocking intermediaries won't be needed, as instances will have to cryptographically "authorize" themselves to receive/send data, and you can just say "no" to any requests coming from, acting basically as a "defederation enforcement mode".

I could be wrong though, haven't caught up on the exact details.

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On the software side, we already have PeerTube. It's just the logistics of hosting video are way too expensive for most people to be able to cover:

  • You need drives to store all those videos, preferably in several quality and codec variants so everyone can watch them.
  • You need the bandwidth to serve all those videos. PeerTube can "smooth over" the initial new upload bump by using WebTorrents, which is the least worst solution if you quietly ignore all the "but muh IP address" people, but once people stop watching at the same time, you're back to square one.
  • Transcoding requires powerful and specialized hardware. Nobody in their right mind will serve videos the same way they're uploaded, especially with the rise of new codecs like VP9 or god forbid AV1, which you simply can't encode on a consumer CPU unless you're fine waiting hours/days for a single upload to go through.
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So was 0.18.0. In fact I think the next few releases will all be like this.

(just cheekily testing to make sure federation didn't break between updates)

Video hosting is way more resource intensive (and therefore expensive) than text and even the most image filled of Lemmy communities

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built-in lichess integration so when you downvote someone you have to en passant them in chess for it to count

It's generally more like "Steve's 10 eur/mo cloud server in which they run ten other things next to Lemmy, which is written by two devs and barely held together by duct tape and prayers"

But that doesn't change the overall point.

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That's the eventual goal.

Or, well, something like it.

If only ISPs in my country decided to actually give a shit about IPv6 instead of deciding to NAT even harder.

At this point aren't all that excess processing losing them money? Like, you can still sell IPv4 if that's how you make a profit but what reason do you have to not just click the "turn on IPv6" button that is probably there if your networking equipment is made in the last century or so????

Hbomberguy's entire channel is a goldmine. It's hard to pick just one so instead here's three, in decreasing order of silliness

All of them are about 2 hours long each

Aside from that, Cathode Ray Dude's recent The Unholy Saga of Phoenix Hyperspace is quite good, though it's a really computer nerd-y topic.

And finally, if we're allowing conference talks, literally anything Deviant Ollam has his name attached to tends to be really good, though he does tend to repeat stuff between his talks. Here is four that's different enough from each other:

There are so many Linuxy YouTube Guys With Terrible Politics(tm) that it's really not that hard to confuse them with each other.

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it's it even possible to read this in any voice other than dankpods's

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& it turns out it's already in your inventory

the modern games equivalent to this is:

how much money the developer gets if you buy it off g2a/other shady cheap games sites: 0$

5 more... is already happening

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Get something new enough and continue getting something new enough when AMD pushes them out. The drivers suck for anything older than an RX580, and things like Blender require even newer GPUs despite the hardware being more than capable.

Run Arch and use the ROCm'd PyTorch from the repos. Those packagers know what they're doing.

Other than that, expect everything premade to be made for CUDA. There are some tools like but they aren't "there".

Source: Been running Stable Diffusion on an RX580.

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It's just

I do, because I care about people who may not have the ability to recognize satire for any number of reasons (neurodivergence being one)

In most cases they tend to be nicer people than ones who say the tag is unnecessary, anyway

Definitely not Gentoo based, but if you can get by with their unique approach to basically everything, NixOS can be pretty interesting, in that while it is technically source based, binary caches are widely used to basically "pretend" to be a binary distro. And it does let you patch things shouid you want it (at the expense of recompiling everything that even slightly comes in contact with the patched package)

There are some parts that are too "baked in" to change -- requiring systemd, for instance -- so that may be a dealbreaker for you.

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I mean, just by replying here content from my single user instance (this comment, specifically) is "spilling over" to all the instances who can see this post.

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To be fair, PHP has slowly been getting it's shit together since PHP 7, and 8 seems to be in a reasonably great shape compared to the horrors of 5.6

Sure why not. Plenty of us have single user instances.

GNOME's stance on user customization has been "users can do whatever they feel like using 3rd party tools like Gradience or entirely custom CSS, but if you're a distro maker then only use the Approved Ways(tm) to customize things"

Now, I have zero clue if that solves anything (it very likely doesn't), but it's actually more than most people give them credit for.

I'd say "go join in on the issue tracker and tell GNOME about this" but hearing from some people who tried that before you I'm not too hopeful that would do much of a difference. All I know is that complaining here isn't going to solve anything.

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That's gonna end up a shitshow and a half, no matter which side you're on

That's admins of other instances you're federating with banning people from their own instances.

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Element is the most featureful one. You'll probably want to have it around even if you don't use it every day. Cinny looks pretty close to Discord (and is overall cozier imo), and FluffyChat is more Telegram/WhatsApp-y and seems to be one of the better ones for phones.

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The buffer of hells is fixed size so you overflow it and end up in heaven instead.

"shit just works" (the instance in question) I presume

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So, how will you treat screen readers? Will they see that question? If you hide it from screen readers as well, what's stopping bots from pretending to be screen readers when scraping your page? Hell, it'll likely be easier on the bot devs to make them work that way and I assume there are already some out there that do.

Alpine is completely separate by RHEL by a country mile (hell, it doesn't even use glibc). You're probably thinking of Rocky

Honestly I'm not sure if we need file sharing to be federated. Just put up a link somewhere and let people download.

Or use torrents (with web seeds should no other seeders be around) if the files are gigantic enough

The health of the fediverse depends on smaller instances existing. The fact that larger "untouchable" instances exist at all is harming the fediverse as we speak. Mastodon folk are already familiar with this problem regarding dot social & dot online.

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There is a fair few out there, one main issue is that you can't even get a list of nsfw communities without being logged in on the instances they're created in.

IIRC the only instance that patches that check out and is remotely discoverable because of it is lemmynsfw. Whatever communities other instances have are basically hidden to all but the select few who know about them / have an account there and goes to look them up.

To some people having any moderation beyond "just block the trolls yourself lmao" means creating an echo chamber.