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Joined 1 years ago

I'm sick and tired of the Capitalist religion and all their fanatic believers. The Western right-wing population are the most propagandized and harmful people on Earth.

Always sad when Capitalism/monetization creeps in and cripples/pollutes open and free movements/projects :-( There are many many examples of projects dying off, converting to proprietary, etc. Luckily people are forking and creating new FOSS software all the time. I'm going more and more full FOSS, de-google/meta/m$ and so on. I'm tired always spending time changing software/workflow because of monetization creep, I'm tired of closed drivers, telemetry/spying, bitcoin scams and all the other utter garbage the Capitalist religion brings in to my life.

I have chosen Guix as my new home partly for this reason. Here, the default is that if I doesn't compromise, I know that I won't suddenly see these yucky things creeping into my system. That gives me a safe space where I can plan/build long term without wasting my time fighting Capitalism and all the shit that automatically follows..

I hope the Nix community finds a solution.

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Can't you just look up your location and enter it your self in redshift config ? I did that a few years ago, and it worked fine.

Also Redshift can be controlled from the cli, so cron would work wonders.

I'm looking for such an alternative, but wouldn't dream of supporting any bit-scam projects. Thanks for the note/warning !

How horrible is it that 99% of any crypto project can be dismissed as harmful scams without even looking at it - and except for 1% they always turn out to be libertarian wet dreams/scams.

Unfortunately, these Capitalist Psychos uses the same techniques as 'Scientology' et al. and are increasingly hiding their true identity/incentives behind their shit project.

They are Capitalist scammers that have found a new revenue stream, and It IS incredible how far these people will go just to protect their initial investment - no matter who's scammed bco it.

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Seems the only 'dark side' was that he was caught..

Does that mean that all Fuse filesystems automatically gets this huge boost ?

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Had no knowledge of what Valkey or Redis was, so: 'Valkey, an open source alternative to the Redis in-memory, NoSQL data store.'

At least that helped me a bit ;-)

The Western 'free' population is one of the most information censored/restricted populations in the world, and yet they are flabbergasted that China and many many other nations won't allow propaganda from western oligarchs into their country. It doesn't matter that an information firewall is the single most important military defense against the Capitalist information war. That's btw why the western world are propagandizing their population for 'free speech', so we all can see that wevil China don't want free propaganda, sorry, speech.

The most amazing and Incredible is how hateful attitudes can be bought for a few propaganda dollars in the western for profit information market. So western people actually believe all the hateful things the western oligarchy says about China (and ALL the other enemies of the oligarchs).

How convenient and completely coincidental that the western population have the same opinions about nations and world leaders as the top elite.. Could it be that.. nooooo.. no no.. Western news are the BEST, and no Capitalist elite would lie about something like that to their own population, oh no no..

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That's all I needed to know. I'm deliberately avoiding all scamcoin related projects..

I read a comment somewhere that Stremio uploads like a normal client. Just a comment oc, but it should be easy to check for a network savvy reader. It may be that the plugin does it, dunno.

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A real life hero, this Tomeu !

Because I’m okay with that.

You daredevil you - LIVING ON THE EDGE ! ;-)

There's imho no stupid questions regarding personal cyber-security. There are only things we don't know yet.

I was digging a little and just wanted to add a few links: and

It looks like a competitor to both Roblox but also meta and vrchat, and even mindcraft. Vrchat is free i think, but they own the data.

I see they've adapted the leading OS game engine, Godot, which also let's our personal AI simulate the real world in real time. I wasn't particularly happy with this roadmap tho: '(Future) Marketplace: Easily monetize your games, 3D models, audio assets, and more with one-time purchases or RevShare.' It doesn't take long to convert the project into some shitcoin 'adventure' where nothing is done without coin incentives and people behave like it's all a business.

Looks like aprox. half of AI talent in US, are Chinese.

Surprised by Russia. They have a lot of skilled engineers/good education/science institutions. Anyway, they are sure to work with China now, so they'll get accelerated quickly enough..

I feel I should know this in my bones after so many years, but does 'privileged' in kernel context also include 'sudo/sudo su' elevated users ? I wonder if the kernel distinguish between pure root, and elevated user ..or if it even matters here ?

Anyway, this is cool. There's a ton of crazy file systems that just didn't pan out bc of speed issues. I'll just leave these links to filesystems. A ton of cool ideas!.. I need my AI to have access via fuse. less crazy systems but probably stable projects

Thanks for sharing the info!

Noob-warning ;)

Looks pretty cool. It almost gives a desktop-workspace vibe and seems way smarter than me flipping through my 6-10 session tabs.

Does someone know if Zellij run ontop of bash, fish etc, or is it a shell replacement ? I hopped to Guix and would rather not dive too deep atmo with changing shells and so on. Also, is it possible to control with mouse ? I often lean back and do things with a mouse and prefer both options if possible.

Never got around to using mux, but this seems nice.


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Finally some solid Science ! The Psychology of Melons on death-row are not getting enough attention. Thank you Sir !

Over time I've seen several groups tinker with p2p protocols for packages. Latest using gnunet/ipfs for Guix packages. But I've never seen a working/integrated system. Weird..

Amazing. I've been 'staring' at the sys rq key for 20 years with Linux and many years before with Win/Dos, and never really knew how it worked, for what, or if it was still used for anything - even then.

Apparently (from light search) sysreq was mostly used in the old days to halt current job and enter a systems menu.

Anyway, thanks for fixing a long-standing knowledge gap :-)

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I think AI exposes how little trust people have in Capitalist organizations.

Damn, they are funded by 'Blockchain founders', so it won't take long before it's just another crapcoin project. They seem heavily invested in just creating their own business and focusing the possibility of letting everybody trade with everybody else (same as in real life). I think they 'embrace' open source because they are property-fanatics, but are openly/actively promoting proprietary/property crap directly in their developer/game world. What happens with openness and free mobility for users when they start making money ? Are they gonna lock-in their users ?

I'm interested in a free open source community where shit is free, nobody gets special threats, and everybody can participate without having to pull out their wallet, not a badly masked for profit sandbox. Their idea are inconsistent (bad property=biz, good property=private) and are already infected with coin crap, proprietary (non-federated) services from them (marketplace), a future conflict of interest between users/investors, and an archaic pro biz/capitalist attitude, I'm out..

Oh man, I almost shot myself in my foot here :) I saw an announcement about it a year ago, and wanted to throw you a link. However, I simply could not recall name, link or where I saw it. The official site didn't mention it, so it took me 30 minutes to find this: (Yeah!! I feel like Lemmy Hero right now :-D )

I wanted to try it out and integrate the SOLID login system in Guix, but unfortunately got caught up with something else. If you decide to play around, I would be very interested in hearing about your experiences. Cheers bro..

Just to add: Even if we can replace the energy from diminishing fossils with nuclear etc, there are still a huge forest/mountain of essential technology and products that are reliant on fossils, and they won't be replaced by anything. I can recommend Nate Hagens on YT for more on the 'energy blindness' issue, and what it means for our civilization to lose the last.

Hm, not sure why he thinks bcachefs will 'mature' over the coming months ? ..unless more debugging/stability features are enabled by default.

I hoped for more speed umpf, but looking forward to testing..

Just adding a link:

Good honest article..

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Image recognition, speech2txt, txt2speech, classification and such smaller models. They are fast but have no memory worth mentioning and are heavily dependent on data access speed. Afaik, transformer based models are hugely memory bound and may not be a good match if run on these externally via Usb3.

Imho SOLID is underestimated and underutilized in the open source world. It can even be used as local desktop login..

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Dunno, but this guy (all about ai) builds one with 'faster-whisper', so perhaps you can get a few pointers there? I believe he chunks the Audio on silence. He have a few other speech2x videos. Have fun.


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Not much help, but a quick search revealed this:

This seemed to be read-only tho, so not sure if it covers the use case you described. If you can program a little (AI help?) find a simple fuse filesystem in a language you know, fiddle with it and call ffmpeg or similar on receiving files.

I totally love these 'lets run X on this completely unrelated Y' projects, and nested projects like running emulators in simulators etc. Nerds for the world!!

Hm, I would think users could get good value out grouping search subject and selecting the best engines for their need, and receive a good spread of results from a single search.

..also, our upcoming swarm of personal AI's might benefit from such a selfhosted search service.

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'Dimensions: 43 mm diameter, 16 mm thick'

How much is 16mm compared to other similar watches ?

I'm not a Gnome expert and are using the 'dash2dock' extension, but if I right click on rightmost 'show apps' icon, and select 'dash2dock settings, I can change opacity, bg color and such.

Not sure where else to change those settings, so apol's if this is not applicable in your case.

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Just stumbled upon this speedy one:

And this one for word precision time marks:

And then we have some saying that CBS NEWS is garbage entertainment! I think not..

A few ideas/hints: If you are up for some upgrading/restructuring of storage, you could consider a distributed filesystem:

Also check fuse filesystems for weird solutions:

Alternatively perhaps share usb drives from 'desktop' over ip (, and then use bcachefs with local disk as cache and usb-over-ip as source.

If you decide to expose your 'desktop', then you could also log in remote and just work with the files directly on 'desktop'. This oc depends on usage pattern of the files.