Remember that PlaytronOS from some weeks ago? Turns out it's for a "crypto powered" portable console

I Cast to Linux – 107 points –
No one needs this cryptocurrency-powered Steam Deck competitor

For anyone that missed the initial news back in March ->

So, to everyone that was already kinda skeptical back then, congratulations, you were right.


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How horrible is it that 99% of any crypto project can be dismissed as harmful scams without even looking at it - and except for 1% they always turn out to be libertarian wet dreams/scams.

Unfortunately, these Capitalist Psychos uses the same techniques as 'Scientology' et al. and are increasingly hiding their true identity/incentives behind their shit project.

They are Capitalist scammers that have found a new revenue stream, and It IS incredible how far these people will go just to protect their initial investment - no matter who's scammed bco it.

Any examples of the 1%? Outside of a few cryptocurrencies, I don't think I've ever seen a project self-identified as "crypto" that wasn't a con

Eh.. tbh, I didn't expect to be called out on that one. Perhaps I exaggerated a bit, but in theory, statistically and all.. Well, maybe not then, sorry..

I wasn't calling out anyone on anything! I'm perfectly aware "1%" was a hyperbole, but I'm genuinely curious about crypto projects that aren't snake oil.

I read the comment as 1% that you have to look info it to tell that it's snake oil.

Monero has value if your threat model includes people who can legally compel banks to give up your information. Cryptos allow for bypassing state sanctions.

Smart contracts are a decentralized alternative to escrow services and maybe allow for the conducting of business without relying on the threat of state violence, provided your use case is something where completion can be determined automatically by a machine (or theirs infrastructure that accommodates for that, but then essentially you've just recreated escrow with extra stemps).