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Joined 10 months ago

He/Him. 40s. IT / ⚕️ ➡️ 🍁. Married kinkster. Chaotic-Good.

All these companies want to control what content you consume. Just walk away.

Youtube just stopped being useful. Now it's all republished TV and no personal expression. Totally boring.

3 more...

If you do buy a smart TV, yanking the network connection and use a Pi to drive the TV connected to a media server. And use OTA antenna.

5 more...

Both Finland and Sweden are in Russia's crosshairs for joining NATO.

The umbridge and resentment is so ingrained, you can't even see double standards you live by.

You're ignoring probable cause to stop or search. And the 14th Amendment. And the Interstate Commerce clause in the US Constitution. And repeated SCOTUS rulings affirming the free right to jnterstate travel for all US citizens.

1 more...

Can't agree with a word said here.