Some veteran YouTube staff think Shorts might ruin YouTube to – 881 points –
Some veteran YouTube staff think Shorts might ruin YouTube

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Youtube just stopped being useful. Now it's all republished TV and no personal expression. Totally boring.

God damn, have you tried looking for crap that is not just the front page of YouTube not signed in? There are endless streams of amazing content that is incredibly educational or hilarious or mind blowing if you know where to look. People making new music of all different genres with insane levels of skill, people literally sharing PhD level knowledge for free. There are plenty of valid criticisms of YouTube as a platform, and there is certainly some crap content out there, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are tons of incredibly talented and inspired content creators out there on the platform.

A lot of channels exist for profit rather than being a hobby

But if you can find the small channels then it’s still worth it. It doesn’t help that you spend more time telling it not to recommend things than actually watching what it recommends