9 Post – 316 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good on ya. I've already blocked several communities from those instances simply due to the sheer volume of low effort content.

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It wasn't attempted, it was vehicular assault and reckless driving. Not sure about the definition in AZ though. It was also excessive force when he used the vehicle to ram the trailer and when they intentionally pressed her against the hot tarmac to cause pain or injury.

They will claim qualified immunity, however, in my opinion, a claim of qualified immunity is an affirmative defense in a civil case. Meaning that the individual officer is admitting that they did something, but cannot be held personally liable for it.

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In keeping with Nintendo naming conventions it with be the "switch u" or more likely "switcheroo" It will be a VR based system that seems like an add on peripheral for the switch, but is actually a new system that nobody buys due to confusion and lack of titles.

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Dont start none, won't bee none.

"Metaverse" was the idea that you would use only Meta services instead of the wider Internet. Much like AOL and Yahoo tried back in the 90s and 00s.

When I worked at McDonald's I would "kill them with kindness" my manager would get calls from people so pissed off because I would escalate the niceness to match their enragement.

Customer: "you can't do anything right!"

Me: "Have a wonderful day!"

Gets them mad for sure.

The advice on stack overflow is trash because "that question has been answered already" yeah, it was answered 10 years ago on a completely different version. That answer is depreciated.

Not to mention the amount of convoluted answers that get voted to the top and then someone with two upvotes at the bottom meekly giving the answer that you actually needed.

It's like that librarian from the New York public library who determined whether or not children's books would even get published.

She gave "good night moon" a bad score and it fell out of popularity for 30 years after the author died.

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Yet they don't censor the information on how to steal cars which has caused a widespread issue in the United States with Hyundai/Kias being stolen.

Obviously, they have the same problem that other instances that have been defedded suffer from, they don't screen their users and they can't handle moderation. They won't invest in the necessary amount personnel to moderate and they won't moderate at a level that keeps out annoying trolls, scammers, and other nonsense.

That's unironically the point. Science should not be blindly trusted.

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I don't see how this is much different from u.s. police. You could easily be charged with "assaulting a police officer" in the u.s. if a cop wanted to be a jackass. You could get thrown in jail for months or years until it gets sorted out even if you are found not guilty.

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Community idea: we develop a fake company that we all "work" at so that we can vouch for each other and use our "experience" on our resumes.

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I always assumed that trolls used it for brigading since people on 3rd party apps couldn't see it.

NPCs is ten times worse because it is used to dehumanize people you don't agree with, further alienates you away from normal society and pushes you deeper into cult like thinking.

NO, this is supposed to be a freindly discussion board on beehaw. if you want to be toxic go post on stack overflow.

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I can definitely see certain brands doing well with their own forums. Sports teams would be a very good niche for hosting their own instances. Another one would be the entertainment industry. It's just not feasible for companies that aren't interesting to talk about. Like there won't be a Coca-Cola instance worth a lot of users.

You're probably too young to remember when computers were a huge pia to use. Your MIL probably knows more about PCs than you do if she worked in an office in the 80s and 90s.

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I suspect they have signed an exclusivity deal with some kind of third party to use the API. It could be for "AI" or it could be for more nefarious purposes.

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Hey, if you're not proud of not owning a copy of mein kempf that's on you buddy.

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The Homelab show. Hosted by the owner of Lawrence Systems Canadian managed services firm along with another guy who I can't remember. Very cool podcast for people who like to tinker with servers at home, or in the cloud.

I like tinkering, it's meditative to me.

I just use paint

Make sure to grab a Logitech F710 for a more immersive experience!

He's worried that his employees might get poached now. If I worked there I'd be thinking about leaving and if I was trying to hire at another company I'd be trying to steal whatever talent they have over there.

Too hot? It gets over 100*f in the Midwest with high humidity pretty regularly. Chicago average daily humidity is 70%. But then it's also winter for 6 months straight.

Weather is extremely stable in California, that's why it's a popular place to live.

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When most "news" is opinion based speculation this makes sense.

Or you can pay no money and not look at it at all!

No, it originally was a derogatory term for people who modify japanese cars. Then it began to apply to shoddy or garish modifications to any car. Then people started using it to mean modifying something to their own tastes.

They had already gotten confusing when they started selling dual core i5 processors.

I think that the company was taking money from someone for letting it go on like that.

They currently let mass account harvesting and spamming go on for some reason. I think it's because it inflates user numbers and the reposting makes it look like there's more content than there really is.

I would not be surprised if they sold accounts themselves to media firms. They even mentioned media campaigns in their leaked letter.

The bill text excludes video game consoles completely.

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Their entire platform is, "at least I'm not him" they don't do anything to combat it because they benefit from them. I believe that the Hillary campaign even secretly helped promote Trump early on because they thought it would be an easy win.

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Unless you pissed off an entire nation state I wouldn't worry about signal as long as you encrypt your device and use a password to unlock. Although I believe that some police in the u.s. have some kind of black box for unlocking phones. In that case, I guess you break off your USB port and rely on wireless charging. Even then, they could send the phone to someone to disassemble and pull an image from the device image and try to get in that way.

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I didn't think you could lose control of a train wreck.

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I used to work with the "king" of geocaching in our area. If a new cache went up, he was always the first to get it. I figured out it was him from comments he had made online, not from talking to him. I often thought about ways I could mess with him, like making a new cache and waiting for him.

Petition to crimininalize the word "slams" in all titles not related to wrestling.

It's not transphobia in general. It's a misunderstanding of the sudden language shift that trans rights activists created. It doesn't fit with traditional language and was sudden shift that only existed in niche online spaces.

I'm somewhat convinced that Russian troll farms started it around the time the first bathroom bill came about from some right wing think tank.

Trans activists are just bad at messaging and explaining their position. Many are downright hostile to begin with if you are a standard cis person.

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The biggest issue I see is not being able to block malicious scripts from running. An all or nothing approach is a terrible terrible idea.

It's not just that. If I'm accessing all of my reddit content through the app developers api pull requests they can't track what I'm doing except for when I comment/post/vote. They can't tell how long I spend on the site, where I'm scrolling, what I'm looking at, nothing. All of those API pulls are through the developers account, not mine.

So not only am I not looking at their ads, I'm also not giving them any information on what I'm doing at all, so they can't really give that information to their advertising partners.

Then of course they don't have the ability to send me random alerts on my phone to pull me back into their app.

Section 10. Doxing. (a) An individual engages in the act of doxing when that individual intentionally publishes another person's personally identifiable information without the consent of the person whose information is published and: (1) the information is published with the intent that it be used to harm or harass the person whose information is published and with knowledge or reckless disregard that the person whose information is published would be reasonably likely to suffer death, bodily injury, or stalking; and (2) the publishing of the information: (i) causes the person whose information is published to suffer significant economic injury or emotional distress or to fear serious bodily injury or death of the person or a family or household member of the person; or (ii) causes the person whose information is published to suffer a substantial life disruption; and (3) the person whose information is published is identifiable from the published personally identifiable information itself. (b) It is not an offense under this Act for an individual to: (1) provide another person's personally identifiable information or sensitive personal information in connection with the reporting of criminal activity to an employee of a law enforcement agency or in connection with any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or intelligence activity of any law enforcement agency or of an intelligence agency of the United States and the person making the report reasonably believes the alleged criminal activity occurred or the existing investigative, protective, or intelligence activity is legitimate; (2) disseminate the personally identifiable information for the purpose of, or in connection with, the reporting of conduct reasonably believed to be unlawful; or (3) provide a person's personally identifiable information in connection with activity protected under the United States Constitution or the Illinois Constitution pertaining to speech, press, assembly, protest, and petition, as well as the provision of personally identifiable information to the press. (c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed in any manner to: (1) conflict with Section 230 of Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230); (2) conflict with 42 U.S.C. 1983; or (3) prohibit any activity protected under the Constitution of the United States or the Illinois Constitution.