Where's my beehaw?

SkepticElliptic@beehaw.org to Beehaw Support@beehaw.org – 8 points –

I used the "add to home screen" feature in firefox android 115.0b7. now instead of my beeboy it says "Lemmy" with a mouse! A flippin mouse! I want my bee baby back. 🐝


Many launchers allow you to change the icon and name to whatever you want. GET YOUR BEE BACK BABY

Also, are you sure you didn't add "lemmy.ml" or something to your homescreen? If you added "Beehaw.org" it should should up as beehaw I would think.

If you 'Install' or 'Add to homescreen' the site, https://beehaw.org, in your mobile browser, it should show up as the Beehaw logo and name. If not, then perhaps you added it as another Lemmy instance instead of Beehaw page. Or maybe there's an issue with our PWA config...

My Bee is back with a beige theme now and it says Beehaw again!

Beige? Hmm I forced the cache to update the manifest but that shouldn't have affected the color. What theme are you using for Beehaw itself and for your phone ? Along the same colors or the light/dark specifically?

I've switched between the Beehaw themes and browser themes, those are working fine. The top bar with clock, battery, etc is beige in this browser app now and the circle with the Beehaw logo is beige.

Hmm thanks, I'll have to poke on it and see if I can't get the colors slightly inline to the user preference based on light theme or dark for beehaw.

I'm trying to reply with a screenshot but I keep getting {"error":"rate_limit_error"}

Well stop posting so much.

J/k, I'll also look into that and try to determine why. Haven't seen that before for this site, not sure why it's happening. Add it to the list.

Sorry 😔.

I also wanted you to see that everything looks fine in a Firefox tab. It's just the Firefox homescreen link that looks different for some reason.

Hah, mine was called Beehaw with our icon and everything.

Looked at it now.

Lemmy.. with the Lemmy logo.


Please redo the "install" from your web app. I forced the cache to update the PWA manifest and it should be the BeeHaw logo now not the lemming. I'm not sure if that will automatically update on your phone.

Yeah, already did recreate it and it's fixed, happy bee again. :)

Recreated it, now it's a bee again. Odd.

This is with Firefox btw.

Strange behaviour - I have exactly opposite change few days back. Maybe it is some Firefox update.