6 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As a European I can tell that this is inaccurate - most of us didn't know that half of these places exist.

Please don't use it in eastern countries. As someone who lives in country that had "them" for 40 years and more than 20 of those was occupied I take this term more like a insult.

Yes, I was here to suggest some workaround for him. This should be good option for OP to find way around this limitation.

Lots of disabled people think in different way - not I can't do it, but how can I do it or what to do different to came to same goal.

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I use KISS but it is little bit learning curve.

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British show Taskmaster. This clip contains part where Alex sits on cake and then say that everyone needs to try it once.

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It may be true for US but in Europe lots of cities have functional public transport and are dense, so you aren't limited in any way. Lots of people use trains here to get to the city, where I currently live, to work. So their commute is about 50 km but with train it is 30 min.

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For me it is weirdly entertaining and frightening at the same time.

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Yea it have the Prague wibes.

This weekend I was on my first (this year) multi day bike trip. Let's just say that I am super tired after these 275 km this weekend. But it was amazing maybe next weekend i will do something similar if weather permits.

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For anyone interested:

This gets little in depth on this issues.

I like them in salads, but when is harvesting season and I have lots of them I like to add them to pasta veggie mixes.

Usually I add them at the end of cooking to be lightly roasted but still crunchy.

Edit: roasted autoerection in action ;-)

For me it is maybe camping.

I just tested my new sleeping bag - under 0.5kg rated to -5°C. And realised that I bought/ replaced lots of gear to higher quality gear over few years.

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I had to check the sauce because I thought that this is The Onion.

So I needed new bike rear rack and before I checked out I searched what can I add to have free shipping/postage.

So as grown up, reasonable man I would like to announce that from today I am proud owner of unicycle.

It will be some time before I get hang of it but my family with words of courage like "it will be fing awesome" or "buy it, it will be fun to have" or " everyone has to buy some stupid st sometimes" make me believe that I will learn it.

Otherwise nothing new.

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We bought few chickens (hens) and if you want reliable source of eggs from them you have to replace them after 2 years.

It will be sad dinner/lunch next year.

But seriously it is part of life and it sucs. I want to have few pigeons and their lifespan is short too.

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Just try few of these from live usb and pick what you like.

You can use Ventoy and just drag all your ISO images to it but creating few USBs is easiest option for beginners.

There is nothing bad about Debian/Debian based distros and I think that it is great option I started on Mint, tryed Manjaro and get back to Mint.

I moved and my friends gave me cheff knife at the housewarming party.

I was so ashamed that first thing I cut with it was frozen pizza. So the next day I had to actualy cook something.

For me it is just something that has Reddit like environment but otherwise it is completely different.

What will be inside? I bet some wine.

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Ahh s**t here we go again!

Seriously this happened in industrial revolution pretty often 200 years ago.

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You know, I eat most of these things but I wouldn't say that everyone should eat it. At least try it once to make their opinion on it.

Lots of people don't like the consistency and legs but when ground nobody recognise it.


If you want it only for SMS and calls buy some dumb brick. But if you need more things from it I can't help you I am dissatisfied with most phones but now I have second hand FP 3 and it is enough for me.

I love these "shared" cats in our neighborhood. Go home pet friendly cat, chat with neighbour about cat being fat because other neighbors feed it (it is SIC so there is more of similar cats)...

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Not much like favourite movie but some interesting ones. I recently listened to podcast about Czech cinematography and there are some worth watching.

"Marečku podejte mi pero" is fun comedy with lots of puns and remembered lines. It stars first Czech professional actor and some that are active to this day.

If you want something from the same guys but more serious "Nejistá sezóna" and "Kolja" (this won Oscar for best foreign film) is also worth watching.

IMDb links:

The key is to let them know that you don't give a damn about them anymore.

Depends on your target language. There is lots of Germans and Fins there shouldn't be a problem. Lots of other languages are underepresented here so good luck finding more niche languages.

It is better that way. I like my friends irl.

So I have this and next week last shifts and my mood can be expressed by this song.

Next month I will start in small brewery (3 people) and I hope that it will be much better job than that I am leaving.

I have similar machine, but I run Linux, and don't have these problems. Not exactly configured just some profiles for different use cases.

It was eye-opening how it got faster and snappier after getting rid of windows. Most apps don't need tinkering, just installing from repo for me.

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Mint was my first distro. My interest begun with LibreOffice, then W10 got unusable for me and rest is history.

I distrohopped a year ago but returned to Mint

Yes public transport is network not single lanes, when done right you get of the train and have already bus waiting for you. It is not easy to implement these connections but not impossible.

We tell all parents that some gear is worth to invest in.

Still on the summer camp some children's have too light sleeping bags (we have to borrow them some old army bags), bags worth only for recycling bin...

Koto was dechunked recently and all neighbors were instructed not to feed him.

But he still scares me when I am returning from pub and he jumps on car hood and wants pets.

I am homebrewer (for now). After 6 years I eyeball nearly everything. How my friends put it - you never brew bad beer and it is always different.

There are some software tools but I don't need to use them (mostly). For hardware/gear I have this DIY Frankenstein monster of brewery which works better than most bought ones I tryed.

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Bratislava it is really underrated and undiscovered city.

If you want it only for testing, breaking things... Buy some POS office PC, lot of companies is always getting rid of these.

I am not self hosting, but I will probably buy few of these from my work and try it (at least it's my plan).

I don't know if someone told you before but bota means in some languages shoe.

I am in EU city right now.

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