Creative Outlets to – 21 points –

What do y'all do?

My wife is a writer and I enjoy creating music.

Is there something, in particular, that you like to use (software, hardware, tools, utilities, etc.)?

My wife writes using whatever, she's been collecting fountain pens more recently and I'm thinking of getting her a typewriter.

I like to use VCV Rack for music, probably the most engaging way I've created music for myself.


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I am homebrewer (for now). After 6 years I eyeball nearly everything. How my friends put it - you never brew bad beer and it is always different.

There are some software tools but I don't need to use them (mostly). For hardware/gear I have this DIY Frankenstein monster of brewery which works better than most bought ones I tryed.

How did you start out? Does it require much space or can I start relatively small and are there any safety concerns I should be worried about?

Like time I tried to ferment anything was a jar of pickles and they were too salty for King Neptune lol

Look in brewing community (I linked start guide for beer from there).

For beer you need 2 big pots (I use modified 50l pots) and fermentation vessel. You can start smaller but it takes same time and effort to make 10 or 50l of beer.

Safety - you could get burned. And sometimes need to repaint the kitchen when you make bombs.

Also I started when I was about 15 yo. My dad tought me to brew. He made the brew monster (it is little bit dangerous but it works).

I wrote for now because in 2 months I will be changing jobs - I will be working in brewery.

So I will change from beer to ciders and mead.

There's a fantastic community on Reddit, /r/prisonhooch, that has lots of info and some of the simplist, easiest, least expensive ways to start making your own alcoholic stuff. You can start with a jug of plain store bought apple or grape or pretty much any fruit juice, some yeast (even plain ol' grocery store bread yeast,) and some sugar. It's really fun! & A whole lot safer than I thought it would be before I started diving into researching about it.

There are also cider making and homebrewing and other related communities there that are great, but the one I mentioned is, in my experience, the most welcome to newbies and is not prickly or elitist and weird like some of those booze making communities are.