1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There's a very legitimate chance that Donald Trump could be convicted in multiple cases of multiple crimes and still win the presidency.

The implications of that are terrifying.

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We're early adopters. Early adopters have a higher tolerance for (and ability to deal with) things like bugs, confusing UI, uncertainty, and probably continual change for the short term.

But hey, someone's gotta do it. The end result of this will be an established community and a more polished product. Over time, more and more people will show up as this place gets better and better, and Reddit continues to worsen. (Everyone knows that old.reddit is going away, it's just a matter of when.)

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I typed “thinspo” — a catchphrase for thin inspiration — into Stable Diffusion on a site called DreamStudio. It produced fake photos of women with thighs not much wider than wrists. When I typed “pro-anorexia images,” it created naked bodies with protruding bones that are too disturbing to share here.

"When I type 'extreme racism' and 'awesome German dictators of the 30s and 40s,' I get some really horrible stuff! AI MUST BE STOPPED!"

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Is this a legitimate question? Seriously?

It's funny that we never see headlines like "The rich already have lots of money. So why are they so upset about proposed tax increases?"

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its unfair on both sides because boy children aren't allowed to have anything fancy, and are only seen as what they can offer to society as opposed to being people in and of themselves, while girl children are seen as only for being pretty

This is a great example of what people mean when they say that the patriarchy hurts everyone.

Yeah, I've certainly found myself subscribing to any and every magazine that looks even remotely like it could be interesting. Getting inundated isn't a problem around these parts just yet. But the volume definitely has gone up recently.

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Just imagine if he hadn't hitched his wagon to the S.S. Trumptanic. He could be working a comfy legal/political analyst position at Fox News or CNN and not have to worry about losing his license, his credibility, his money, and his freedom. Oh well.

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Productivity has a long way to fall before it gets back in line with wages, so I don't think workers should be too concerned.

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If the launch code is "Person Woman Man Camera TV" then we're really screwed.

I just finished it yesterday. Verdict? Super fun, gameplay is great, looks beautiful, has a retro vibe. The story... is okay.

A couple shitheads in this thread. 😂

Reminder that you can click on a person's username and then block them pretty easily!

Or say the word "cisgender”

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Christian Logic:

  1. All-knowing, all-powerful God, all-good God creates humans.
  2. Since he knows everything, he'll know if someone turns out to be gay
  3. He creates them anyway
  4. He sends them to hell for it
  5. But they could totally get redemption if they become something other than how they were made, and only commit the Christian-allowable sins (like divorce and greed), but not the icky homosexual one

The truth is, most people will stay on Reddit, at least in the short and medium terms. But with each migration wave, there is a group that will stick around and make things just a little bit more active and interesting, and make it that much more appealing for the next wave.

I predict the next wave is when Reddit inevitably announces the shutdown of old.reddit. Now there will be a more viable alternative for that migration wave, and so on, until we hit critical mass.

That's the hope, anyway.

I have (had?) plenty of friends on Twitter who loudly proudly boycotted the Harry Potter game due to JKR's comments about trans people.

But they’ve stayed on Twitter despite its horrible owner and how he runs things.

I’m willing to give a pass to creators who make a living off their online audience. If the audience went off Twitter, so would they.

Everyone else, though? I don’t ever care to hear about what they're boycotting again if they can’t pull themselves off Twitter.

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Because of course he did. It's like he's choosing to do the worst possible thing at every single step.

rather than push back.

Elon Musk owns Twitter. Every single time a person tweets some kind of "push back," it's just more activity on the platform that Elon Musk owns.

Question for you: Would you say all the pushback has been working? Because it seems like every comment out of Elon Musk's mouth is worse.

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Some of the people celebrating this have the notion that it will primarily help white kids. I suspect these people will be in for a rude awakening.

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Same here! Been here since the blackout started, and it's been a fantastic community.

Used to work at a large tech company (think FAANG). It was advertised as a very dog-friendly place, so people would bring in their dogs, even if they weren't behaved well. There was an "incident" involving one of my coworkers. (That is a nice way of saying another employee's poorly trained dog bit them.)

Just another reason WFH was so much better.

If you have any specific hobbies / fandoms / communities you're interested in, you could see if there are instances specific to those interests you could migrate your account to. The local feed and local hashtags are sometimes way more interesting if you're on an instance you jive with.

Will that be before or after Jared brings peace to the Middle East?

The Board and Investors want a big IPO - that is their goal. Charging developers for API access was one tactic to help clean up the books in service of the big IPO.

But in pursuing the API pricing so aggressively, Spez has put Reddit in a negative light in the press. He's driven users to other platforms. And he has continued to poke and prod at the userbase to the ultimate harm of Reddit. The value that would have been gained from charging API access pales in comparison to the value that has been lost over the last couple weeks.

The money people want their money, and Spez has reduced the amount of money they will be receiving.

Do you know what the format of the data they send is? Would be interesting to write a script to allow someone to recreate their content somewhere else if they were so inclined.

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The way I've found it (on kbin) is that there's a column on the right-hand side of comment thread pages. One of the boxes in the right-hand column is labeled "Magazine" and there should be a black button that's labeled "Subscribe" somewhere.

Yeah, spez has really shot the golden goose (the free engaged moderation staff).

And welcome!

Stop spying on me!

Stable Diffusion Web U by Automatic1111 is pretty excellent for doing image generation on your own hardware.

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If anything I'm a bit suspicious from where first came this call for complete disengagement.

lol, seriously? Musk wants to disable blocking on Twitter, while continuing to ratchet up the transphobia.

You're truly suspicious about people not wanting to wallow in a cesspool of hate?

Good morning~

they couldn’t simply text to flake out when you were already seated.

Yeah, but then they'd get stuck in traffic and you'd be sitting there increasingly uncomfortable, wondering if they stood you up, or worse, got into an accident.

I suspect a lot of subs will come back online just so they can publicly coordinate and announce their permanent shutdowns or migrations to somewhere else. If Reddit doesn't relent by June 30 (or maybe even if they do), I think we'll see a lot of communities permanently go dark.

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DDR probably. Helped me lose a bunch of weight and actually get reasonably healthy.

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During the pandemic, I tried Super Metroid for the first time ever. I just wanted to play a little bit of it to get a feel for it. It caught me hook, line, and sinker. If you missed out and are at all into retro gaming, can't recommend it highly enough.

I finished it yesterday as well! Lots of things I loved about this. For me, third act kind of fell on its face a little bit, but that wasn't enough to put me off, I still really enjoyed it.

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Yeah, I got the sense they had to cut some of the story out late in development to make a deadline or something. I dunno.

But it's hard to get very specific what I mean without giving away a boatload of spoilers.

Yeah, because remote suburbs are just perfect for disabled people with mobility issues. 👍

I suspect the real long-term harm to Reddit is that it will have started the push for alternatives in earnest. That, combined with Twitter and now Discord going to shit, all in such a short timespan, gives me hope that enough people will see the value in the Fediverse.

Eternal Darkness was so good.

Some people don't way to spend their time and money running instances for a bunch of people they don't like.

Better call the cops.