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It is stated within the article that Mckensie Mack is non-binary, however the author chose to refer to them with she/her pronouns. Regardless of “politics” and “beliefs”, I don’t agree with ignoring or disrespecting somebody’s identity.

My bigger concern is the normalization of and exposure to those ideas and concepts (sexualization of children). That’s also why I dislike loli/shota media, despite it being fictional.

That said, I still think it’s a much better alternative to CSAM and especially to actually harming a child for those who have those desires due to trauma or mental illness. Though I’m not sure if easy, open access is entirely safe, either.

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Façade is an artificial intelligence-based interactive story created in 2005 by Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern.


The engine does have some quirks, however; for example, saying the word "melon" at any time will result in the player being kicked out immediately, due to the slang term referring to a woman’s breast, despite other meanings not used in a vulgar way.

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Here’s my best shot at explaining. Unlike my grandma, you’ll know more about video game and internet culture already :)

The character is Alyx from Half-Life 2. “Source Filmmaker” is an app that lets you pose and animate characters from Valve games and is frequently used for meme videos. It was likely used to pose Alyx’s face this way.

Here is a picture of this meme that I saw before this one (I think it’s the original for the format).

This was most a meme from a few years ago, around the time when air fryers were becoming more popular and squid game had recently released.

The meme pokes fun at the “elitist” attitude many people with air fryers had, as they swore by using them for everything. A key trait is the smirk expression the person in the picture has.

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Reddit moment

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Permaban this fool 😈

If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like [Elon Musk], my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people, and I want him brought right here! With a big ribbon on his head! And I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

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The pins reduce the area making contact for cooling, so really if you bend or break off all of the pins on the socket, you’ll get optimal heat dissipation.

I tried this and can confirm, my cpu doesn’t get hot anymore.

“I should peg him”

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Holy crap I love peach in the overalls and Luigi in the gown tho 🥺🥺🥺

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It’s pretty key to the internet that you can access websites using any web browser or configuration you’d like, though.

While it’s true that some websites could just be avoided, if any government, education or healthcare websites implement this “for security”, the user will be forced to download and use a verified browser.

In my opinion this proposal strips users of their freedoms and should be canned.

Music publishers have historically been a serious force in copyright protection, so it’ll be interesting to see where this goes. They’d put in far more of a legal battle than artists, writers, coders or other people whose work has been used in training models.

Well it doesn’t feel hotter here and there’s still snow in the winter, so it’s not really a big issue!


Utah, USA checks out 😏

That one would definitely break grandparents.

Also I wish I had a girlfriend like the second from the right (right above Garfield).

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Wayland opengl support is a huge step towards not needing xwayland! Whoo!

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Companies really do be taking people’s work and profiting off of it, then not giving back whatsoever. :(

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This is dom propaganda 😤

Telekinesis skill tree branch was the best fr

Just did it, and I can confirm; the French language is no longer on my computer. Thanks c/196!

Oh, you thought r/196 hornyposting was bad? Come visit c/196!

I agree, it’s nice to ask somebody about their boundaries, and it can really make them feel more comfortable.

However, I do consider it the other person’s responsibility to establish the boundaries and uphold them; if I call them something they dislike, I’d hope they’d feel comfortable enough to tell me (in a kind way). That’s the kind of friendship I’d want anyways. And if I purposefully ignore that request or argue it, I think it’s very fair for that person to be more stern in communicating their boundary. In this case, “I don’t care that you use it as gender-neutral, I don’t want to be called ‘dude’.”

Good friends/people would respect your wishes, though. It’s your identity, at the end of the day.

Windows and MacOS are “noob-friendly” for those who use them for simple purposes and out-of-the-box. As soon as you want to do something more advanced, you’re back to googling and installing software from a variety of sources.

Many linux distros are like that too (others are just not noob-friendly at all), but centralized package management and documentation are nice.

I’m really glad to be away from registry editing, 50 app icons in the tray, and navigating my way through settings to control panel so I can actually fix my audio devices or network options.

I’m on Arch now, so I still have plenty of configuration and software, but I know the systems and choose explicitly which ones I use. If something isn’t working or is annoying, it’s my fault.

I do think defederation is an important tool for the many pedophile, harassment or extremism oriented instances there are because of the fediverse’s decentralized nature. But it is an extreme action, and I don’t see it as a good immediate recourse when there’s issues with an admin or some users.

Thigh highs do keep your legs so warm tho 😩

‼️Intel user detected‼️

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2b2t players:

It’s cool to see ARM-based chips running these games, but I’m opposed to Apple’s proprietary Metal API being utilized, requiring developers support another API to reach this new audience.

I imagine this move will translate to their Vision Pro headset, which I think needs a VR game library to prove successful.

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On the flip side, studies haven’t come to a single consensus of viewing cp leading to reduced violence by individuals either.

While a full-ban infringes upon individual rights of expression and speech, and may impede in previous victims viewing it as an alternative, I’m not sure if a laissez faire approach is the best option, either.

Especially for material that A) depicts abuse and B) is harder to distinguish between fiction and reality (AI generated content), the risk of psychological harm to individuals without existing trauma or fetishes is very real. I stand by this fact for violent/unethical media as well.

Clickbaity, biased and misleading title.

The article actually claims that, on average, e-bikers have a higher volume of exercise per week compared to cyclists. (This includes both METs, a measure of metabolism, and duration.) Even this claim seems a bit shaky, though.

It wasn’t clear in the article how the studies categorized cyclists and e-bike users. I took a look at one of the linked studies and found that they categorized them like so:

The distinction of e-bikers vs. cyclists was based on the following question at the baseline: “What type of bicycle do you use?”. Respondents stating that they used an e-bike were categorized as e-bikers, independent of whether they also used a conventional bicycle. Using this classification around the half of e-bikers only use e-bike while the other half use additionally a different type of bicycle. Users who reported any use of non-electric bicycle (including city bike, mountain bike or bike-sharing) but not e-bike were categorized as cyclists, those who did not report any bicycle use, as non-cyclists.

A few issues I see:

  • Cyclists who also own an e-bike are only counted as e-bikers, which is a potential bias, since any and all exercise they do is being included.
  • Other types of biking can (and often are) more strenuous, therefore recovery time may be higher.
  • E-bikes are relatively new, so many e-bikers likely purchased them more recently. People tend to use recent purchases more.

Luckily, the study didn’t base it solely on “ownership”, so the many people with old bikes sitting dormant in their garage don’t count.

Also, in this study, cycling was given a constant 6.8 METs and e-biking, 5 METs. These are not constant activities; cyclists going uphill are likely going to be > 8 METS (the threshold for vigorous activity), and e-bikers using throttle-enabled bikes are likely far below 5 METs.

In fact, according to the other study, pedal assisted e-bikes don’t always break the threshold for moderate activity under low and moderate assist levels:

Further, while the cardiometabolic responses (e.g., HR and V̇O2) were lower for the e-bike, they were indicative of being at or near “moderate intensity[…]”

The first study assumes 4 METs as moderate activity and 8 METs as vigorous. 5 seems like a high estimate, then, since the second study showed that e-bikes with assist aren’t always at moderate intensity, let alone throttle.

Aside from the studies, the article itself mentioned that many cyclists take a lift to the top of trails. I enjoy mountain biking, and none of the trail systems near me have a lift. And a big reason I ride is for exercise, strength and endurance. Just me? Also, throttle e-bikes can damage dirt trails, they are completely banned at one of my local trail systems.

Anyways, this article comes from a website all about EVs and similar. And there’s an affiliate link at the bottom to buy e-bikes. It’s not a secret that they’re biased.

All of that said, e-bikes are a really great tool. I’m not against them at all! They make biking far more accessible to people who would otherwise have a hard time doing so. And they’re a great method of transportation, since they make it easier to travel farther than on regular bicycles and are more eco-friendly than cars and motorcycles.

I think this article just perpetrates the divide between cyclists and e-bikers. They’re both forms of exercise and transportation, and someone using pedal assist for themselves doesn’t change what the cyclist is doing. Do what’s best for you, for you.

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You’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?

I’m not sure how or why he would’ve come across that data, but as far as competing companies go…

There definitely weren’t any widespread virus outbreaks in December 2021 and 2022 which affect the ability to smell, that’s for sure! /s

Kidding aside, maybe covid was just a really complex form of corporate sabotage between candle companies 🤔

The reviews probably correspond with covid outbreaks.

I’m staying here. The platform better fits with my beliefs and morals. And I won’t use Reddit without a third party client.

I thought of the “I love your boobs” situation was funny to think about but actually pretty genuine imo. It wouldn’t be healthy to have conflicting preferences for your partner’s body goals, regardless of the labels assigned.

For videos, I bet it was .mkv they mentioned. mkv can have different codecs and different tracks, including audio and subtitles. I see it used often for tv and movies. I’m not sure if there’s disadvantages to it for general videos, like ones shot right from a camera.

I’ve been happy with .7z or .tar.* for file archiving and compression, but I don’t know the pros or cons of each. I think there’s room for different methods of compression though, so a standard format should be able to use multiple.

For font families, .otf seems good for realtime text rendering. Seems any newer standards are mostly targeted at graphic design.

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I’m not a hardware dev, but I’ve been following this issue for several months. Nvidia on Wayland does not implement implicit GPU synchronization currently for Xwayland. Other vendors do.

This issue is related to how/when the framebuffer from the gpu is handed off to be displayed. Implicit sync isn’t a great solution, it’s just what’s been done for Linux in the past.

Here’s a bit more detail if you’re interested:

I believe this issue is more specific to Wayland because Wayland relies on the DRM, direct rendering manager, to facilitate communication between the graphics driver and Wayland clients (applications). Whereas Xorg kinda just covered everything along the pipeline.

Implicit sync sounds like a bit of hack, where software (I assume the client? Or maybe the drm driver?) implicitly checks for the frame to be finished, rather than being signaled when the frame is ready.

So instead, Nvidia has been arguing for, designing and developing an explicit sync Wayland Protocol (and one for Xorg), which will let the graphics driver explicitly signal when a frame is finished and ready to be displayed. This is how the graphics stack works on Windows.

Right now on Nvidia, Xwayland clients will show previous frames, incomplete/corrupted frames or will fail to update when a new frame is rendered. Here’s the XWayland Merge Request. The issue is much worse on drivers > 535.xx after some optimizations worsened the issue. For now, rolling back can help!

There will be benefits in general with explicit sync, but the major ones will be Xwayland functioning properly for Nvidia users, VRR and apps with inconsistent framerates.

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I want an electric kettle now 😩

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The car did what it was programmed to do— unfortunately, that’s not what was best for the time. I think some kind of human override is needed for this type of situation.

But this feels more like a general car problem than anything. Car infrastructure is typically not pedestrian friendly :(

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Ah darn— on Kbin it shows properly. On Lemmy (or at least my Lemmy client, I’m using wefwef) the post title shows as “¯_(ツ)_/¯” because the backslash is registered as an escape or formatting character, so you have to do 2 backlashes. It was common on Reddit for that to happen (warning: Reddit profile link), so somebody would give them the other backslash or 2 (in the case of the underscores emphasizing text as well.)

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