Ruleddit to – 141 points –

Btw I need to find a new instance to keep using Voyager, Beehaw isn’t updating and they’re planning to move platforms. Thoughts/recommendations?


You know your UI sucks ass if users need to tell other users about its features.

What ui?

“Swipe →”

Isn't that how you would upvote with a gesture on the official app? Meaning the addition of "swipe right" to the title is simply begging for up votes? 🤔

Im assuming its a multi image post, and swiping would show the other images

If not (or if they reached the end of the gallery) swiping right would take you to the next post

Swiping left does the opposite ofc

Swiping up takes you to the comments

Swiping down takes you back to the post list

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

I'm using and love it

+1, I also moved from Beehaw to and haven't looked back. Very active instance with great admins who engage with the community :)

why does it have so many awards?!?!?