2 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's available in nightly (and I think dev) builds

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They did that not to (primarily) kill 3PA, but to get money from people who scrape data for AI datasets.

Although I think they could've just specified this in their ToS...

Well, it fixes the issue when I logged in. But my login program still looks unreadable with non English language.

I setup correct font in /etc/vconsole.conf and even tried to add setfont to early init file. Still no luck. I guess getty resets it...

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(I'm waiting for someone to rewrite it in Rust)

"Intellectual property" is not a real property, therefore its not "theft"

Private property was "invented" to avoid and resolve conflicts that arise from potential uses of scarce resources. As ideas are not scarce — they're not property.

And that bs excuse about artists is laughable. IP is relatively new development, mostly enforced in western countries. And yet art existed throughout all of human history!

If anything, IP hinders creativity, and allows big corporations to monopolize the market.

  1. I want to be able to charge my phone while using headphones
  2. My laptop doesn't have USB-C

sudo su

Why spawn additional process when you can get into shell directly with sudo -s?

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I just edit resolv.conf directly, and then do chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf to make it persistent

How is this different from i2p?

That mounting drives with their uuid as the mount location is insane

Why tho? Kernel sometimes can index drives in different order (if you have multiple drives), screwing your mount locations. But UUID is always the same

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Of course, because "every organization is less effective than individual" :P

Additionally it's "literally socialism"

"Four fu*king pixels!"

Darkness is actually great in areas without light pollution! Like polar opposite to "depressing"

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What's friends?

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What makes you so sure about that?

expensive useless government


I don't understand how Americans practice Christianity that it traumatizes people? I remember hearing from someone else how religion had traumatized him from childhood. Which is strange to hear for me since I've been introduced to Christianity as a child, but don't care much about religion or "hell" nowadays...

There's nothing stopping VPN provider from doing the same

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"everything I don't like is fascism" is, literally, a phrase ONLY fascists use.

Ok, so how it falls under "dictionary definition of fascism"?

So basically Centrism?

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I like both! But it never occurred to me that there's correlation

Eating is overrated anyway

A bit of duct tape would easily counter this move

No, it's Patrick

Xiaomi Router 4C with OpenWRT firmware.

It's very cheap and can provide 100MB/s speed, but I didn't trust the original Chinese firmware

In my country private companies provide their service much cheaper than government alternative. And, yes they use shared infrastructure.

LMAO. They got rid of headphone jack to "save space" and then replaced it with bigger USB C connector

First of all lobbying and any other intrusion into fair competition is incompatible with free market.

As for the "rich" — without government enforced monopolies, their wealth is a representation of how much value they provide to society. Which roughly translates into their support by society. A bit like representative democracy, but more decentralized.

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By that logic, thieves are virtuous and valued by society.

Thieves are forced to return what they stole, they don't (usually) accumulate capital

In reality, the wealthy are creating value for themselves and their peers

Could you please provide an example? Even something like Apple products (luxuries) are used by people that can't be called rich. So it's hard for me to understand how wealthy could create their separate economy

NewPipe can do the same, without any ads. And its also FOSS

8.75€ 100MB/s up and down - Ukraine

They don't want to admit it but they are just a few steps away from anarchy.

Pretty much everyone admits it. Minarchist (pro minimal govt) flag is literally ancap with black changed to blue.

Soo the, we got problems to big for one person alone to solve. If we let every fucker do whatever he wants we going down fast. We need inteligente population orientated to something good, organizerd trough democracy.

Free Market is essentially a "continuous democratic process". If what somebody does benefit people, he gets incentivised with profits. If people see no value in what he's doing – he gets losses. And if in the process of " doing whatever he wants" he does any harm to others ge gets sued.

And all of this happens constantly instead of once in a couple of years, without almost any accountability from those who're in power as it works in republic.

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I actually deleted my comment when I reread what you originally commented. But it seems like it's still there for some reason

You might try flashing OpenWRT firmware if your router is supported. It allows changing DNS

What notifications? (I'm too lazy to setup notification daemon)

Tried to reconfigure some systemd services, switched to Artix (runit flavored btw)


Governments can also be sued

My point is they don't lose hard earned money, they just pay you money they collect forcefully from people. Basically it's not a deterrent, but simple restitution

As far as government accountability, that’s what elections are for.

It's quite rare for any candidate to talk about utilities in their campaign at all.

People here tend to not associate govt owned corporations with the government itself. And when someone brings it up, they just make some kind of excuse about what terrible person you are for accusing such a benevolent government of incompetence when they don't fix their stuff, and increase price 2

And besides, chances of reelection are so slim I doubt any politician actually going for it. It's much more profitable to simply lie about your promises

But utilities really can’t go out of business

They should declare bankruptcy and be sold to someone

loss of those services would be catastrophic

Government failed to consistently provide power — no catastrophe. Government failed to provide any water at all — no catastrophe (some people just started to pump and sell underground water)

So why private buisness not providing just one of those services for the period before it's bought, must result in catastrophe? (Just for time reference, the absence of water I described earlier already lasts longer than a year)

Governments can also be sued

My point is they don't lose hard earned money, they just pay you money they collect forcefully from people. Basically it's not a deterrent, but simple restitution

As far as government accountability, that’s what elections are for.

It's quite rare for any candidate to talk about utilities in their campaign at all.

People here tend to not associate govt owned corporations with the government itself. And when someone brings it up, they just make some kind of excuse about what terrible person you are for accusing such a benevolent government of incompetence when they don't fix their stuff, and increase price 2

And besides, chances of reelection are so slim I doubt any politician actually going for it. It's much more profitable to simply lie about your promises

But utilities really can’t go out of business

They should declare bankruptcy and be sold to someone

loss of those services would be catastrophic

Government failed to consistently provide power — no catastrophe. Government failed to provide any water at all — no catastrophe (some people just started to pump and sell underground water)

So why private buisness not providing just one of those services for the period before it's bought, must result in catastrophe? (Just for time reference, the absence of water I described earlier already lasts longer than a year)