Libertarian rule to – 384 points –

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They don't want to admit it but they are just a few steps away from anarchy.

Pretty much everyone admits it. Minarchist (pro minimal govt) flag is literally ancap with black changed to blue.

Soo the, we got problems to big for one person alone to solve. If we let every fucker do whatever he wants we going down fast. We need inteligente population orientated to something good, organizerd trough democracy.

Free Market is essentially a "continuous democratic process". If what somebody does benefit people, he gets incentivised with profits. If people see no value in what he's doing – he gets losses. And if in the process of " doing whatever he wants" he does any harm to others ge gets sued.

And all of this happens constantly instead of once in a couple of years, without almost any accountability from those who're in power as it works in republic.

I disagree that the free market is democratic because hedge funds and the richest people in our society control all of the "votes" in a free market, even after taxes. This can probably be blamed on capitalism, stock markets, and money-driven lobbying.

Exactly it's not democratic. So what is wrong here would be the way we force our elected leaders to campaign, by having to accept donations you imediatly bring money into the table.

If all candidates had the same air time/publicity and couldn't do more outside of that budget the gov gave them. I believe it could improve, you could denounced oponets who are moved by money, and wouldn't be forced to accept non

First of all lobbying and any other intrusion into fair competition is incompatible with free market.

As for the "rich" — without government enforced monopolies, their wealth is a representation of how much value they provide to society. Which roughly translates into their support by society. A bit like representative democracy, but more decentralized.

By that logic, thieves are virtuous and valued by society. In reality, the wealthy are creating value for themselves and their peers, and we operate on a system more like $1 = 1 vote, rather than 1 person = 1 vote. This system is usually called a plutocracy.

By that logic, thieves are virtuous and valued by society.

Thieves are forced to return what they stole, they don't (usually) accumulate capital

In reality, the wealthy are creating value for themselves and their peers

Could you please provide an example? Even something like Apple products (luxuries) are used by people that can't be called rich. So it's hard for me to understand how wealthy could create their separate economy

thieves are force to repay…

Depends on your definition of theft. I define theft to include the net profits that are not shared with the workers.

how would you describe their separate economy…

Most of us don’t get to participate in IPOs and hedge funds. The capital needed for that has been stolen from us by people who refuse to share with us the fruits of our labor.

“But you work for a wage that you agreed to take”

Because the other option is to starve to death.