80 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ukraine is at warwith Russia because they got invaded, don't twist it

How many good cops does it take to change a lightbulb?

I'll let you know as soon as good cops change anything

Don't threaten us with good time

Let's reclaim the memes for ourselves. We won't give the fash a single pixel.


That was originaly right-wing meme, but left embraced it as their own

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Good cops don't exist, acab

Don't shoot, I have wife and kids! (no I don't)

Leeches, vampires, parasites, oligarchs, scourges of the Earth, pure evil...

Black and red is anarcho-communism, snake skeleton is allusion to Gadsden flag ("don't thread on me" aka "no step on snek"). Not sure what cat relates to

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Well, tbh, Romans were pretty xenophobic

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How so?

Meaning of symbols and words evolves over time. Swastica is originaly Hindu good luck charm, but defending it's use in the West with it is utter nonsense. Same with Gadsden flag. Once it was (arguebly, Founding Fathers were a bunch of rich landowners) a symbol of fighting oppression, but it has been approprieted by far right

Also, it's a meme not a nuanced political essay about dealing with nazism. Obviously JUST punching them isn't goint to work. Or at least not forever.

You can defeat particular group by force, but unless You deal with bigotry, nationalism and the material conditions that gave rise to it in the first place, the ideology will return in some form or the other

Why? Wtf

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I assume it was taken down as not marked nsfw. I thought it was only for explicit content, I'll be more strict in the future

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Isn't that kinda what he did? Or at least projected his mommy issues on all men ever

I never understood religious objection to abortion because of this. If they are aborted they die innocent and go to Heaven. If they live they may turn out to be gay, liberal, non-Christian, wrong kind of Christian, etc. and go to Hell. By logic they should all be hardcore antinatalists

I want this as a pet

Acab rule

No one would create it today 🥲

Are you joking?

He is absolutely free to say whatever nonsense he wants. Isn't that what free speech means? /s

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Puss, puss!

Nah. Most of the rich fuch won't actually feel the consequences of it

Good human

You're a transhumanist

Yeah, I know, but I really like how opera remembers tabs, so I might keep it anyway

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Prions are fucking horrifying. There is no cure and You're slowely loosing your mind. Brrr

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The paradox of tolerance

I mean above sale sing it says they are for free...

Xenophobic, not racist. They considered any non Roman or Greek culture to be uncivilized barbarian or at least weird and wrong and in need of romanization

Gehenna is upon us!

Probably becasuse (((globalism)))

Thx, I'll look into it

Fair enough. I wasn't on original 196, so I didn't know that

I joined reddit for porn

That's bad or good?

Firefox stopped working on my pc so I switched to opera

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You from foreverbox?

Don't worry, they'll all be extinct soon

Cool pixel art. Did you make it yourself