This (rule)s to – 877 points –

Yes we do


I love the little "bad" things about this: the cop wearing shorts, the electric car, ... and people looking happy.

Oh no, two same sex couples that are in love and kissing. What a nightmare..

A lot of it already exists too. Like if you want to burn a flag in public you'll have a designated area your permit would allow. Cops wear shorts sometimes. Gay couples exist. Statues of much worse people exist. So much of it is "I'm afraid of people."

what are you talking about this is a dystopia the abortion clinic has a sale sign in other words healthcare isn't free in this image americans cannot conceive of free healthcare even in the "leftist takeover" imaginary scenario also there's still cars being used for just getting from point a to b literal hell world

Keep in mind a right wingers view of the left is like a Catholic's view of satanism, agnosticism, and atheism. The assumption isn't that the left wants fundamentally different things, the assumption is that the left wants different means to the same end, that end being a controlled world view. When right wingers create these things, they tell on themselves. They present what the left wants as simply being fully in opposition to their target audience thinks about. They view left and right as oppositional parties thirsty for control. It doesn't matter if the reason the left defended Bill Clinton in the 90s was that impeachment should be used to curb illegal behavior, not for personal petty squabbles. That's how the right uses impeachment trials, so that's their presumption of what the left uses them for, too.

As for the things the left does want but don't appear here? These are things the right doesn't conceive of as being actual aims. No public transit? That's because they do not care about or think about it

This fucking sucks. The things I want are a lot more radical and creative. And I fucking hate Bill Clinton.

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The conservative nightmare: people having the freedom to live their lives without hurting others.

And, Heavens Condemn it, the freedom to Masturbate?!



I will never use the designated flag burning area. I'm burning my flags wherever the fuck it please me.

Seriously, free speech zones are a mockery of the Constitution.

Unless we are in red flag fire weather, you should be able to burn your flag wherever you please. If we're in red flag weather, I politely request you, I don't know, paper shredder the flag?

I never got around to it, but I always wanted to lead a protest of "free speech zones" standing pointedly just outside of one.

Absolutely not.

You should be able to burn flags anywhere, not just in a designated area.

Disagree. You shouldn't be able to burn flags at gas stations or other places where fire is dangerous.

But what about people with respiratory problems?

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All this going on, and would you look at that, the very traditional looking couple in the middle look perfectly fine. In fact, they look pretty happy about life. As does everyone else. The horror.

Edit: zoomed in a little more. I guess their supposed to be angry? I thought the guy was happy at first. Not sure what exactly they have to be angry about, as literally no one is doing anything to them.

The horror indeed. Everybody seems happy. Although I'm concerned that the sheep can't give proper consent. But if they've mastered cloning, maybe that sheep is more sapient and vocal than I'm assuming a sheep to be. Then a gain the simplest explanation is that consent is just a conservative blondspot. I'm also very concerned that there is a certain lack of diversity here, but that's probably just another natural blindspot for the conservative artist.

You know what else I don't see in this picture? No homeless. No cops murdering citizens. No children being shot in school. No unregulated, untaxed, and unsafe drugs being sold on street corners. No surveillance on every corner. Obviously no shame about sex, but again I want to know how that sheep is able to consent.

There is nothing in the picture that would suggest an untoward relationship between the sheep and it's owner. Please get your mind out of the gutter. /s

No no, you don't understand, things are different to their miserable childhoods and people are happy that they don't like!

even in a 'leftist dystopia', they cant imagine any transportation but cars

I'll chip in some money for the Bill Clinton statue.

100% can't blame him. Monica is a straight dime

regardless, its cheating and he was the president

Don't care he was cheating, and the fact he was president is only relevant to explain the imbalance of power. It was immoral because he abused his power; he was a boss who took advantage of his intern.

Sounds like all he needed to do was make her co-president of the united states of america and they could go at it like rabbits.

The cop should stop the flag burner!

The sausage will end up full of carcinogens.

Due to health protection laws, the flag is made of natural fibers and paints that are non-carcinogenic

No trash, happy people, everyone minding their own business. That must really piss of the conservatives.

central city porn distributors? Honey, we have the internet. Also the government controlled, tax paid, abortion clinic has a sales sign, so it's still charging even though taxes are paying for it? I mean, I could totally see the US doing this but, leftists would just have the national healthcare system pay for it with the taxes and leave it at that.

Maybe the porn is supposed to be ethical compared to the wild west of the internet (comparatively)

Knowing the people who think like this, they probably imagine that is some sort of mobile lgbtq+ indoctrination center. Remember, any mention of people who are not straight and cis is pornography according to them.

Yeah, I was responding the same as how others are trying to look at it from an actual leftist perspective, but you're right about the artist's intent most likely

It's clearly false. In a leftist world the man and the sheep would take the bus.

no they'd each ride a bike because it's a walkable city

Walkable city means taking a bike. Got it.

Largely, yes. Bicycles are a better, healthier way to move distances longer than 100-ish meters, ideally are only powered by human effort and move at speeds low enough that accidents are absurdly unlikely.

Wouldn't that make it a bikeable city?

I live in Europe, not about to break out the bike to go less than a couple of km

That too, but a walkable city by necessity also becomes a bikeable city.

I thought it was just funny that the term "walkable" for some people invokes the idea of using bikes

This looks literally what I'd like the future to be. Everyone can live the way they want. <3

The sheep might be an oof depending on context. But seems fine otherwise. They seem happy

Well, some people prefer dogs, some prefer cats and some prefer sheeps... 😅

Yeah but can sheep really consent, without a massive power dynamic

I really don't want to be arguing a pro-bestiality point here and I have no clue how one would go about the act. But I think a sheep would be able to hurt you pretty good if it wasn't okay with what is happening, same as a horse for example.

You guys need to calm down. Maybe the guy wants to have a steak, but he also wants the meat to be as fresh as possible.. 😅 He is also making sure that the sheap is as relaxed/respected as possible, so he put it on the front seat. Stressless meat I've heard tastes better.. 😅😅😅

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Consent requires sentience so no animal can consent regardless of power dynamic.

Hence why veganism is a moral obligation to animals. It's indefensible to kill or exploit/harm an animal without their consent (which they can't give), and which clearly isn't in their best interests

it makes no sense to discuss consent from non-human animals. do you ask plans for consent before cutting them? or doors for consent before opening them and putting your whole body through them?

That's a stupid argument, just by having sentience doesn't mean we have any moral obligations to our food sources. There are plenty of incentives to human being's health and society by reducing meat consumption, why would you choose such a weak reason instead?

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Sheep are sentient. You probably mean sapient.

Looks like the definition has changed in the last decade, then, because it used to exclude children younger than 5.

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It's an oof because it shows, yes, we could live happily coexisting with animals without unnecessarily exploiting, enslaving, abusing and killing them for commodities and entertainment, which we have alternatives for. The future is vegan/plant-based and animal rights are respected in a progressive world.

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Anyone else notice how happy everyone looks? Crazy how your happiness goes through the worth when you're not trying to control what everyone else does...

Buds, Bongs & Beyond is such a great name.

Stealing it if it's not already taken for the time in the never future where I finally open my shrooms and bong emporium

WSB losers coming back from there losses to all in on BBBYW calls

It seems funny at first, but knowing they don't hate a media twisted version of you, but the real thing, is more depressing than funny.

They don't even experience real emotions. They just parrot the ones they are expected to feel to remain in the ingroup.

Looks like freedom. I don't like the Clinton statue but wouldn't flip out.

close to freedom. I don't think we should limit our free speech by having just an area designated for flag burning. Americans should be able to do that wherever they choose.

Of course, but you gotta remember mass flag burning anywhere would make this nice public park all dirty. Same reason we have trash cans.

Plus this way everyone will always have a nice flame going for when you want to burn a flag.

it's be better if it were literally just some guy lmao, i waht a big status of some guy getting head, das hilarious :3

i really like the statue getting head, I want that, it'd be awesome

I can't believe they are still latched onto that... Trump fucked a porn star and illegally paid her off right after his wife had his latest son.

I've heard family members defend that, despite ranting about Clinton for years. It's crazy. These people are crazy.

I didn't know it was a thing to begin with, i just think a statue having sex is funny :>

ngl this looks sweet

Except for all the cars and advertisements. I guess this isn't left enough for me.

That's what immediately jumped out to me. The "author", if you'd dignify them with such a word, doesn't understand leftwing policies well enough to actually represent us.

Not quite. That abortion clinic has a sale sign up which means it still charges for abortions.

How do the Mike J. Fox stem cells fit into the dystopian vision?

Conspiracy theories pushed by conservatives who banned stem cell research claimed that people like Michael J Fox and Christopher Reeves drank the stem cells from aborted foetuses to rejuvenate themselves.

Michael did continue to look very young throughout his years!

your use of past tense alarmed me slightly, but he is still very much alive

However the time of looking young has sadly passed 😔

I love that the abortions are still paid for.

I mean above sale sing it says they are for free...

It just says that they're government abortions which doesn't necessarily mean they're completely free. On demand also just means they'll do them there and then.

I love it. I do not, however, understand why cloning is part of it. Did I miss something?

It's more along the aliens, dimensions, and Alex Jones side of conspiracies. Especially in the Alien side, stuff like clones replacing real people, sometimes for weird alien super soldier stuff, but more often stuff like Biden is actually a clone and real Biden is dead/senile.

Or Alex talking about human-animal hybrids and using clones as a sorta false temptation where they say you'll live forever, but they just replace you with a clone and/or upload you to the singularity except it isn't you, they just killed you. Because they hate humanity. Inane grunts and yelling, quality depending on how drunk/under the influence he is.

Nearly perfect, except no “taco trucks on every corner” as we were promised.

Its sad that anybody believes Planned Parenthood was giving abortions on the government dime before the Trump Admin defunded it. It simply is not true.

I'm not a fan of the statue, I think people who are memorialized in public places should be people who came from the community they're being recognized in.

The left was so successful that this is Little Rock Arkansas.

Lack of biking and public transit checks out.

I'm surprised nobody here thinks porn adverts and fucking in public isn't bad. Anyone with kids should not want to live somewhere like this cartoon. Other than that and the statue of Clinton getting head it's fine. The right is wrong to use children as an excuse to get away with bad legislation or to stop the good. To not consider children at all and how the world will effect them is almost worse.

What exactly is wrong with porn ads like those shown in the image? I'd have no issue if pornhub put up a billboard in my town that just said "Got Porn?", as long as the billboard itself isn't featuring explicit images, what's the harm?

I guess I figured since it was a political cartoon it was implying something worse than what it can actually show but that was probably wrong.

I'm surprised nobody here thinks porn adverts and fucking in public isn't bad.

I'll bite, though not in a fully literal sense. Neither of those things is bad, if all involved and in the area are consenting adults. Observers are participants in exhibitionism and participation requires consent. This condition probably breaks the kink for some though, just as it does for those that jump in video chats with their dicks out (non-consent is likely a big part of that act).

However, I don't consent to adverts that are not directly related to intentional attempts to find a product or service and find them to be a blight on both the Internet and physical world.

This is much more of a theoretical argument than a practical one. If it's a city there will be children.

Children cannot give informed consent to sexual activities, so, that's accounted for.

What? You said fucking in public is okay as long as everyone consents, if children aren't capable of consenting, like you said, how is fucking in public okay?

In general, it is not. That's what I mean. Anyone in the potential "audience" must be capable and willing to give informed consent to participate in a sexual act. If that condition cannot be met, the act is not ok.

ETA: My intent is to apply more generalized ethical reasoning to the situation. Sex in public is not, itself, fundamentally wrong; forcing others to participate in sexual acts without their consent is. This defuses avenues for kink shaming, sex-negativity, and other similar lines of reasoning.

Sounds pretty awesome. Respect for all sides, even people who take the flag code really seriously get a special area. Could use some more booze, a mortar shooting range, a proper all-gender swinger club, and generally a lot more cyberpunk ambience, but it's a good start.