ShittyKopper [they/them]

@ShittyKopper [they/them]
30 Post – 380 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A popular misconception is that Firefox runs Gecko. And while that is kinda true, the real problem is much more interesting when you come down to the technical details.

Because it's the other way around. Firefox doesn't run Gecko, Gecko runs Firefox. Firefox is built in Gecko. In a similar vein, Thunderbird also runs inside Gecko. It's why they look so similar despite one being a browser and the other being an email client. Gecko is, in a way, a proto-Electron.

You cannot "rip off" Gecko from Firefox and embed it inside something like you can do with Blink/Chromium (unless you're on Android and use GeckoView), which means the only way to have a "Firefox based browser" is to fork the entirety of Firefox. There are forks like the TBB or Librewolf that do this, but the embeddability of Chromium makes it much easier for devs to make something that diverges from Chromium in major ways (stuff like Qutebrowser, for example)

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the 4 horseman of the apocalypse (when you know you need to reformat):

  • sfc /scannow
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth
  • run the troubleshooting tool
  • install KB069420 from dead link

at least on linux we get to tailor our useless terminal commands to your specific problem before telling you to fuck off

as far as i can tell this particular image is fake. and as far as i know pluton does not work like that.

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TLDR of linked gist: wayland is not X therefore it is bad. end of.

Wayland breaks Xclip: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?

also, perhaps all OP (of gist) needs is a simple shim that can convert calls to xclip to wl-copy/paste? that doesn't seem too hard to make compared to keeping alive I'd say (perhaps they should try making it if it's that much of a problem)

Wayland breaks screensavers: Yeah, that seems to be the case.

from the dev of xscreensaver at :

[...] Adding screen savers to Wayland is not simply a matter of "port the XScreenSaver daemon", because under the Wayland model, screen blanking and locking should not be a third-party user-space app; much of the logic must be embedded into the display manager itself. This is a good thing! It is a better model than what we have under X11. [...]

[...] Under X11, you run XScreenSaver, which is a user-space program that tries really hard to keep the screen locked and never crash. It is very good at this, but that it needs to try so hard in the first place is a fundamental design flaw of X11. [...]

other people can comment on the parts they know about, these are two i know of off the top of my head

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open source perfume, cuz y'all stink

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Security? Probably. I wouldn't expect any measurable improvements to performance but the with compiler being able to do more checks it might enable some clever optimization trickery that would be harder to maintain in C.

Still, Rust on the kernel probably won't leave the realm of drivers any time soon, so it all depends on if you have the hardware that will use a driver written in Rust.

tallarico's really outdone himself this time

the only thing i know about powershell is that the linux binary is named pwsh which i learned the hard way after writing pow and then accidentally tab completing poweroff and shutting down my pc

in fairness that might've been a sign

They aren't forced to do anything. Manifest v3 is just a part of the WebExtensions API (which is not a standard and is really just "whatever Chrome does except we find/replace'd the word chrome to browser") which both Safari and Firefox chose to implement in order to make porting of Chrome extensions easier.

Before that, Firefox had a much more powerful extension system that allowed extensions quite a lot of access to browser internals, but that turned out to be a maintenance nightmare so they walled those APIs off (not a coincidence that Firefox started getting massive performance improvements after that, and extensions stopped breaking every other release) and decided to go the WebExtensions route. I have no clue what Safari was up to but I think they implemented it after.

If they don't implement Manifest v3, extensions that want to work across multiple browsers need to support both the older Manifest v2 and the later Manifest v3, which would be a burden not many extension authors would want to bother with, which would make them just say "yeah we're not supporting anything outside Chrome". Firefox avoids this problem by extending the v3 API to allow for the functionality necessary for powerful ad blocking Google removed in v3 (webRequestBlocking) while also implementing the new thing (declarativeNetRequest) side by side, so extensions that want to take advantage of the powerful features on Firefox can do so, while Chrome extensions that are fine with the less powerful alternative can still be ported over relatively easily.

Firefox does have it's fair share of extensions on top of the WebExtension API already (sidebar support for one), so adding one more isn't too big of a deal.

the difficult part isn't getting in the shower the difficult part is getting out

mnmmgrh worm worter

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If they're banned from their own instance, that ban federates out and they're completely banned off that account.

If some other instance bans them, that ban is instance specific and that person can still interact with communities and people from other instances, except the one that banned them.

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every time I see this post it gets even bluer

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  • microphone with a slight background buzz. not too bad to be unlistenable but definitely not a professional seutp
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you are morally obligated to pirate windows 10 ltsc

(if you must use windows)

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i just wanted an excuse to share open source perfume yea go take a shower STINKY HEADS!!!

Oh no it'll federate alright.

The thing about ATProto is that unlike AP they don't seem to expect each instance to have it's own community with it's own rules and vibes. They seem to be using federation just as a way to "scale up".

If they can get any non-bluesky-the-company folk to create instances then that's just scaling they don't have to pay for and a convenient legal scapegoat for the inevitable consequences of their lax moderation. Why wouldn't they federate?

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first learn to be fun :3

just want to clarify something:

However, the way that activitypub works, the outgoing data is publicly available. Defederating with Meta doesn't prevent that,

there is a technical solution to this in the form of authorized fetch:

mastodon implements it, pleroma/akkoma probably implements it, pixelfed implements it, firefish and iceshrimp implement it (sharkey has a PR implementing it opened just today), gotosocial not only implements it but enforces it, with no ability to turn it off

notably, none of the threadiverse software implement it, and no software other than the aforementioned gotosocial enable it by default.

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I think the general consensus is that it's some automated LLM blogspam tool ran with not too much oversight.

you mean they should turn off the user-count-go-uppinator? but how would the fediverse grow like that?? /s

(sorry i just have opinions on large instances)

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::: spoiler bad the toilet's g spot :::

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misskey cat mode my beloved <3

i wonder if that graphic is up to date with system as root and A/B dynamic partitioning and whatever crazy new bullshit google invents with every release

do NOT disrespect them like that

::: spoiler horny subtext

don't play into the game this is all part of the long con to get strong dommy women to slide into his dms


Because now you have to maintain that fork. If it was as simple as pressing the little fork button on GitHub and importing a few PRs in than there'd already be several forks right now.

The Lemmy codebase is a beast that's evolved over several years. Not everybody can just jump in and throw anything they want just because of how complex a system it is internally. (I learned that the hard way.)

Across the fediverse all the major successful forks have a motivating factor. Glitch social is maintained by the only other paid developer hired to work on Mastodon and acts as an unstable branch / "feature fast track" of sorts, Akkoma exists because upstream Pleroma has sided with the freeze-peach crowd too many times to count. Firefish and Iceshrimp had a whole... thing... (too much drama to explain) (oh and upstream Misskey is way too Japanese for western developers to contribute, including commit messages and code comments) What's the motivation to start a Lemmy fork? And what's the motivation to keep maintaining it?

I really want to see a Lemmy fork. Particularly one that attempts to prioritize instances as their own individual communities (rather than the Redditesque "instances as free horizontal scaling" view of the fedi a lot of people seem to have). Hell I might end up attempting to contribute a quality of life feature or two of my own if a viable fork were to exist. Yet there isn't any.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, the only reason no fork exists is because nobody has stepped up to the challenge.

EDIT: And of course with ActivityPub in the mix you also have to consider how it will affect federation with other instances, and building consensus among other projects (not necessarily just Lemmy) regarding any extensions you might decide to add to the protocol (though you'd have much easier time implementing extensions from other projects if they solve your issue)

why not both?

i dont think i have the ai on my google yet + the pic works better if its obviously faked

Mastodon feels like a fucking funeral.

You're clearly nowhere near the good parts, then.

In my experience, once when you find your way into the correct circles the microblog-verse makes the "shitposting" of Lemmy look like r/memes. I do agree that discoverability could be better though, it took me 4-5 months before I got the hang of it. And now I barely check Lemmy despite my Lemmy account being older than my earliest microblog account (under this name, anyway).

One important thing is that your instance matters quite a bit more than here. Starting on a large general purpose instance (especially if it's and just following Large Accounts and Nobody Else like most people recommend for some reason is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, get on a smaller interest-specific instance (rule of thumb: the weirder the domain the better your experience will be!) and follow the local timeline (and on good software, the bubble/recommended timelines). And post stuff/interact with people. Don't be that one person that does nothing but boost news bots and occasionally butt into replies of people asking rhetorical questions they already know the answer for.

(Perhaps Lemmy is better at news or whatever, I wouldn't know as I block all news communities I can find -- I just don't see the point as all the discussion around most news ends up predictable, unproductive (not that internet communities necessarily need to be "productive"), and unnecessarily angry)

Also in a world with usable™ Misskey forks and Akkoma I think the limitations of Mastodon the software are really starting to show, and I urge anyone who's been disappointed in Mastodon to try other microblog software. (Quotes are already a thing if you know where to look! So are emoji reactions, because people have more emotions than :star:)

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have you ever searched "ad blocker" on your browser of choice's extension store and scrolled down? or had a cheap/free VPN that advertised ad blocking functionality?

those. for some reason people install those. and they never get updates.

(some of them are actual malware too)

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longer than a year in my case.

and yes it's always the 3rd video

finally, shorts for women

2nd mastodon that hates the first one = the *omas (pleroma, akkoma)
3rd mastodon somehow = the misskey forks (firefish, iceshrimp, apparently foundkey's still vibing)

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I think fedibird is a hard fork, so I guess it makes sense to count it separately compared to a soft fork like glitch or chuckya

I'm more surprised why there aren't any misskey instances on the list. if fedibird is on there misskey should certainly be there

they're using css :visited trickery and color filters to detect HN users because HN has been explicitly evading any other way of detecting referrers coming from them (instead of solving the moderation problems being mentioned)

using dark mode messes with the colors which makes the text that's supposed to be invisible, visible

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All of them. If you can see it from an instance, it's stored in that instance.

The only exception are images which may or may not be stored depending on the exact backend software and configuration.

Both "alpha" and "beta" has authority to hide the post (one hosts your account and the other hosts the community) from the rest of the federation. Similarly, both "beta" and "gamma" have the authority to hide the comment from the federation. That said, instances can also individually hide/purge stuff from their own views without affecting the wider federation if they so choose (which is how things like .world's blocking of piracy communities work)

"beta" handles distribution/"boosting" (in masto speak) of the post and comment to other instances (however "gamma" will send it to both "alpha" and "beta" as it's a reply to "alpha"). AFAIK "alpha" and "gamma" handle the boosting of the upvotes they receive from "delta" (though I could be wrong on that part).

Oh, and "boosting" doesn't mean "i got 1 new upvote on this comment :3" it means "delta has sent me this exact Like event owned by person@delta associated to comment@gamma (and a lot of other data)". There are also keys and signatures involved to make things a bit harder to spoof.

Anyway, I just wanted to give an alternate viewpoint to those which are suggesting that people became mods as a power trip or whatever. That’s certainly not the case for me - ideally, I don’t even particularly want to be a mod, but I did want the communities to have a foothold for people arriving to Lemmy with no idea what to expect.

There's a big difference between creating 2 communities and creating 20.

ActivityPub wise this could be modeled pretty cleanly as (what Mastodon calls) boosts. Or perhaps quote boosts as implemented by every software except upstream Mastodon (including Mastodon forks like Treehouse or Fedibird), if different comment threads are needed.

Hell, let's make cross posts work like that.

they're using the css :visited attribute on a link to a HN thread to display the message.

having passively followed asahi for some time (too poor to own a mac to actually try it out) the fact that they have to resort to shit like this is gross, but i 100% put the blame on HN for being an unmoderated trashfire (and explicitly bypassing the referrer based blocking asahi first had instead of, idk, actually moderating their site)

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