coffee rule to – 276 points –

No AeroPress. I'll never know who I am. :(

I had the same question, and decided that the pour over is the closest in the image. I've been an anarchist a long time anyway.

Halfway between Pour Over and French Press, and typically appeals to a wide tent. I'd say SocDem.


Gotta swap to a Nomad or a Flair, escape the liberal entrapment of automatic machines!

I’d probably categorize the keurig as a liberal machine rather than the one where you have to grind, distribute, and tamp your beans.

(But also, my god yes- the flair is fantastic if you can handle the thermal management prior to coffee making. Highly recommend)

Yea, I agree, though one could argue having the money and time for an automatic machine and espresso machine is pretty Labor Aristocracy, haha.

That being said, I'm a huge fan of my Flair 58, no annoying thermal management issues (for the most part) and great turbos.

I liberated my Rancilio Silvia from a relative who decided their covid hobby wasn’t as satisfying as they thought lol. But I still prefer espresso from my Flair most of the time since the Silvia still needs to be PID modded to have decent thermal management.

I swear if I end up getting the 58, I deserve to be thrown into the ocean. I initially bought the Neo, then sold it for the classic, then replaced the brew head with the pro brew head and pressure gauge.

Hahaha, it's the never ending climb. I went straight for the 58 from a pour over setup because I truly can't trust myself not to upgrade to it. The hand grinding is getting old though... the Zerno is calling my name but my wallet is desperately fighting back.

I... don't drink coffee...

Yeah I drink tea, now what am I supposed to believe in?

i mean its basically just anarchist with fewer steps

Lmao, chinese tea ceremony includes like 500 steps.

I wouldn't personally call "Gong Fu Cha" a ceremony, more like a "discipline" since that's sort of the idea behind "Gong Fu" its the idea of get better at something doing it over and over again, so best translation for would be a discipline. Unless you meant Japanese tea ceremony, but that's not really for tasting the tea its more like the tea is used for symbolism sake like say how wine is used in mass.

I also don't think it has that many steps? Preheat the vessels using water at the temperature you'll be using for the tea, pour that water out, put tea leaves rinse the leaves with the water pour that out, steep the tea after say 10s pour that water out into a secondary vessel (probably a gong dao bei) pour that tea liquid into your small tasting cup and slurp to taste. Pour some more until you need start a new steeping, do what you did previously just slightly longer steeping time.

Honestly I get lazy and skip the pre-heat and fairness cup, then it's even faster/easier than brewing in a pot!

Also tea people should check out !! The only tea community I'm aware of on lemmy. Though it's super inactive right now; I should probably contribute...

2 more...

No instant? I drink instant every day.



In all seriousness, the Aeropress is fantastic. It's the absolute most bang for your time and dollar, unless you serve multiple people.

Yeah it looks good. I've been meaning to switch over to french press, but I'm pretty lazy

Aeropress is perfect for the lazy, French press is annoying to clean. Aeropress just shucks the puck and you're done, maybe give it a rinse.

"Hoxhaist" is a term you made up and you can't convince me otherwise

Hoxhaism (/ˈhɒdʒə.ɪzəm/ HOJ-ə-iz-əm) is a variant of anti-revisionist Marxism–Leninism that developed in the late 1970s due to a split in the anti-revisionist movement, appearing after the ideological dispute between the Chinese Communist Party and the Party of Labour of Albania in 1978.

Yeah, I'm just going with "made up". The alternative is navigating three levels deep of leftist infighting.

This is just astrology for leftists now, lmao

Not to yuck y'all's yum, but coffee is gross

Existing proof that opinions can be wrong

Neoliberal is going to Starbucks. Neoconservative is going to Starbucks and yelling at the hispanic barista.

Watch out if you dare to have blue hair as well.

Pairing Trotsky with a consumerist product is an insult. It would be shared instant coffee at the Slabs, and everyone drinking it would say the other coffee was stolen.

Posadism attempts to introduce elements of ufology into Marxist thought.


...Arguing that only communism can allow the development of interplanetary travel.

I'd argue that the infrastructure we need to colonize other worlds is going to require larger organized population than capitalism can provide.

But as a reader that sees ideologies as starting points (that need to be developed so as to create a pathway to post-scarcity), I can't say what the corruption-light system is that will allow for interplanetary colonization and trade.

The fabricator IRL would be late-game magitech that manipulates huge amounts of energy. (A fabrication failure could annihilate a continent). Far, far, sooner, we'll have the food-printer / turbolift system of Star Trek TOS to deliver us our custom-made coffee.

Meanwhile, in 2024, we're having a tough time escaping the gravity of fascism-driven autocracy.

I'm mostly anarchist, but when I have visitors I become a Marxist-Leninist

Seize the Means of caffination!

But all I have is a coffee mug and a jar of instant... ☕⁉️😭

That's masochist.

Idk Kronung is pretty good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You get it. I refuse to put effort/time into making coffee when Krönung instant tastes so good. If you first mix it with a little cold water before pouring hot it tastes even better.

Everyone knows the true test of a person's character is the consistency of their grinder, not the brewer. (please don't look on my kitchen countertop- it's full of almost all of these and a single hand grinder. My forearm is crying for help)

Protip: Pick up a cheap 20v battery operated hand drill and attach it to the handle.

No Aeropress?

SocDem. Halfway between pour over and French press, widely appealing, but people tend to grow beyond it.

holy shit it classidied me correctly

Cold brew? Asking for a friend named me.

Best I got is reformist/social democrat because it takes forever and is good but not great when it's ready

Democratic Socialist. Flexible and widely beloved, but can be looked down upon by people who know and care more about coffee.

Pan of water brought to boiling on the stove. Add grounds 30 seconds after removing from heat. Wait several minutes. Strain through fine mesh seive directly into cup.

No machine or dedicated apparatus required.


Also are you ok?

There's someone in these comments claiming that they have orange juice with their coffee, so I'm willing to tolerate uphillbothways' bullshit at least until that war criminal is dealt with

Yeah I labeled him a Neo-Reactionary because it was the most creative way I could call him unenlightened

The shadow zone is Anarcho-Capitalism, just call em an AnCap and they're done


As a Posadist I'll have you know the aliens haven't delivered my replicator yet.

Sort of a pivot, but The Orville did a great bit about replicators and how if you dropped them into a society like 21st century Earth, they'd just end up coopted by the rich and further strain society.

We can't even have future nice things thanks to capitalism.

Since we’re talking communism, can’t I just use yours?

That seems to be a pretty great idea for a mutual aid project: Make a community coffee dispensary whose mission is to brew the best coffee and give it to anyone who wants a cup. Large-scale production should be useful in controlling the factors of coffee production, hence only a short time of trial and error, the coffee dispensed should progress from bog-standard to half-way decent to pretty good to absolute best.

Stretch goals include a baked-goods dispensary that is attached.

Yours? Get this propertarian language out of here. We can share the one I use.

What about manual lever espresso machines? That's my daily driver!

Edit: ignoring my own personal ideology, I think Manual Lever-Machines like the Flair, especially when paired with hand-grinders, are tactile, methodical, and focused on the means just as much as the ends. The actual experience and methodology is just as important as the espresso, it's a ritualistic practice.

As such, I think it's more likely to represent a form of Anarchism, where the means themselves are ends. Marxism-Leninism is usually more representative of gradual processes towards a greater end, whereas Anarchism itself is concerned with the process itself being a good end.

Just my 2 cents, I'd appreciate anyone else weighing in. It's fun to combine espresso and leftist ideology, considering both are important to me!

Once again we must spark the great debate. Is making coffee at home Bourgeoisie or Proletariat?

Neither. Closer to that of the small handicraftsman or small manufacturing worker, who predate both the bourgeoisie and Proletariat.

If you're asking if it's more Proletarian to make coffee at home or buy it, I'd say people should, in general, be more self-sufficent and conscious when it comes to consumption, but obviously not everyone has time for that.

get away with your fucking bullshit, what about:

  • put the grounds in the cup

  • pour hot water over the grounds

  • stirr in your condiments

  • wait for the grounds to fall

  • scoop out whatever is stuck to the foam on the top

  • drink slowly until you see the grounds

ps: just kidding though, i use the fully automated machine at work like the others there, which puts us all into the trotskyite ca- uh... group, i guess. what i described was the prevalent preparation method in my hometown though

My Moka pot has led me to learn about an ideology I kinda like at first blush. This meme is uncanny.

Bialetti or bust

I've been using the steel one IKEA was selling about 12 years ago this whole time. Damn thing won't bust, and I refuse to upgrade until it does

what does one of those fun siphon brewers fall under? I like the physics :)

Fully automated luxury space gay Communism.

I heat up water in the microwave, then add coffee grounds, sugar, and milk to it.

What am I?


As a liberal, and an Italian: yes, cause every coffee prep method that isn't espresso fucking sucks.

And I guess replicators can make espresso too.

And mokas burn more than they cook.

I confess I do believe in the right of nations to pursue socialism by different paths, dictated by the conditions, culture and social institutions of each nation, but I would not say I am 100% anti-revisionist. Mostly tho. I mean, don't try to deny class struggle with me, because I am not having it.

what if i don't drink coffee and also last time i checked i was a centrist

Then you don't belong here?

It's like walking into a conversation you weren't involved in that's about what nail polish says about what Powerpuff girl you are and you come in saying you're a man and don't wear nail polish lol

As far as why there's no centrists listed there it's probably because they can't decide if they want coffee or tea lol :P

What's the maoist one? Where do the grounds go?

It's a chemex. There's a cone filter on top that the grounds sit it, it's a pour over brewer.

Minne Mokkamaster sijoittuu?