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Joined 10 months ago

Exactly. More specifically, I'm not afraid of how people vote, I'm afraid of people choosing not to.

Well now this really makes for a trio of facts that paint a horrifying picture:

  • Private, for profit prisons exist
  • Prison slave labour is legal
  • Homelessness can now be made illegal

Guess I should buy some stocks in companies that use prison labour.

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the ads are minimally intrusive — that is, highly relevant and engaging — they should not detract from the overall user experience

In what universe do ads, no matter how "relevant and engaging", ever not detract from the overall experience?

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Microsoft has made the choice very easy for me. I still have an i7-7700k that works just fine. But that's "too old", so when Windows 10 hits end of life, I'll be switching over to Linux.

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Not important enough to me at this point to spend the time changing over. Windows 10 does what I need it to and still gets security updates. When one of those two factors changed, then it will be worth my time to change over.

How hard's the test? Maybe she's done.

Wait, is that a random number, or the actual scale of the power draw we're talking about?

'Cause that's fuck-all when we're talking about industrial level power draw.

Lol, as if their Wal Mart rifles are going to help them against reaper drones.

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Close. The Thousand Islands are in the St Lawrence River.

Huh. Maybe if there weren't profit sucking leeches built into the entire healthcare system, prices wouldn't be so high and Medicare wouldn't be at risk of becoming insolvent.

It kind of blows my mind that forced arbitration is legal at all.

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Anti-vaxx jokes at a hospital fundraiser. That's one of the stupider moves I've seen today.

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For the shoplifting thing, it depends which store it is. Big chain grocery store? Yeah, I couldn't care less what someone takes. Small single owner shop? Fuck you for stealing from that guy. Those stores struggle enough just trying to compete with the Walmarts of the world.

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Yes and no. The reason companies are hiring them is for the image of impartiality they bring. If your firm gets a reputation for just always siding with the company, regardless of what actually happened, that image gets destroyed.

Plus, I'm willing to bet that there's not a whole lot of recurring business from individual companies for this type of service. That would kind of defeat the purpose of being the "neutral third party".

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They should all be worshipped privately

Pretty sure the bible specifically mentions that too.

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My tin-foil-hat theory is that the cruelty is the point, and their long term goal is to make being a Democrat president such a miserable experience that no one even remotely competent wants anything to do with the job.

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Russia can end this war tomorrow. Any and all deaths are on them. Hell, if Russia would just stay out of their neighbours business, there would have been no civil war in the first place.

If Russia would quit invading their neighbours, their neighbours wouldn't have had the motivation to join NATO in the first place (see Sweden and Finland as the most current examples).

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Why limit yourself like that? Just say "All languages". Depending on how liberally you interpret the word "language", you know know just about everything.

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Ok, I'm out of the loop and I've seen this often enough that I have to ask; why do people always bring up "written in rust"? No one points out that a given project is written in C++/C#/python/ruby etc, yet we keep seeing it for rust.

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The analogy kind of falls apart since she is not limited to this guy and Chad. She's free to choose nothing at all. With Trump vs Biden, there's no viable third option, and having no president is not one of the options. So the "Trump is worse" argument becomes viable simply because you do have to choose one of them.

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I think it's probably got more to do with the "every accusation is a confession" principle that modern conservatism seems to operate under.

Honestly, I think that anyone who is this angry about Microsoft products needs to spend some time working with the types of industrial software that makes the manufacturing world go round. Just to get some perspective on what truly God awful software actually looks like.

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Ok, so the headline is a bit clickbait-y. It's not not everyone who ever watched the video that they are interested in, it's one person they are trying to track down. Still concerning from a privacy standpoint, but it's not like they are trying to say that watching the video was itself a crime.

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One of my issues with accepting cars sold by Chinese manufacturers, tariff free, is that it's not a level playing field. If China wants unimpeded access to European (and North American) markets, then they should allow foreign manufacturers unimpeded access to the Chinese market. Currently, foreign automotive manufacturers cannot access the Chinese market without forming a partnership with a Chinese company, and they cannot own more than a 49% share of said Chinese company.

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innocent kids getting caught up in stupid adult stuff.

This describes what happens in pretty much every conflict ever.

It's probably got a lot to do with the market being relatively new. I imagine things will settle down in the coming years as producers gain real data to base demand estimates off of.

Also, I think initially some people were conflating support for legalization with actual demand. There are many people that support legalization who don't actually use the product.

Sweaty power walking.

Not sure who you were listening to, but I seem to remember from the beginning that one of Israel's stated goals was to remove Hamas from power. The hostages getting released was a condition for any pauses or ceasefires.

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The combination of those trees and overhead power lines might be problematic in some climates, but overall, I'm all for getting as much greenery into city centers as possible.

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Here's a thought: do electric cars count as automatic or the most manual cars possible? On the one hand, there's no clutch or stick shift, but on the other hand, if you want to change gears, you have to disassemble the transmission and change out the gears.

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That's the morbidly hilarious part about Trump. He would probably have gotten away with everything, if he had simply learned the art of shutting the fuck up.

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It's not hard to understand at all. There's a couple things at work here: first, humans are terrible at connecting emotionally to long term consequences. That's why a disaster that kills 100 people will always elicit a stronger reaction than a policy that will kill millions.

Another thing happening is how humans subconsciously justify things to themselves. An adult could have "deserved" whatever happened, but there's no way a puppy did.

I think it's dogs tickling the same parts of our brains as kids, which would go towards explaining the similar reactions.

Intent is part of the law. Yours was a crime committed with intent, her's was a crime committed by negligence.

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It could also be that the material is just not all that special. "Stronger than steel" is a very easy goal to achieve. Lighter is easy too. Now pair those two with higher fracture toughness, and you have something worth talking about.

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I'm not arguing the merit of the law itself, I'm just saying that doing something that you know to be against the law is inherently going to generally get you a harsher punishment than causing harm via negligence.

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Dumb question maybe, but why not just let them get older and then eat them?

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"Hey Mr President, want to be the first president in space? Only the best and most manly presidents will ever make it to space."

Oops, rocket blew up.

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USA was the first democracy in the world,

Off by a few thousand years there bud. Even if you want to limit it to "modern" democracies, Britain has the US beat by a hundred years.

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World wars don't start until the superpowers are in direct conflict. That's what defines a "World War". There are always multiple conflicts going on around the globe.

It's important to note that for most of its existence, "fighting against Israeli oppression" explicitly meant Israel no longer existing. This is the first time I can remember them even implying that they would accept a two state solution.

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