Don't be a tool of the corpos and the state. to Lefty – 1096 points –

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For the shoplifting thing, it depends which store it is. Big chain grocery store? Yeah, I couldn't care less what someone takes. Small single owner shop? Fuck you for stealing from that guy. Those stores struggle enough just trying to compete with the Walmarts of the world.

Stealing food? I didn't see shit.

Absolutely yes, but also, choose your targets. Walmart ain't gonna miss it. The local bodega will.

People who shoplift are only considering a single factor: what's the likelihood this store ends up caring and puts me in jail eventually.

Turns out, plenty of stores will NEVER stop you provided you dont exceed a certain dollar amount or try to walk off with large appliances.

Its not hard to find a stores policy around theft and prevention.

Its a coincidence that big box stores are stolen from more, not a moral thing.

When the food is multiple grocery bags full of steaks I'm a little less inclined to a charitable view.

That said, I'm still not going to do anything about it. Intervening on the behalf of a grocery store is insane, even if I were opposed to what's happening. Not my monkeys, not my circus.

"Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat, otherwise we'd get along!"

Riffraff! Street rat! I don't buy that! If only they'd look closer… Would they see a poor boy? No, siree They'd find out there's so much more to me

Wal mart is still the one and only store I used to steal from back in 90’s. Had to wear umbro shorts since they had that webbing in them and then grab a few CDs and beads to make necklaces that I would sell. By the time I got to high school I was over the shop lifting thing.

Much like pirating Nintendo games, it is morally correct to shoplift from Walmart, assuming you have the skill to get away with it.

Plus it was the only way I could get CDs with explicit lyrics like Rage Against the Machine

Most stores don't stop you. The security guards are just there for the police report and a description. That said, if you get recognized coming back to the same store, they will call the cops.

If there's a police report, you didn't get away with it unless you're never going to that store again. Which is probably not usually the case.