12 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

I work weekends. My “weekend” starts tomorrow!

Thats not a very fun fact 😿

Well, we live in a society where some camgirls give a portion of their paycheck to fund their viewers at three letter agencies.

I was on a hacking team in college, and one of our best defensive people wears cat ears while working.

Dominos is outrageously expensive if you don’t shop the deals.

When I was in college, I’d get dominos with my roommates when they had the 20$ special, which would be about 30$ after tip and delivery. The special had 2 medium pizzas, garlic knots, cinnamon twists, and soda.

After I moved back home, I learned my local dominos doesn’t always have that deal. I’d get something similar to what you got and I’d be upset that I got less food for a bit more…

Now what really pisses me off is the high end neopolitan place near me is cheaper on their dinner special days, where you can get 2 personal pizzas that taste so good I’d accept it as proof that god is real for about 25$ including tips and gas money.

Only authoritarian governments crush student protests

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With police, an apparatus of the state.

You have to work harder to come to that conclusion than just going “hey isn’t the police employed by the government?”

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The queers: bricc

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Straight? I was straight once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with femboys. And femboys make me not straight.

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I skimmed the article and noticed that women are more likely to identify as LGBTQ+, and I wonder if that’s related to the fact that more and more men are becoming conservative, and women are becoming more liberal.

I know I wouldn’t have thought about queerness and my identity if I was conservative, I probably would have thought something silly like “Oh, it’s perfectly normal to be romantically attracted to some men, you eventually grow out of it” instead of asking myself “Am I bi?”

I probably would have also associated my discomfort with my own masculinity with something weird, or over-compensated to account for it.

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I think this is a good example of how vigilantes often work to support the state's goals when it can't legally/easily complete their goals.

For every fascistic government still bound by laws, there will be fascists willing to ignore them to support it. See this. See the KKK carrying out lynchings on people who are barely escaping the grasp of the state. See the settlers illegally settling on Palestinian land to carry out the state's goals of ethnic cleansing.

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That’s absolutely disgusting. The state should not kidnap children when their housing conditions cannot be met by a minimum wage.

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If you throw it at the windshield it will fit way better than the sidewalk

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What the hell is going on in the background

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Capitalistic motives is incompatible with any art form. Executives are the harbingers of the mindless greed of it.

The good art we see under capitalism is in spite of it, not because of it.

fuck you

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The blocking of peaceful, democratic means to get things done fully justifies more violent direct action to work towards those ends.

Considering the IDF will be training the Atlanta PD in the complex, I really hope the protestors and activists manage to stop cop city.

I hope more machinery burns.

My first pride experience involved wearing a Kuffiyeh and shouting at my local military contractor’s HR department and the one visibly LGBTQ person as they strolled down the street appalled that people didn’t want them there.

No pride in genocide,

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Just because trump is an infinitely low bar doesn’t mean Biden isn’t actively supporting genocide.

I’m sick of seeing “But Trump is worse!!!!!1!” whenever there is a discussion of how fucking terrible Biden can be, especially on his candid genocide support. And the cries from the Democratic party to fall in line behind a president that is failing to support the will of the people in that party is a bit shitty, even though it is inevitable in such a hierarchical power structure.

Like, the problem isn’t “who would support genocide less” it is “why the fuck is the president supporting genocide” and the other question we should be asking is “what is causing us to be in the position that we are debating on who is the lesser evil pro genocide candidate”

Also, I’d like to point out that biden is a hardcore zionist. He will never not be a hardcore zionist. He will never be convinced to stop supporting israel, and we will lucky to even convince him to stop supporting israel until the genocide stops. Or to just call for a ceasefire now.

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It reminds me of a rowdy protest I went to a good while back, where two people in full bloc were holding eachother, exasperated, having drove off the cops and then marched through the streets in defiance of the state. A third person comes in, and hugs the other two, and they swayed together slowly in the light spring breeze.

It was a rough day, some comrades were arrested, and there was still work to be done, but it was a fabulous moment while it lasted.

I store them in my stomach

I wish my cats were too small to press my keys

I’ll get up to get coffee and see my cat loafing on the numpad and there’s a slack message of a bunch of random numbers still getting typed

And she bites me when I try and push her off!

I’ll admit lemmy is left wing, especially compared to sites like reddit, bluesky, voat, or any one of those fascist twitter clones like parler. But unlike the fascist twitter clones, I’d say many of the more popular instances here aren’t echo chambers, just spaces with larger overton windows.

there were no vaunted ideals of free speech

So? Even as someone who loves free speech (i am literally an anarchist), I recognize that speech has consequences, and sometimes those consequences are getting banned or defederated. This article talks about how not being a free speech absolutist makes a site more appealing by removing fascists, and lemmy’s issue with tankies by being more open to them. The second issue sorted itself out using federation and defederation.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing if people don’t want to see hate speech and wanf moderation. That was the feature that got me to join lemmy at first, beehaw was my first instance and was certainly the least toxic place I have found online.

Fuck prisons, nearly every time I hear about them it’s because of something like this.

The US injustice system is rotten to the core and needs to be torn down

Great, I wasn’t sure whether I’d see fascists “counter protesting,” a fascist plowing a car through the crowd, or police brutality/repression, and now I gotta add foreign terror to my threat modeling?

Fuck man, these were supposed to be my normal protesting experiences

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You need to be hydrated to participate in the revolution, we don’t want dehydrated comrades.

Drink more water.

I love how a guy with ChatGPT in their experience used a LLM for a job app…


I work in Cybersecurity, and although I loathe windows, I love the enterprise tier solutions microsoft has. Azure AD is great for management, it has useful federation features, and having centralized logins is useful during incidents.

Their DLP suite is phenomenal too. O365 logs integrate their platforms together in a convenient way.

But windows 11? Windows server? Practically anything else they touch (fuck azure cloud) is Disgusting. I’d rather throw my hard drive out the window and use a ancient drive with temple os than use windows 11

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Especially this guy

Wait, people trust corporate benchmarks?

That’s some serious capitalist realism you’ve got there, it would be a shame if you were incorrect.

Real big shame…

It would also be a shame if people are trying to put said other systems in action right now




Yoooo isn’t this the group that hacked the government a nuclear lab and NATO in the past?

Mad respect for their praxis on this one, ngl


I’m in the closet. I’ve only told a small group of friends who are enough degrees of separation away from my family that I don’t need to worry too much about it getting out. I haven’t told my family or most of my friends, considering that a mistake would result in that side of my family knowing. I’m bi and probably nonbinary.

I have some very bigoted family, fuck em. I don’t mind burning bridges with them, even though it would hurt for a little while. This family has cheered for the deaths of queer people, such as Nix Benedict. They have supported calls for genocide against queers, they have a huge amount of bigotry.

However, about 10-12 years ago, there was a debate over the existence of queer people in my family, regarding a string of current events about lgbt rights. My grandma, was the only person on that side of the US who supported the right for queer people to exist. My bigoted family was so upset that they just cut her out. She was blocked by that side of the family on social media, they’d drop her calls, and wouldn’t visit. My grandma was devastated. After the death of my grandfather, she was even more isolated, having nobody within 400 miles who would talk to her. Though she met up with the whole family to mourn for the funeral, she was still isolated for another month after it, until things healed a few months later and she was able to talk with that side of the family again.

I refuse to be the person who is the wedge in my family. I know my grandma good enough that she would still love and support me as a queer person, but I refuse to cause another split in my family that would harm my already very lonely and isolated grandma.

Even as an otherwise militant queer who had no problem coming out in a rough area like where I used to live, I draw the line on harming vulnerable people like my grandma. I just hate this situation so much.

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So, are you gonna tell me what’s racist, or what?

Some of it probably is Denuvo, which has a serious performance impact. IIRC it encrypts the assets in ram which needs to be unencrypted when needed, causing heavy CPU usage and performance loss.

Can’t say much about how it likely impacts this game in particular, I haven’t played it.

I don’t see anything racist about it, but I’ll take it down if it is racist.

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Masks are no indicator of criminality. The idea that bad protesters wear masks is complete horseshit. It serves to divide movements and prevent momentum from being gained. It seeks to dissolve solidarity that couls have been gained at the protests.

Masks allow peaceful protests to remain peaceful if they prevent the violence of the justice system. Sometimes protesters and organizers are simply arrested and thrown in jail for a bit, sometimes even given nonsense charges, which is something that happens to organizers and some protesters in my area.

As well as that, masks can simply be good secops in some counter-protests such as protesting against fascist marches, gatherings, etc. If I’m showing up to show nazis or boogaloos or proud boys that they are unwelcome, the last thing I want is a violent right wing extremist group to try and doxx me. If I’m escorting people to a drag-queen story hour, I don’t want fascists to doxx me.

It’s also smart in some areas, such as Harvard’s campus where organizers are constantly doxxed and accused of antisemitism even though they are not.

Finally, what if the government makes your particular movement illegal? What if they start throwing the book people, accusing everyone involved(or at least the ones they can catch) of domestic terrorism? Wearing a mask will make it a lot easier for you to maintain your freedom when faced with the tyrrany of the state.

Also, masks look cool, and that’s a pretty good reason imo.

I listened to this episode this morning, it was quite good.

I really like it when there is a focus on non-militant antifascsim. The mainstream media painted antifascism as just going out in bloc and fistfighting nazis, hurling rocks at the police, and general violence. Seeing everyday antifascism done by your average person is super important, especially with the vilification of antifa in the mainstream.

You think an entire people are one dimensional religious fundamentalists, based on an article of clothing worn by an entire people, even their queers?

Jesus fucking christ, you are being racist as hell

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I’m not surprised I don’t see any birds here, considering the only thing I do see is men made of straw.

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