LGBTQ+ Pride Month events could be targets of foreign terrorists, security officials warn to – 58 points –
LGBTQ+ Pride Month events could be targets of foreign terrorists, security officials warn

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Great, I wasn’t sure whether I’d see fascists “counter protesting,” a fascist plowing a car through the crowd, or police brutality/repression, and now I gotta add foreign terror to my threat modeling?

Fuck man, these were supposed to be my normal protesting experiences

a fascist plowing a car through the crowd

Which is perfectly legal in Florida, Oklahoma and possibly other fascist-occupied states too! 🤬

I know!

Like, jesus fucking christ, you are making it legal to fucking plow down protestors, ignoring their right to live, much less their first amendment rights to protest.

I fucking hate desantis and I wish him a very unpleasant rest of his life. I might not believe in heaven or hell, but I hope he never gets the pleasure of seeing his god face to face.